Help, My Man is an Aquarius! h
Great, you’ve pulled yourself an Aquarius man. What is more, it looks like this could be your most significant relationship yet. Congratulations! But what’s the most that you can expect from a relationship with an Aquarius man? Come to think of it (and you really should!) what’s the worst you can expect from an Aquarius man? The best first.
The Best Case Scenario with an Aquarius Man h
Get ready for a life which follows this pattern if you’ve bagged yourself an Aquarius: fun, fun, fun, laughter, laughter, laughter, sex, sex, sex, time out, time out, time out. If you like this sort of thing (and surprisingly many women don’t) then you’ve scored here. If you like being called on the phone all the time (surprisingly many women do) you’ve scored here too. You cheer him up and you love the way it makes you feel. Best thing though (and this suits modern career women) he’ll want you to get on and will be your greatest supporter, fan and champion. If you’ve pulled one of these Aquarius men - not the easiest of tasks – then well done! I mean it. Really well done!
The Worst Case Scenario with an Aquarius Man h
You’re having fun, fun, fun, laughter, laughter, laugher, sex, sex, sex time out, time out, time out, (as above). The last time you met you really connected and you arrange to meet again in a few days time. You’re there, eager and happy but he dumps you in the most cowardly way by not turning up. After that, you don’t hear anything from him so – eventually when you can’t take anymore not knowing – you call him. He’s in a really foul mood but cannot give a reason for dumping you.
Hang on though, this isn’t the end of it! Over the next few months he starts calling you again, all the feelings come flooding back – they are mutual – things go really well again and then he dumps you. Then, guess what? Exactly, repeat stages 1, 2 and 3 ad infinitum or get real. The problem is with the negative Aquarius man – even if you’re the most compatible prospective partner - there’s something in him which can’t commit - particularly if his first love went bad (he married a supreme tart for instance). If you are his perfect match that can unsettle him and (this will hurt you but) many Aquarius men will often settle for Ms or Mr Average than Ms or Mr Wonderful.
What it is about Aquarius that leads to this? It could be that Aquarius man feels uncomfortable playing for or with high stakes (ie the man or woman of his dreams) - he finds it exhilarating, fantastic even but can't be live with (for example) intense passion because he worries what will happen when it is taken away.
Meanwhile, my advice to any woman caught up in the worst case scenario with an Aquarius is to cut your losses - dump him!
NOTE added 9th December 2011 When this website was launched we knew that Aquarius men were difficult but really not that difficult. The comments that have been left by partners and ex-partners of Aquarius have been a eye opener. The few that have been left by Aquarius men have been total revelations. The feedback from these comments have enhanced the quality of the Astrology on this site.
NOTE added 9th December 2011 When this website was launched we knew that Aquarius men were difficult but really not that difficult. The comments that have been left by partners and ex-partners of Aquarius have been a eye opener. The few that have been left by Aquarius men have been total revelations. The feedback from these comments have enhanced the quality of the Astrology on this site.
I've only ever met the worst case scenario Aquarius men. They are two timing prats who treat women badly and should never be trusted.
ReplyDeletei second you... they are!
DeleteMe too!! Things went from really good to being ignored for an unknown reason. I tried reaching out to him 3 times with no response, not doing it again. His issues, not mine!!
DeleteI know this aqua guy for about a year its going to be. Everything went well at the start actually he's the 1 that wanted to have a relationship. Nov comes and his emails start getting less (LDR) in Dec we had an argument and I delete him off my fb, it's been 1 month we have started talking and he says he wants to take it slow and that's fine. But the last 2 weeks he has been ignoring my emails, and I realize he's busy and wants time for himself but how long should u give an aqua guy his space? I do love him, and want this relationship to work.
DeleteMy ex Aquarius calls me every year after his works Christmas party and tells me he misses me. He misses talking to me, he misses having a laugh with me, he misses sex with me. He has texted me with messages like: "sex with you was the best and will never be bettered". This has gone on for almost seven years. Will we ever really get back together or will he take up with someone who he doesn't get on with? Can you help?
ReplyDeleteWhat are you waiting for? Please, girl! There is a special someone waiting for you out there and you are just missing that opportunity, while you wonder "what would happen if he calls?" ???? Just move on. I bet it was a last experience while it lasted, but it's time to move on now.
DeleteI was just dumped by an Aquarius man when I thought things were going ok. I loved him completely but he cheated and the trust was gone, besides he was always checking his phone for whatever. He always talked about his exs and what he did with them, made me very jealous and then called me jealous. When I flirted with a guy to get back at him, he didnt get jealous, was like water off a ducks back. Thats amazed me. After the breakup, hes gone 'cold turkey'. I wonder if he will come back, like his sign described? The fun, passion, sex and then time out, is EXACTLY what happened in our relationship. So Im waiting to see if he will re-appear. Im sure he is contacting all those exs as well. And yes, he has alot of women friends. Why didnt I know all this before I got serious? I am very hurt. Loved him very much. The sex was AWESOME!
ReplyDeletei have just been dumped by an aquarian man in a bad way but he still wants to be mates and do everything we did b4 but he dosnt want to love me or care lol for 2half yrs i gave him everything m going to dump him now in a cruel way and tell him hes a shit friend and a user lol revenge
ReplyDeleteBloody typical of Aquarius men the illogical dumping syndrome. It is often the result of advice the easily led Aquarius has received from someone he trusts for some ridiculous reason. Sometimes it is because his mates pretend to be having a better time single or could be the problem they have with closeness which they perceive as encroaching on their space...
ReplyDeletewow! all of the above comments about Aquarius men have shed some light on my current situation. i just got dumped OUT OF NOWHERE (now that i read this, i wish i would've known) and it hurts like hell. he had so many female friends and didn't understand my jealousy. always checking his phone, just like someone already said. i guess i truly am better off without him. just sucks because the sex was phenomenal. on to the next... wish i could be as detached as him!
ReplyDeleteAs an aquarius female, he may seem to be detached, but he is not. He's just not showing his feelings and emotions, but believe me, they are there. They probably became "too" strong, and it frightened him. Then he pulled back.
DeleteJust came across this site. I agree with the comment above. I'm an Aqua female too, the feeling are definately there....we're pros at hiding them!
DeleteI agree. Im an aquarius female currently dating an aquaruis male for 2months now... And I already love him to death.. aquas catch feelings fast. He has already tolde he loves me but he is still always busy and distant and never ansers his phone but I jusy give him his space and he always comez back. The most important thing to keeping an aquarius around is to give them their space. Dont nag... And never ever try to control them or manipulate theur emotions... Ever!
DeleteLOL I just started dating an Aquarius man (2 months now) and boy did he turn out to be the exact opposite as what he claimed to be. But after a few weeks and ALOT of research on his sign I began to understand him and realize his detachment isn't personal. Once you accept this than you'll be fine. I do worry that I won't be able to keep him interested, but I don't let him know this!
ReplyDeleteAre u a gemini
DeleteSo you've lasted two months! This hardly makes you an expert. The fact that you haven't returned here to add to your "success with an Aquarius man" story is probably proof that this relationship has ended and instead of sharing your experience you've decided to lay low.
Deletehi...aquarius guys are special when they want to be special, are everything you want because they only like to get what they put into their minds and achieve it as long as will take. Therefore they take long time to do certain things such as getting a girl in strange ways, I met one guy online and kept coming back to me and saying big words to me like i love u or we will get married, and never met, but it is amazing how they seem to be so committed to what they say they actually feel everything, however u only should be naive to fall in their trap because reality is another thing where they just don't belong in my perspective.
ReplyDeletegreat insight...and after they rip you apart, they most certainly WILL dump you...
DeleteI met an aquarius over the summer and we have been together for almost three months now. The only part I hate is that he won't commit. I try to bring it up in a calm way and he just says we shouldn't have to worry about that if everything s going right. I mean now all my friends are getting in relationships and meanwhile im not and they start asking and the explanation of his personality doesnt get their respect and its starting to lose mine too...
ReplyDeleteI've been dating a 9 years older aquarian guy(20-29).We met on his bro's b-day and two days after that he called me for the first time,and then he started texting me every day.two weeks later we started to go out together every weekend.He even made facebook account just to chat with me.He was my dream guy,i met his parents,i'm a great friend of his brother and all his friends.the worst thing is that im a scorpio :/ and when he started to blame me for not being romantic and asking me to tell him what i feel for him i fell in love and told him that.Then he changed and told me he doesn't want an relationship etc. i died inside :(
ReplyDeleteLately we argue alot see each other every two weeks,he doesn't call anymore and im crazy over him.I don't know why is 'relationship' such a big deal for him,when we act like we are together...he calls me and presents me as his girlfriend and we are not dating other ppl,he works whole week and never goes out...only on weekends when i go. :'(
That is why it was such a big deal for him. Because you two were only acting. With an Aquarius, we need to hear things. We are stimulated mentally by words. Showing is not enough and so if you can't express what you feel verbally then it will never work. It never works with a Scorpio because they are always too afraid of losing control and admitting to their feelings and as much as your heart breaks in the end when we pull back, it's because you've already broken ours and we detach.
DeleteI am an Aquarian Male and a little late with this post. But maybe I can shine a little light on things. I have been married for 20 years to the same woman. Things weren't always perfect, but it took time. Aquarian men love their independence and needs a woman who can understand that need and support it as well. We need that alone time to meditate on things and to contemplate our lifes choices. I love the outdoors and enjoy being one with nature. I also love competetive sports that require thinking and strategy. Aquarian men are thinkers and we are stimulated by the mind. We also love a good challenge. But one thing about us Aquarian men, when we're away from our women it makes us want you more!!! As far as the cheating, it may be that you are just not compatible and maybe there is something that's not setting right with him and maybe he is afraid of talking to you about it. We dislike when someone is always right and its their way or the hiway....we believe in respecting both sides of opinions. So if you are trying to force your ways on the Aquarian male, you will lose him very quickly. I have a lot more to say, but not enough time. Good luck with your Aquarian man and I hope this has helped.
ReplyDeletehi aquarius man..m an aquarian female..i liked an aquarian guy..thnx 4 posting ths..else i had become so scared that was about 2 brk all contacts wd him..i dnt kno his feelings 4me yet..guess m comfy nt knowing!!hehe....i 2 luv my independence n m ok wd the distance...
DeleteAll this dump aquarius business....interesting. The issues that an aquarius loves to deal in real life noone dares to deal. That is what bores him. The aquarian doesn't mind to put on an act for a while to please anyone. But it was just an act and canoot contonue for ever.
DeleteI'm a taurus dating an aquarius guy. I've read many site about compatibility of our signs etc, and I think it really comes down to how well you communicate and under one another. We technically are not a good match, but I say that's BS. We have been together for 6 months and I don't have any complaints. He's sweet, affectionate, caring, and finds ways to make me feel special so they definitely aren't as cold as everyone makes them out to be. I read up on aquarius personality traits before we got serious and I'm able to give him the things he needs to be himself (space, mind stimulation, etc). Sometime knowledge & understanding is more important than analyzing his every move. Just my 2 cents...
DeleteHello everyone I'm an Aquarius guy! Honestly I am shock about this...What am I reading!?!? I'm 29 Years old and I am totally the opposite way!! One things I can assure you.. I had been cheat on 4 times and still give my support to that female but now and then,I'm just a loner as always.. don't wanna get hurt again. who knows what's next...
ReplyDeleteI think aquarius men like being cheated on. My ex stayed with severl cheating exes... I proved to be the perfect woman for him and it bored him and he dumped me. I guess i didn't keep him on his toes.
DeleteI dated an aqua man for about 2 years...all you could ask for in a man. He was afraid of commitment, but like the best case says: fun, fun, fun, laughter, laughter, laughter, sex, sex, sex. . . .i accepted him his mood swings, and the bad case scenario. . .time out, time out, time out. I was his number one friend, but he had plenty of female friends. I'm a cool chick as long as I know your friends I'm cool. Then one day he left the house and told me I could not go with him. He went to help a 'friend' I new nothing about because she had a flat. The problem is that he only told me this after one of my friends saw him with her. She kissed him and he told me it was no big deal. I broke up with him and he did the no contact thing with me for 4 weeks. We finally talked I told him I was willing for both of us to work on our problems and move on--he wasn't sure what he wanted. He didn't call me for 3 more weeks and then one day he called as if nothing had ever happened. He came over and wanted to know if we could be friends. I declined. My shared lesson for everyone--relationships are difficult alone. You should not have to beg someone to commit to you and deal with their disappearing acts. Find someone that is ready for what you are ready for--life is too short and there are more fish in the sea.
ReplyDeleteLove this!! Aqua men...This is so strange how so many act alike! I am a gemini and I couldn't even stand all the "games" and I like games but at a certain point I just told him straight up that I was tired of the bs and that he was confusing and I haven't heard from him since and as far as I'm concernd good riddance!!!
DeleteAquarian men do my head in. A relationship is like a big game to them. When they can't get you they try their hardest to chase you, they play mind games and generally try to confuse the hell out of their victim. Then when they catch you or are able to figure you out, they drop you like a hot rock... Don't ever tell an aquarian you love him. EVER. If you do you have lost "the game" wtf??
ReplyDeletei just met an aqaurian man, and we lay together, hold each other, he dont say much. when we chilling, or i sleep in his arms he says this feels good. but yet, he would change his profile pitchure to a photo he and a girl took together, he would make comments on other people pages, flirtacious ones to. he would kiss me and say enjoy my day at work. i told him whatever he do please dont put my life in jeapordy if he chooses to be with other people he claim he would do that. we do chat, i crak jokes, very very sexual um hm compatible, hes said to me you my kind a freak. i only cooked for him once becuase im understanding that we are friends. i wanna know whats up with this new photo he got up and the other flirts on other chiks pages, please please email me your repies msweetestme@yahoo.com
ReplyDeletei am a capricorn woman (9th) and met a aquarius man (24th) over the new years period, we have been keeping in touch since with chats and texts, i like him alot but i feel like all he wants is sex, everything on here sounds just like him, fun, flirty, alot of female friends... i dont want to be a girl that gets left behind. What to do?
ReplyDelete@ Capricorn woman above - I have the same b-day as you (!) & am 'involved' with Aquarius man, too...
ReplyDeletemy best guess is just: never let him figure you out completely - just be a mystery. they love puzzles!
keep us posted -we're rooting for you!
Hey there I am a capricorn too and born the same day as u But my aqua bf is born on the day after. We've been together for almost 2 yrs now.he is 9 yrs older and I'm in my early 20s.we r pretty happy together and he's always loyal to me.met all his family and he seems pretty serious about me??have to admit that he's hot and cold sometimes and it confused me a lot but I guess im used to it now but still gets me when I'm in a bad mood so I just ignore him and tell myself not to think too much. Anyway will keep you posted :)
DeleteAquarians are hard to read. My Aquarian of nearly 3 years is none of the above!! Good God he is not any of the men you speak of. He is stubborn, what man or woman isn't? He loves to be right, what man or woman doesn't? I think you are what you are, and mostly the making of your upbringing. My man is kind and generous. Thoughtful and caring. Never goes out unless its together. Has high morals and believes in give and take. He honestly does everything for me and has never faltered that in nearly 3 years. Oh and he's committed. He wants to get married, its me that doesnt think thats the big issue! Every man and woman on this earth has the potential to be a liar, a cheat and just down right nasty. Its what you bring out in each other, its the 50/50 all the way down the line, that makes it work. In my opinion and I wouldnt swap him for all the tea in the Zodiac!! Happy dating people. X Georgia (sillytits)
ReplyDeleteI have been dating an Aquarius for a year and the best way to deal with them is to ignore them it drives them CRAZY!!!! when they talk listen, ask 1 or 2 well thought out questions about what they said then listen to the response and don't say anything else just stare off in space or watch tv then they will try to figure out what you're thinking. Pretend that you are alway thinking about something! ONLY call once or not at all they hate being ignored! I am a Cap woman & we bump heads all the time but what do I do IGNORE HIM and make it seem like I have a million things to do more important than hanging out with him! They want to chase not be chased that's why they leave for weeks at time and don't call because you killed the chase by smothering him!!!
ReplyDeleteI was with an aquarian man for 3 months then he dumped me..after 6 weeks he texted saying he realised he wants me...two weeks later he dumped me again..syas it all!!!
ReplyDeleteI'm dating an aquarius man if thats what you want to call it. He tells me he only loves me , wants to be with only me. I am the one who tells him I dont want a relationship with him for I have recognized his faulty behavior. He will love me soo hard and the second I show that back ; he outta town !! literally! I'm a libra we are so very compatible . Did i mention he is gorgeous? These damn dissapearing acts are so ridiculous and I need more. I dont know if there's someone else although i dont know what to believe. I know he doesnt want me to give up but I need attention and time. I shouldnt have to just sit around for him to come to me.
ReplyDeleteI just got dumped today via text message. My Aqua man is 35 and I am 34. True we both had a lot of baggage and he had his first freak out just 3 weeks into our 3 month relationship. Last night I got upset with him for going out with his boys when I had not seen him all week and today he dumps me! There is more to this story on my blog but I am curious if he will come back if I ignore him totally.
ReplyDeleteI have been dating an Aquarius man for 3 months, i am a Gemini which i have read is one of their best matches, he has definitely been the first man i can really be myself around. Our time was so much fun from start to last wk when he told me he doesnt want a relationship, completely out of the blue, im gutted, he's now cut me off completely, no contact at all, he hasnt even suggested we stay friends, i understand they like time out, and i can handle that if i know that he WILL come back. Can anyone tell me if he is likely to come back or has he gone for good :( Many Thanks
ReplyDeleteHello , I'm a libra women (october 11) and I just recently got out of a relationship with an aquarius man(feburary 4) . The relationship started off great everything was coool . But just like the worst case scenario things went down the tubes . its crazy because he was the 1 who asked me out first then id go for days w.o seeing or hearing from him. I would always b patient with him and jus wait it out. But it got irrotating ! When we were together he would just stare @ me and smile alooooot !(wth) shortly after some of my friends started telling me all these things about him cheating on me. I would always ask him n he would lie all the time. I asked him if he was gettin tired of me and he says no I'm not he would telll me if I was. just a couple days ago I dumped him but said we can be friends . Then he added we were gooing to be back together but that wer on a break !
ReplyDeleteIdk abouut him HELP CONFUSED !
Oh yeah evrytime I tried to break up with him he did alot to keep me but went right back to his old ways . Hmmmmmmm yah idk
single mom dating, sounds EXACTLY like my situation... Aquarius man, talked up the future and then 5 weeks in, BOOM - *GONE*. Told me he was scared, work was too busy etc etc. All via text and now he's ignoring me. I'm done. I don't put up with immaturity like that, especially not from a man in his late 30s. I've spoken my mind and that's that. Move on ladies, you deserve better!
ReplyDeleteI was seduced by an Aquarious October last year. He was so eager in the beginning, and i was playing it cool. We dated for 16 weeks.Then boom! he told me he had another all along, and dumped me to be with her. He was in love with her he said. 6 weeks later he starts to seduce me again, and works hard at it for 6 weeks before I agree to meet him again.
ReplyDeleteWe hooked up for three weeks, I asked him: Where is this going, why are you back? He said he thinks we talk so well, the sex is great but he is afraid he cannot fall in love.
Then, I dumped him on a text. Two weeks later, he calls me again, says he wants to make it up to me, and invites me on a trip with his brothers.
The very next day, ouch- there was not enough seats in the car. (This happens 30 minutes before we where suppsed to leave). I just asked him: What kind of guy are you?
Then, 5 days later he sends me a txt, says he feels so bad about what happend and want to make it up to me again, wonders if I will meet him.. Then 24 hours later i just txt him: What do you think you want to achive with your ways? The things you do are insane! That is two days ago now, and I have not got any answer,
Now I am almost about to call him, but I wont...but I do wonder if he will ever call me back... I have never met anyone playing the game like this. It is CRAZY, either he lies or he .... LORD! 7 months of my life like this.....
This is a late reply....one year late. I'm an Aqua girl and yes Aqua guys are "different" but this guy, I hope you didn't call him. He is plainly disrespectful....
DeleteAll Aqua men are NOT exactly the same...
OMG...I should have read this blog before I got involved with such an idiotic sign!!! I'm into Astrology...I love reading about my own. Yes, I am a Libra...all about me I know!!!
ReplyDeleteWell being an air sign myself oddly enough all my best friends and even brothers are all Air signs. Aside from my parents being both Leos...
I am as airy you can get!!! I don't run with emotions I actually don't even bother checking in with them! Everything to me is intellectual!!! Well let me tell you about my experience with Mr. Aquarius aka Mr. Headache!!
When I first met this prize I thought he was alright nothing special. I could see the twinkle in his eye...To be honest he isn't even my type!! Anyhow, I went against my better judgement and went out with him. Well my great "Air" signs friends which consist of Aquarius and Gemini and Libra keep telling me to give him a chance knowing that I wasn't into him but he was tolerable so I did. I dated a cust cap/auq before him what a nightmare. Anyhow, he stood me up I'm not ur typical Libra to stay quiet I have a mouth on me of course very diplomatic! Ok, so then he sends me a text telling me how he has a lot going on and how he wants us to chill a bit because he feels a strained these days! My response to him was that's fine....My motto is this I know what I want and it isn't you...I will not a man play with my emotions...If he comes back it's not going to be to a understanding and loving person. He will get told off and sent on him merry way! Why would I even want him as a friend? If you can't take my feelings into consideration why would I take yours. Play fair!!
Ladies...I've read all your posts! I know we can't control who we fall for or our feelings. Let's at least remember that we all deserve someone that values, loves, and wants to make us a priority in their lives!!! Let's also remember that they aren't the only fishes in the sea!!! Their are great guys out there that are just waiting to meet you!! We deserve better and loving ourselves and respecting ourselves is what we should be concentrating on...Not worrying if those idiots will contact us again!!!! These are my thoughts and good look to you all in your ventures!!!
I agree
DeleteJust wish I didn't feel any love for him
aquarius men are weirdos. I told this guy I was seeing "you're such a weirdo" and he laughed and agreed...seemed to take it as a compliment.
ReplyDeleteI would be offended if someone called me a weirdo??
they're aliens and think women are like buses, if they miss one, another one will come along. do not get attached until it actually proposes. until then, you are just an experiment.
ReplyDeleteI find it comical that you asked him to quit his second job in order to date you and so he backed off and he is the jerk? Wow! He confessed his feelings for you and the moment he did, you gave him an ultimatum because of your own selfishness. He spotted the selfishness a mile away and ran for the hills. I'm not trying to be callous, but being honest that I would have run too. The reason for me having a 2nd job is irrelevant. What is relevant is a woman DEMANDING that I quit it to be with her. You CLEARLY don't understand what space is! Sorry you didn't understand that it was you!
DeleteI am a libra woman who has also just been dumped by Aquarius man! We have been together for a year an a half an everything has been perfect / amazing, allowing me to believe this man was my soul mate, when out of the blue he has decided it's been "a year and a half now" and he can see where it's all going and it's not what he wants!! He is 15 years older than me (I am 34) and chased me to date him in the beginning. After a reluctant start on my part, I then fell head over heels for him, only for him to leave me high and dry. He has always insisted "I'm it" when really he may love me but he loves his independance and freedom much more. I have been careful never to put pressure on him to move in etc but he decided the time had come to have a flip out on his own! I am truely gutted about the whole thing as I feel he has ruined everything we had for nothing?! Considering his age an other peoples comments on here, it's clear they never grow up or out of their weird behaviour - which by the way he has admitted maybe a little uncoventional!! I am really struggling with this one, we are currently ignoring each other and after reading the comments I won't be giving in first.
ReplyDeleteDon't call! I hope you didn't! Another point dear....is that it is a thrill to ANY man to be dating a girl 15 years younger...
DeleteHope you met someone who makes you happy!
I'm so relieved to have found this website. It's helping me to heal from an immature aquarius man. I am a Gemini (Cancer rising). The relationship started out casual and I thought I was "safe" and could not get attached because we were so different, but I was sadly mistaken. The sex was amazing and he was beautiful. He was smart and made me laugh. Did I mention he was also penniless and uneducated? I have a masters degree and a career. All of this did not matter in the end. I got hooked and didn't care whether or not he made a lot of money or if my family or friends would accept him. He was smart, made me laugh and gave me amazing sex. That's all I cared about. After 1 year of being in a non-committed but monogamous relationship I told him it had been fun, but I needed to find someone who could commit to me. He flipped out and said he would commit, but that when he commits, he typically ends up ruining the relationship.
ReplyDeleteI was so in love with him at the time that I told him I'd give it a try. (I could not take being introduced as his "friend" one more time!) At that point we had been seeing each other every other day or every 2 days. After he "committed" I saw him less and less. He was either hanging out with his friends or going to the gym - he was not with me. We broke up at least 3 times and got back together, each time he said that he would make time for me. He could not do that and eventually moved to SF to be closer to him family (he was a mama's boy!). Long story short, we still stayed in touch and I visited him in SF and he visited me in LA. In the end, I confessed that I wanted to be with him and that if we were really in love, we could make it work. He did not say he loved me, but said he would "show" me how much he cared for me when he saw me next and basically said he wanted what I wanted - to be together. Needless to say, he never came to visit as planned. Did not return my calls or texts and it's over. (After almost 2 years.) I did not believe him when he said he wanted what I wanted (he had lied in the past), but the disappearing act was very hurtful. I had a dream he came back to me, but I'm hoping I can stay strong and never go back. It's hard to describe our connection, but I never felt anything like it before. I thought it was something worth fighting for and he agreed, but then ran away.
If you are looking for a "real" relationship and actually want to see the person you are committed to, I would highly suggest going for another sign. I'm sure there are "good" Aquarius men out there, but from all the websites I've read, they're generally liars, womanizers, mind f*ck-ers, hot and cold, and will leave you without notice. They will give you the best time of your life, but you'll pay dearly for the ride. In my experience, it's not worth it. Guard your hearts and your sanity. If you really want a loving and true relationship, move on and don't look back. Best of luck to all of you.
Ok. So this aqua(feb.4) chased me for 5 months...we hooked up in december 2010..n have seeneach other everyday since then he only ignored/disappeared on me for 2 consecutive days since then. Aside from me leaving outta town on occasions. But in feb. After his bday he says he want to move in with me only till the middle of april 2011..He says it wont even seem like hes there..(hes there every day from 6pm_6am)....now I was allowing him to stay as a friend basis..(ima virgo btw sept.11) but by the time hes there I cook dinner n of course ima share...n by us being together everyday ive grew feelings for this man..i try my hardest not to show it. We been intimate a few times as well. Ive fallen in love, me being a virgo we fall hard,but can bounce back quickly. he pays bills buy groceries n gives me money for myself. We have had gd convos..i felt we had a good connection so I asked him 1dayy are u here basically..he tells me he need to be out here(my house location) to get to another place. Basically my house is convienient at the time..n to see me in the process. Ok so I never asked again...i continue to be men fall deeper fir this man...i cater to him basically..ive met friends even female friends of his. now its May I notice he slowy disappearing he went from texting me all day if I dont respond hes calling. To less texting, less call...not coming to my house the usual time to a later time to not comin at all not callin at all. Usually when I text him he responds or if, I call he always answers if not he calls back. But now he goes 2 or 3 days w/o any contact so I do the same..thn whn he dies text he ask y I havent text him im forgeting about him . But while were in the middle of texting he doesnt respond! Nor call for 2 or 3 days! Im losing patience but I know he cares! Or does he!? Can someone plz! Help with whats goin on?! Should I move on to another man or wait till he come back to earth? btw right before he disappeared I asked him if I bore him he said no he enjoy spendin time with me n then he asked me the same question I replied with the same answer.. I also asked him how much longer he was gone be staying there. I said not in rush for him to leave but whenever he decide could he let me know ahead of time n tht I dont want him to leave at all he said ok. I talk to him after tht but now no contact. Did that have something to do with the ignoring n disappearance??
ReplyDeleteLove all ur post and am learnin everyday through my readin about Aqua Man. Am an African Pisces whoz been going out with my Aqua for over three yrs. I met him wen i was goin through serious break up n in the beginning love was in the air and I was hard to get coz didn't want to commit again n he did everythin to make him fall in love with him which a finally did. We both living in a foreign country every time trying to find out about his life back in Africa he changes the subject but he only said he has a baby with a woman but their not married but recently came to find out he propose to the woman n has already paid her bride price when i confronted him he accepted n claims he luvs n wants me but us being in this foreign country don't hav right to his life can't go to his house unless i call him, he valued his friends more than me, he has a lot of female friends n he flirts a lot at the end of the day he will say he has never love a woman like the way he loves me i tried to end the relationship so many times but he will find one perfect one to convince me then we are back together am confused hav wasted years and am stuck i hav chased away all the men who loved me passion just to be with him coz to me he is a challenge but am running out of time and patient and honestly i hav never been lonely like this before seriously need sum advice @phivice@yahoo.com
ReplyDeletemet an aqua guy four months ago, all went well, slow pace, very stimulating discussions, then he pulled the disappearing act, I confronted them, at fist they denied it then admitted they had commitment issues, agreed to discuss it a week ago, but they haven't called back, is that it?
ReplyDeleteI'm a true Libra 10/15 and I have a friend Aqua male and he is all the above- ;-( i feel so drained by him- we are not evening a couple just friends with benefits but I still get the headaches and pain as if we were dating- he actually makes me angry when we are around each other for more than a day- I stop going out in public because of all the things he has done to get attention from anyone with a Vagina, It became embarrassing- I'm afraid to talk about anything serious because of the lies. I have never heard ten different version of one event, it's like he forgot which lie he told or forgot he told me the truth. Either way- every story has a female in it, evening if all he did was go to the dumpster in a empty alley wow really. He has never been faithful to any of his girlfriend which is why, I was not hurt that he did not persue that route- the easy thing to do is let him go but I take pleasure in knowing that we are just friends but feel guilty because a real friend accept you, flaws and all which he has no problem repeating this statement whenever he feels me straying away- I'm not so angry anymore- thanks for sharing the stories- :-)
ReplyDeleteWOW! That is too much of a coincidence, wonder if your aqua friend is the same one I've been dealing with and therefore doing research...that dumpster story might have been with me long funny cute story...but one thing for sure he's not a liar. He's always honest...brutally honest.
DeleteI know the trials and tribulations all to well dealing with my aqua-man. I have been 'seeing' my aqua for 4 years this month. Its been a roller-coaster from the start. He swears he loves me and that I am his woman...yet on his FB and other online sites he has listed himself as single. When asked he states its because when he set the profiles up, he was single...(not true).
ReplyDeleteWhen the person in a previous post stated the ten different versions of one event...this is also true with my aqua. And he can come up with some pretty outlandish tales. At first I felt offended that he would insult my intelligence with such off the wall stories, but now I recognize it as what it is...BS. The disappearing act is so real in my world. Everytime I get to the point of just walking way- he pops back up and the vicious cycle starts all over again. He is a very attractive man and I know he got chicks wanting him. He claims he is with the one he loves...me. But hell he can talk a good game, but after 4 years has yet to show it, besides breaking me off nice in bed. I know deep down that I need more from a relationship and often question my reluctance for dropping this guy. I swear, as much time he is not around, I would really be without lost. But I am not there yet and found myself just dealing with it in hopes he will come around to see how great a woman I am and make me his official. But I am a dreamer and I hope soon to wake up. So I can actually find someone who can appreciate me. Any of these post that question if they should stick it out...if you are questioning it, then nine times out of ten, u should run before its too late. I sure wish I had sense enough early in this game. Whats every more funny and when I read the post on this site..I begin to wonder if any of these women were talking my aqua-man. I do not trust him as far as I can throw him...and that isnt very far.
But in my defense, when he is around, he is great. He treats me sooooo good. But between his kids, his jobs and his many many friends...he seem to have very little time for me. But get this..he told me he does not know how to love....do u believe that, who doesnt know how to love? Get out of here. All I have ever asked is for him to be str8 up with me. If he wants to see other people, let me know...lets talk about it. But this disappearing and reappearing is making me dizzy and desperate to be loved. I am just waiting for change...either he will proclaim to the world I am the one or this will have to end. I am getting way too old to waste time on a man who is too fickle to know how to love...ya know.
Good luck to all of the brave souls who dare to love an Aquarius man, its not for the weak at heart.
The problem with Aquarius men is that they are so fun and charming when you can keep their attention but take your eye off the ball and away they scuttle.
ReplyDeleteMy Aquarius man is so reliable. I'll call u when i get to the river. Yeh, what the Nile? He's all of the above. He' says he'll call in the morning. What year? He has no concept of time. Girls, you have to have a life. He's not going to be there. He's too busy trying to figure things out in their brains. I've done everything we are advised not to do. "If" he has someone on the side, she get just as anoide like the rest of us. They have the ability to cause our brains to split. i just triedto seduce mine and nothing. Chase? No. It's us being pushed and pulled-that's takes stamina. Eat your Wheaties. You're going to need it to take of yourself. Buck up little mister!!!
March 16, 04.53pm
Ah yes the Aquarian man!!!!!!!!!
A law unto himself!!!
And yes this one was a BIG LIAR, SECRETIVE, CHEATING THIEF!!!
Took all he could emotionally and financially. Ripped me off, de-frauded me and then disappeared to the other side of the world no doubt to seek out his next victim. DO NOT GO THERE!!!!
Extremely charming,clever and a wonderful lover until he had extracted all that he could and then BYE BYE BABY!!!!
The Aquarius man I dated turned out to be the complete opposite of how he was in the beginning. Same old story...he played alot of games. I wasn't that into him, but i still went along with it, i fell in love with him...i was so deep in love with him, we decided to get pregnant.. he promised me marriage , and even bought me a ring. He pressured me into telling my family i was pregnant, called me a murderer because i was thinking about an abortion...as soon as i told my mother, he went crazy on me, and said "why did i tell her???" he made me tell her that it was a joke....wtf was that? he emotionally presurred me by making me feel bad about getting an abortion, and then when i decided to keep it, he said why i did that???? he made me chase after him so bad.. it took over control of my life, lost my friends, my dignity, i let him call me names, i used to cry , and he would get mad that i am crying. He disrespected me so much, finally after one year, i left him, and for 3 weeks, he was going crazy. I blocked his number, so he was trying to get a hold of me from a payphone all the time...lol. he finally realized, but now its back to the same thing. I now have left. Girls, if you are an emotional person...dont ever get with an aquarius. And just like the other post..if you are weak hearted like i am, dont ever get with an aquarius, They will rip you apart.
ReplyDeleteThey are totally weirdo.I met a one guy in my office and guess wat?he an aquarius.Just like typical aquarius,they treat u nice,they listened to your story,He like to said sweet things to you until u think he falls for you but at the end,he said that we just fren.wtf?he left and acted like strangers to me.A few weeks later,he came back and beg to me "can we still chat like before?can i just be your friend?wat the hell that he is thinking?
ReplyDeleteI just totally ignored him,make an appearance and walked by his place w/out looking at him.Get slimmer and do more workouts so that i look better and act nothing happend like i never knew him before.
This weirdo guy always email and contact me back which i didnt response at all and until now,he still doing all those things and hope that i will be his frens but so sorry..i just cant accept wat he has done to me..i just hate being dumped and hopefully that i did not meet any aquarius guy after this.It was totally hurt my feelings...
Deletewhat a story i am reading.....i just found out that my aqua boyfriend got married/engaged. he promised me so much. now he just chainged and he doesnt even give me a good reason. god. i loved him so much and i truested him alot. he loves having sex and each ime he says he never loved a woman like me we dated 4 years. i live in Dubai and he is from nigeria. it was painfull for me to belive this. i dont know what i did to God such things happen to me. i dont know who i have offended in this my life time. as they say if you hurt a woman or date a married man and the woman cries that it is not good. i dated a man before 6 years who is married and his wife suffered alot by our relationship and i remember her every time even though they are not devorced and happily married still. i remember the woman alot. she use to cry when her husbabd my boyfriend then tells her he will marry me. she was beautiful and innocent but i hated her becuse she was his wife. he spent much time with me and she use to call him to come back home she was alone mostly with her kids and i remember him telling me he hate her. she cried alot. mabye what i did to her is affecting my relationships now. i understand now what it is like when your boyfriend marries another when hes still with you. i can imagine what she felt with her kids when her man was with me all the time. she must have gone through hell just as i am going through now. i ask myself should i ask her to forgive me it has been 6 years now? i see her most of the time and i have her number. but she might not remember me but for me i get desturbed alot. mabye it is what i did that caused me such pain. i dont know what to do now. i feel like dying every man i meet seems to only want to have sex with me and pretend they will marry me then suddenly change what is happening to me ...i need advise i am so lonely now and i dont even know what to tell my friends and family all thought he will marry me i am so confused please help.i feel like killing myself i think its better i am not working now and it is like i dont see tomorrow. i need advise guys - please leave a comment below address it:
ReplyDelete@ Suffering in Dubai
This Aquarius man that caught my eye approached me and actually made the first move because I didn't think he would like me. I've known him at college for 2 years now and he's in my friends classes. I would never make the first move but he did and I knew he has so many girls after him which is why I didn't think anything of it. Anyway we started talking and exchanging numbers and texting things started to look promising as you would think. Then he used to give me mixed signals, said that he was 'married' to some girl from Facebook who I had never heard of, made me look like a complete utter fool so I blanked him totally. Didn't see him for a whole year then BAM as I was studying for my exams he approached me as if nothing happened, asking me how I was etc. I kept telling myself to blank him but I couldn't so I played it cool we started talking more as friends and spoke face to face continuously for a long time. He was interested in the things I was saying and was very nice to me. He was very flirtatious and asked if he could kiss me and I refused and said no. As we were ending the conversation he was about to leave and BAM he kissed me. Aquarius like to break the rules and feel great when they do, I just did not know what to do after that. He texts me when he wants to on his terms. The best thing I've done is blank him, it is the best remedy girls who are trying to get their attention.
ReplyDeleteI dated my Aquarius man for a year and a half. Previously to us dating we were the best of friends. We've known each other for about seven years. We've always kept in contact over the years. It was a long distant relationship in the beginning. For a while we had actually lost contact. I stumbled upon his existence in high school. Years later I saw him by accident when I was touring a college. Being that we had already been good friends the chemistry was amazing. I'm a libra september 29th, and him, feb 4th.He's an artist and does tattoos. Very social and loves to meet new people which I have no problem with. He's quirky and very considerate and sweet. We made love as if each time would be our last and it was amazing. It literally lasted for hours. Anyway after stumbling into him by accident we became very acquainted. I moved in with him. I cooked for him everyday, washed his clothes, took care of him when he became sick, massaged his body with all the love I had to give. I am deeply inlove with this man. We've had arguments but we never stayed mad at each other. I was going to the college in the town where he lives so I figured I 'd have my education as well as have the pleasure of being with the one I adore. He was loyal, faithful, and never lied. He had no desire for another woman. Recently he broke up with me, kicked me out, and became very bitter. He valued trust and friendship greater than the relationship we had worked so hard to build. He even talked about marrying me and having children. He said that I was his soulmate and I believe he is mine. ANyway,finding a job was hard and it had been about a year without me being employed. Although my aqua man was very supportive, I didn't want him to feel as if I was making no effort of getting my own or solely relying on his pay.He was literally taking care of me and said he didn't mind. I have a need for independence. I had began doing some exotic dancing behind his back. I told him the truth about it on the first occasion and he said he'd rather continue to work harder to provide for me rather than me stripping for money. I continued to do it telling myself it would be temporary. On about the fourth occasion after telling him I would not go back to dancing, he asked me where I was one night and out of fear I lied. I looked him in the face and lied. Someone he knew had saw me and reported the info back to him the same night. He feels betrayed and said I was the first woman that he has truly opened his self up to. I feel terrible and I regret my decisions. Even after the break up the sex was intense but he kept going back and forth with me on rather or not we'd be together. I love him with all my heart and looking back, my actions were selfish.I just didn't want things to get to a point where he may have thought I wasn't giving my best effort into finding a job. I desire no one else but him,never cheated, never even had thoughts of another man but he said that he has moved on.It's only been about three months. I just need to know if I have a chance at ever having the honor of being with him again. I miss him. He knows that I am sorry but he just wont budge. Now it seems that we have no contact at all. He becomes frustrated when I call but he says he'll always love me. When i ask if he'll give me another chance he says not right now but I don't know what the future holds. He even says that he has a new girlfriend now. He is my soulmate though and I am confused. Do I move on and keep hope? I want him, I miss him. Everything was perfect but my dishonesty put me in a bad place. He even gave me an engagement ring. Now I can not move forward because my love for him will not fade. Do I give up on the man I believe is my soulmate? Will he ever give me another chance? I realize that I was wrong And I'd do anything to be back in his arms.PLEASE HELP or email me at unexplainablethoughts@yahoo.com
ReplyDeleteIt's just all fun and games for these men. They want a woman made of stone. If you have a heart, get away while you can. Mentally challenged freaks
ReplyDeleteHi everyone, I am a cancerian girl who likes an Aquarius guy at work. He'd shown interest in me for more than 1 year, the long stares, coming near me to talk to me on his own on many occassions, getting jealous when i talk more to another guy, "pacifying me" when I get upset with him..but in the end when I asked him he went "huh? he sensed no difference in the way he treats me and other colleagues". I felt very upset.. I admit am partly to blame cos I was moody towards him at times and he got upset over it before though I will apologise to him I didn't mean it. But his email sounded rather cold and heartless... like he never cared in the first place :( He has gone overseas to study. I hope I will be ok when I see him 1 year later.. Ladies I feel for you when I read about your stories. If he really breaks your heart, be brave to move on, you can do it!
ReplyDelete__ !! READ. READ. READ !! __
Yes he liked you, then he loved you, ya'll had great sex, lots of sex, hes calm, cool,collect .. hes secretive, all ways talking 2 "other girls" all ways accusing you""" uses his CHARM to make up for it, YES HIS CHARM IS LOVELY ...but in the long run is it worth it??? AN AQUARIUS RELATIONSHIP IS ONLY WORTH IT IF YOU COMPLETELY PLAY WITH NO STRINGS ATTACHED ... USE CONDOMS!!!!!!!!!!!!! USE CONDOMS!!! USE CONDOMS!!! OMG USE CONDOMS!!! BUT UMM YEAH PRETTY MUCH KEEP HIM AS A FRIEND NEVER ACCEPT A RELATIONSHIP WITH HIM , KEEP HIM CHASING YOU .... DONT LET HIM TOUCH YOU, JUST KEEP HIM AS YOUR MENTAL AMUSEMENT ... I KNOW HES SEXY BUT NOT WORTH IT ....
So true every word the aqua man is a waste of brain space they r liars cheats and freaks don't fall in love wiv one just been friends wiv them they make better friends than lovers!!!!!! They r always looking for someone new to talk to they like the chase so let them chase u never get into a relationship wiv one they r heartless cold as ice and play massive mind games run as fast as u can I know my lasted 4 wks gud luck ladies!!!!!!!!!
DeleteLife gets better Ladies, don't let any man take front seat. I, too, am with an aquarius. Be yourself at all times. In love, it doesn't matter what you think you want in a companion or even what the universe has set up for you. Love just happens. Aquarius, Gemini, Virgo, or whatever your beautiful signs may be. You'll know when it happens. Always tell him how you feel without tears in your eyes. Not because he's an Aquarius, but because you are a woman and have feelings for a reason. Your life is about You. It's tough being alone, but you make it because life is about so much more. I have been doing so much research on the mind of an aquarius, it's not healthy. I know it's hard to leave him behind. But you just do it. You force yourself to get up. You force yourself to put one foot before the other, and got damn it, you refuse to let it get to you. You fight. You cry. You curse. Then you go about the business of living. That’s how I’ve done it. There’s no other way.
ReplyDeleteBe strong. I love you. Remember you're the only you that exists and what a beautiful and blessed thing that is.
ouhh .. :) thx for sharing that. I hope it worked out for you :)
DeleteI've never been with an aquarius man, but just meet one at work :)))
Glad to read this NOW, being a scorpio girl capri rising sign all these stories gives me great insight of what to expect..even did a bit of online research and found a profile of his full of female friends :D
OMG i am so relieved that i did my reseach on aqua's because i just met my aqua man 4 weeks ago and it's already become a wild rolacostar..me being a scorpio and all i need time to be able to really open up to some-one because i am quit secretive. I met my aqau man from my bestfreind she just started dating his bestfreind!!! he picked us up several times and we went out for dinners..he seemed great the first time i met him calm,reserved,funny and the conversations we had were amazing he told me he had been single for a while and was looking for that one special some-one to beging a relationship with, he told me what he wanted and it seemed like he had he's life all sorted for him. A couple nights ago we met again and went for cofees with some friends we all went in separate cars he kept touching my legs and trying to hold my had ( very awkward ) i still did not feel asif i knew him that well therefore i just looked at him as a good friend.. he started asking me things like what do you like in me? would you ever date me? and kept complimenting me non stop :| i have not had a relationship in a while either so i was very confused and i never gave him straight answers..we got into and argument the other night right after he said something direspectful and hert my feeling i of course fierd back and he didn't like it one bit i told him to let it go because we were in public and we got back into the car and he kept bringing it up over and over and over again -.- if everything people are saying about aqau's as being detached when it comes to committing then am i wasting time??
ReplyDeleteam i going to like him to point were he breaks my heart?? or will it last??
i have no idea what to do i don't want to get in a relationship with a guy if it won't last :S
me a gemini woman and he a complete aqua boy! been together for 3 years. its a good and rough too.. and now suddenly he left me.. without any intimation or reason! dunno wats wrng.. should i wait or should i let him go.. and my problems are quite similar to what am reading above in the posts!! the irony is i cant even blame him! -AN
ReplyDeletewill he come back?! :(
Hopefully you are paying attention to the blogs here. Sure he'll come back when he's ready but the cycle won't stop. He'll disappear again when he gets ready and dare you ask him what's up, he'll blame you for getting too close too soon and make some wild story up to make you feel guilty...PAY ATTENTION.
DeleteCan someone please help me? So I met an aquarius on a dating website (please don't judge). I joined it because I had only met jerks in the past and a relationship with a jerk had ended like a week before this guy and I started talking. So we starting texting and he texted me EVERYDAY. A good morning text asking how I was, was nearly expected because I got so used to them. After talking and hanging out a few times for two weeks, he went on vaca with his family. Everything was still good, he texted me all the time. We had talked about him leaving a day early so we could go to a fair together, but he ended up staying, which isnt really a big deal. But when he got back from vaca, things seemed different, he didn't text as much and i usually had to start the convos. I talked to him about it and he said he was just busy and that he did like me but he is just playing catch up from vaca. So things were fine for another week. Last week he took me out and we had a great time. And we hung out again on wednesday and i asked him if he was my bf, and he said he didn't want a serious relationship because he might be leaving for the military, but i told him that doesnt bother me and he knows im leaving for school in a week. After that convo, things seemed fine. On friday, he had a bad day and I did too, and I asked him to come over and he said he was sorry but he was just going to go home so I was kinda mean and said that i wanted to see him but i wasnt going to beg so i would just talk to him another time. The next day I apologized and he never texted back. Yesterday, I acted like nothing was wrong and just asked how he was, but no answer. After reading all the other posts, I see that aquarius men like their space, so now Im thinking that my idea of calling him and asking him to just talk to me is a bad idea. Any suggestions? Pleaseeee!
DeleteIt's silly to me when people talk on subjects they know nothing about. Everyone talks about how detached Aquarius is because we hide our emotions better than anyone. We are more sensitive than we'll ever admit. And we expect understanding always because the things we do our never will ill intent. Therefore, he was having a bad day and expressed his need to be alone and yet because you were so caught up in your own emotions, you blew up at him for it. We are future thinkers. He has already analyzed your behavior a million times over and come to the conclusion that you are clingy! #1 Red flag for us! So, the only way to win him back, if that is your intent, is to chill out and stop thinking about your own feelings. He will come back once he feels you have stopped caring. And no, not stopped caring about him...just stopped caring enough to be blowing up his phone about it. We don't like to lull over emotional issues. We like to work them out in our heads, talk about them if important enough, and move on and never speak about them again. Now if/when he comes back and you do the same thing again, you'll never have him. Period.
DeleteThe is the best reply of all posting. Great reply and thank you!
SCORPIO female, AQUARIUS male relationship. I am 40yr aqua male married to my 1st love Scorpio lady for over 20yrs. We are extremely attracted to Scorpio women because we r so different however the match is FAR from perfect total oppoasites in fact. Very hard rocky road as after 20yrs i only understand that we are based in different realities & have opposing views on everything. At fisrt this appeals to aquarius male however as we grow & learn about our scorpio female we start to understand that our foundations are 2 different to mean anything more than just a friendship.
ReplyDeleteWhen your AQUARIUS male runs away, dont bother him, dont haras him, dont persue him. All you need to do is occasionaly remind him that you are still there. If its meant 2 b then he will openly come back to you wishing to share with you all the new lessons and wonderful insights he has learned while absent. Aquarius men run because we go through life feeling everything, all our decision, our insights, our beleifs come from within as information & knowledge are analysed, digested and re-aligned by our feelings. Deep as it sounds take this perspective AQUARIUS MEN ARE FEELERS NOT THINKERS & to acheive this properly they need to look within themselves on their own with no other influence other than themselves.
ReplyDeleteI'm a Leo woman who's just ended a 5 month relationship with an Aqua man. We were friends first and we were constantly in touch. We both realised that our feelings were more and started a relationship. It was POW, absolute love love love, the sex was off the charts - he'd never experienced a Leo woman who was so confident in bed. We were lovers, best friends, soul mates.
ReplyDeleteHe said I was his 'dream woman'. He loved his freedom so do I. All of a sudden over the past month he starts being more detached and aloof. I let it go and didnt make an issue but decided to call time on it yesterday. It was amicable. I told him I loved him, he told me he loved me and always will.
I wont be calling him, and I actually feel really calm about the whole thing. I feel that this probably isn't the end and that it's likely somewhere down the line we may resume this relationship as the feeling between us is just to powerful, but I'm happy to move on now and focus on me.
He told me what attracted me to him was how strong a person I was, and that's exactly what I'm going to be.
Don't chase an Aqua man, don't call him, be firm but gracious through a break up and trust me, he will feel the hurt more than you and he will not forget you!!
From one leo who's dated an aquarius male to another...WELL SPOKEN!!!
DeleteJust sent this link to my Libra.I want her to be warned :).I love her.Aquarian male
ReplyDeletehuh WIERD!!! do you still with her yet?!
DeleteOh sweet jesus, should anyone see my post please give me some feedback. So here I am, Pisces woman, met an Aquarius 2 weeks ago, of course I got crazy about his ways, although he said himself Im too good to be true for him (apart from the signs, everybody told me what Im into with this guy he's too little for me). So we meet Wednesday spend night n night together, same story Saturday, then again Tuesday, Thursday, Friday. All this time, I showed no emotion, always let him text or look for me first, Im always holding back at the beginning of an affair, wait for the green light to open up to someone. Straight from the 2nd time we met he told a common friend he shouldnt hit on me cause he's the one into me, they're close friends. So back to last Friday we wake up I see he's detached say nothing act cool, he says he'll call me and so he does. Saturday night we meet at his workplace (owns a bar) I see he acts weird we do not leave together and then BOOM. nothing more from him. Tuesday we meet accidentally Im acting cool, then late at night when I know hes off work I send a text if he wants to join me, he writes back half an hour later saying "baby i just got home sorry" so I say a simple goodnight he says goodnight talk to you tomorrow. never talked to me BUT then a friend tells me that same Tuesday he made out with another girl in his bar. And so far (friday) Ive never heard of him. This is ridiculous right? I deleted his number, have no plan of contacting him again, still cant understand what went wrong I thought he saw something in me he said so many times himself. Anyway, Sunday Im going out with a group of friends including the one he didnt want to hit on me, so I guess he'll find out. Im a bit hurt here!
ReplyDeleteReading these posts truly made my night. I am a Libra female 9/25 and my exboyfriend is aquarius/psychopath 1/25.... Now this relationship was both of our first real relationship. He chased after me for a year and played the friend role but i wasnt interested. All my friends said go for it because of how much he liked me and how he was so for me. So i went for it knowing the person i was getting involved with. He used to dibble and dabble in drugs, had no job, tattoos from the neck down, and his previous relationships were with the sluttiest females around. I took a chance because i dont like to judge others for their past and because he treated me like a damn queen. For three months he was committed, loving, and just the definition of perfection. Our relationship was friendship set on fire and we loved it. He changed for me but the minute we got even more serious he became everything stated in this blog. From day one i sensed his insecurity and his controlling gotta know every move and person i spoke to. I accepted it but then i realized how one sided it became. Eventually our arguing became him getting disrespectful, breaking my stuff, and saying harsh things. After i lost my job i became depressed and i lost thirty pounds. My life was just a complete wreck because of his toxic, crazy, sociopathic behavior. Despite everything i just wrote everyone says he was worse before so im guessing this was just a mere taste of the bullsh*t and even that was bad. Finally i ended it because i completely lost myself trying to prove to him i loved him and i wasnt up to no good like he claimed. Everything was just a lie and more lies. He would claim to go back to who he was at the beginning and he would for little bit but manage to go back this asshole at times. Plus i started to see why he accused me of things and it was mainly because of his own behavior. He finally admitted that he couldnt handle the emotions he felt for the relationship so he unconsciously he sabotaged the relationship. Everything described in this blog is completely accurate of most aquarius men. Now after three months of not being together we are friends but even that hasnt been easy because of his jealous immature nature and because he claims to still have feelings for me. It is truly a shame that these men have to be this way. Him and I had potential for so much and we had so much planned but im not the type of woman to sit around and pick up the pieces to something someone else broke over and over again. Crazy thing is that they say Libra women are the only sign to tame the Aquarius man.., It is true but how long can that possibly last. At the end of the day no woman deserves to go through the drama of someone elses messed up way of thinking. Hopefully things work out for everyone
ReplyDeleteI have read your comments. Reassured that I am not alone. But how do you actually dump an aquarius? I have tried and he just tells me he won't let go. I am going insane and really getting hurt in the process.
ReplyDeleteyou don't need his permission to make a break...a friend of mine has been abused by her aquarius lover for years...he told her the same thing...he won't commit to her, runs around with every slut in town but tells her he'll never let her go...don't allow him to play mind games on you...he's very skilled in this area.
DeleteFine but how do you actually dump an aquarius who keeps coming back and telling you he'll never let go?
ReplyDeleteI've dated or at least assumed I was dating a Aquarius man for almost 2 years. We always looked into each others eyes, laughed together and respected each other. However you will never really know whats on their mind. He was always complimenting me on my looks, sexy and how passionate I was. I helped on many business ventures and business. The sex was awsome between us. We would just lay in bed talking and enjoying each other and would say this feels just right. Always showered me with flowers. During one disagreement I stated I was done with him and he replied that would never happen because I'm going to marry you. I was totally shocked. Which he never happened. He had a lot of female friends which never bothered me because I was very confident in our relationship. I respected his me time as he respected mine which brought closer together. However, I've recently was noticing him not calling as much and being more detached than usual. I gave him my heart only to find out from him that he has a significant other back at his home state. I was so heart broken to find out that he just lied for so long. He told me if he explained I would not understand. What is there to understand other than we lived a lie. He appeared to be so spiritual, loving and dedicated to our relationship. We cross each others paths now and then and he always approach me saying that he always did well when knowing he had me in his life. He then attempts me to go out with him and I refuse. It's not that I don't forgive but I know I won't trust him again and that would not be fair to either of us. So word to the wise Aquarius men are like many other signs that will use you to their advantage and you are only as good to them as they can use you for. I would have helped him even without the sex and good times However they seem to think that sex is the key to everything. I do wish him well but I can't go backwards. Good luck to anyone that can deal with the emotional rollacoaster with this sign.
ReplyDeleteThey are most likely to fall in love with their friends. Trust me I'm having this problem right now. I've been involved with three Aquarius men, one did exactly like you mentioned, and he was all about saying the things you wanted to hear and when he got me he dropped me. My feelings were very hurt.
ReplyDeleteThe second guy has "lots" of girl friends who he sleeps with just about all of them. I know more about him then a lot of the girls because I don't want to have a relationship with him. I just wanted to have sex with him no strings attached. This was going well until I met someone else. Since we were not bf/gf I told him. He BLEW up! He started saying how did I meet this guy, how could I do this. Now we're not going to hang out like we did.
I told him we are friends thats it. And now he's turned into a crazy man, driving by my house to see if the other guy is there, trying to get me to hang out with him all the time saying that I'm putting my friendship aside and him aside for my new guy. And this guy is an Aquarius too. I'm a Cancer with Libra rising and a leo moon.
Since these relationships are back to back, I can tell you be friends with them. They will tell you about the "others" if there are others. They are weird in the fact that they will treat you more like a girfriend if you just are friendly with them. I know that's a hard thing to do, but if you do that you'll have a fun time with them and you don't get all the crap that the girl that wants a more committed relationship will want.
DeleteI'm a cancer with Scorpio rising, madly in love with my Aquarius husband who now wants to end up our marriage in order to "restablish with me a new relationship", based essentially on our friendship. It's driving me crazy.
DeleteI am a sag and this aqua man did nothing but chase me and tell me how wonderful and sexy and intelligent and strong and the list goes on and on. 4 days ago he tells me i'm crazy about you and i'm his dream girl. I call him and he tell me to stop calling him that he laying down and doen't feel good. (very sarcastically) So now i guess that is the end of is it? I don't know how you can be so crazy about someone and four days later yell at them for calling to much. He made it a point to say call any time. What the heck do i do now
ReplyDeleteI've been seeing an aquarius man for a short time (a little over a month)and was wondering if he is losing interest or just pulling away because he likes me a lot.
ReplyDeleteFirst few weeks we saw each other at least twice a wk; we have crazy chemistry together(I'm a cappy woman)and great converstations. He's even said the chemistry is crazy and we are "perfect for each other."
The past few weeks we have only seen each other once a week but he'll text or call. Then his week we are not doing anything until Sat and that will have been over a week since I've seen him.
Is he simply loosing interest or is it because he likes me and is pulling away? I've read when an aquarius man really likes someone or starts to fall for them they pull away.
Omg Julie,
DeleteYou described my situation to a "T", I've been seeing this guy for a month now it's like poof he's gone. He went out of his way to talk to me until 3 in the morning at first now nothing? I guess I need to quit being so stupid and give up but as soon as I do he starts texting me. It's like a dumb childish game he was so goo goo over me at first now it's like he's over it. I'm 34 years old and am way too old for this crap. Someone help? Do I just give up or keep letting this go on.
He will definately break your heart, because you will feel so special by the way he treats you and things he says, when you meet him, you may think it is your destiny and soulmate, this is how I felt until he broke up with me yesterday after 10 months of perfection, he just said I deserve a better man and he is busy with his new business and can't give me attention I deserve, he just left like that, I am so so hurt, I was to move in with him next month as we discussed before... Do not give your heart away, I also found him being on dating websites and going to stripclubs, he would say its boyish and its silly to be jealous about it, because he would never do anything with them, because its all fantasy world, as it turns out-I lived in a fantasy world he created for us, but I was a puppit doll in it. Be careful, he will break your heart as he did mine
ReplyDeleteI am an aqua male, and let me try to explain to you how it is to us or what makes us behave the way we do. We are perfectionists, living in a fantasy world of achieving ideal and perfect states in all realms. The dedication we give to achieve perfection is immense. We burn ourselves for this passion. But we also get bored of monotony and simplicity. Hence we usually switch interests often, and leave no stone unturned. We look for the dedication and the drive to come from within, and till it does we explore. When we start a relationship we start as friends. Very seldom do we take to crushes on mere looks for we need to analyse and evaluate psychologically. Hence it starts with acquaintance, friendship, may be occasional courtship and an attempt at a relationship. The times spent with us and how we make you feel might be good because we try to be genuine and honestly perfect at it. But at the slightest realisation that you are not the type or that it's just a time waste we pull back. We also pull back, if we're getting too attached and if we're scared it may not work out. So basically we're scared of hurting ourselves for we are very sensitive people, cold hearted as we may seem, we are fragile and cannot expose ourselves to unpredictability. We very rarely open up and still rarely confide in someone as we're afraid we might be misinterpreted as weirdos, insane or nutcases. Our thoughts as we analyse are quite complex and would seem insane to anyone. But we're not insane for the very genuine and deep conversations that you might enjoy with us are just the surface of all the thinking that we do. We look for someone with an open mind, a broad thinking, a strong individuality and yet a passion for child like pure ideals we can share with. We appear corrupt in principles for we do not respect social rules and form rules of our own. Trust me, to get an aqua man you should get to both his heart and his mind and there's nothing much you can do about it. Let him choose you or get over and move on. They've their own demons and mental conflicts to fight. It's not worth waiting for them unless you're crazy too. And all aqua males consider themselves hurt by a woman at some stage of their life and hence are more likely to turn cold turkey at the faintest hint of you taking control over the relationship. My advise- don't waste your time with them. If you do get into them, atleast make sure you treat them nice and patient, for what it's worth as that's the only way you're gonna get the best of him and beleive me you're gonna enjoy when he's nice and good. No body else will treat you like the queen you are and make you feel that good, so live while it lasts.
ReplyDeleteAll the best.
This posting has been very helpful. It describes my aqua man to a tee. My Father was an aqua man so I have alot of time in and I should know how to do this but it is helpful to read other womens posts and realize that my aqua man isn't that bad at all. I just am in a different place and ready for more than he will probably be able to give in his entire life. But I can give the best I can because of the time I spent with him. . .I will miss him.
ReplyDeleteLove always.
My aquarius feels as if I have betrayed his trust. I lied to him about something very petty and he called it off after six years of friendship and out of those six we were together for almost two years. Never cheated on him. He says he love and I know he does. I'm a libra. Seen him recently and he was smiling from ear to ear flirting with me. We've been apart for 8 months now and he has a new girlfriend. I believe she is just a rebound chick to get over me. He said he will always love me so with that being said do you think there is potential for us to get back together? I'm not calling him or bugging him but from the way he was acting it seems as if he misses me and i miss him too. We were the best of friends and lovers. Also, his birthday is coming up. Would it be appropriate to mail him a card or even get a gift, or is that too much?
ReplyDeleteAquarius men are very complicated bt once they steal your heart its so hard to get it back :( i know this aquarious guy ... but i screwed up not him!! all this crap about making them the baddies is wrong i rejected him.. twice (hey i was nervus! :L) and he stopped being my friend and wont talk to me but when i asked him why it was such a big deal.. he said "if u cant meet me how were u ever supposed to go out with me" it was hard to get my second chance but aquarius men are VERY loving kind and funny there beautiful people just very mis understood. i love my aquarius guy but he says his mind is made up... if anyone has any advice please help me! :'( i miss him. i just need him to realise i never lied or anything. i need one more chance i need to change his stubborn ass mind :( x ???? AQUA MAN ANNOYMOUS GREAT DESCRIPTION :D
ReplyDeleteI'm a sag girl and I fell in love with an aqua guy , these types of guys rlly make you feel awesum at the first!
ReplyDeleteBut then... Midway he seems detached or ignorant and moody? It was hard for me to cope up with it but it still worked on... Aqua guys usually have lot of friends who r girls, it may seem like he's not interested in them but just give him a pinch to remind him that!
They love long relationships, and they're rlly good at sex and lots and lots of freedom!
Give them their space or walk out , so then recently I just found that he cheated on me ..
Ma heart was completely crushed! He didn't even contact or reply that he's with the other girl , so it makes it more depressing as sag ppl tend to be very curious .
He has a habit of coming back and then kiss me and say 'you're still the one' , but rlly this guy just fickleminded .
If ur with an aqua now , LEAVE HIM ALONE! he might want you more , but still movin on frm these guys is pretty tough :')
I've been broken up with my aqua man for eight months and I believe he's dating someone else. I love him. Would it be appropriate to send him a card for his birthday? Just want him to know I love him and still care. Can someone please respond? Thanks.
ReplyDeleteMove on. Sorry. =/
DeleteAnonymous 24 nov thank you!
ReplyDeleteI landed myself one of the "worst case scenario Aqua men".. Fun fun sex sex then the disappearing act.
Seriously, do they ever commit? We've all had our heart broken but why do they seem to not be able to let anyone in to their hearts?
A friend of mine said that when Aquarians are in a relationship they're not really IN the relationship. That is soooo true for me and my Aqua man - he always seemed to keep me at arm's length and I felt intuitively that he loved me on the surface but not deep down. Yet he would get agitated if I was not at his beck and call when he wanted to see me. Labebe (aug 10) hit the nail on the head when she said they want you to be their slave, they don't want to see you constantly or hear from you constantly.... All one way traffic - in their direction.
And I am not a needy person; I am very independent and gave him a LOT of space, sometimes not seeing each other for a few days so it's not that I crowded him yet he still walked out on me. This demonstrated to me that he was the one that had issues to work through.
He led me on...the last time I saw him we discussed our future, having children etc., which we'd done in the past yet this time for some unknown reason I think he freaked out. Since that discussion he has completely ignored me. By this I mean not even responding to messages left for him, not calling me and even literally turning away and ignoring me at work (we met through work). I came to the painful and shocking realization that he had decided to leave me without even telling me.. What a coward!
Honestly, unless your aqua man meets you halfway move on and don't waste your time with them.
Good luck!
Im dating a soldier he is based only an hour from me.... We haven't gotten to meet yet, But he is very sweet to me. We were friends for three monthes before he requested a relationship with me, I turned him down because my ex (Whom I will always love and have a place in my heart for because he was the first guy I had ever loved unconditionally, Yes he was a soldier to and based also where my Aquarius is) Anyway my ex told me he still loved me and admitted to how stupid he was to just let me go, So I decided since he was my first real true love it was only right to give him a second chance, David understood and let me go willingly, On one condition: That we would remain friends and that I promise him that one day we would meet, Im not the type of person to make anyone an outlandish promise that I know I can't keep, When I make someone a promise I will do everything with humanly possible to keep my word as I myself strongly hate empty promises and Im a true believer in saying what you mean and meaning what you say, If a person isn't as good as their word than their no good at all. But after a few days I came back to david because a part of me missed him and I told him I was all his completly, I have never went back on my word, Nor have I regretted being all his.
ReplyDeleteAt the start of the relationship, I explained a few things, How the guys in my past had used me How my ex had emotionally abused me... I also told him how I kept our house Immaculate, washed his clothes and dried his clothes wich also incuded his ACU's Coordinated his clothes drawrs cleaned up his bed room moped and swept the kitchen,Cooked him dinner and at night I set his ACU's and PT Attire out for the next morning, How I fixed his lunch when he would come home for his lunch break. David was very suprised at how unique and different Iam, Because not may wives/girlfriendx would go as far as I went to see that my ex was happy, He made the comment "If you were my lady, i'd bring home suprises for you every day." I also went the extra mile to explain to him that monogamy was very important to me. I also made it clear that I wasn't just looking for sex, im not that type of female, I don't do FWB's And made it clear that im a very openminded female about sex as long as involved I and him and only I and him... We both agreed that neither of us wanted anything to do with a threesome or my being with another guy, he wants me all to himself. He told me " Baby, Once we meet it's you and me.. me and you untill we part." I believe, And it really sounds like that once we meet and hit it off he wants to commit to me. If you guys would be so kind as to share your thoughts this I'd really appreciate it.
This blog has been a Godsend. I'm still reeling from the shock of being totally dumped - no contact, not even the "courtesy" of being dumped in a text. This seems to be an Aqua trait;"the disappearing act" -just google it. I am a strong, independent Leo woman and gave my Aquarius more space than any woman would care to give. My aqua can't deal with stress so I gave him space to finish his final year studies. We only saw each other once a week for the entire 5 mths we were together so I DEFINITELY gave him LOTS of freedom. This can't be the reason he left. labebe aug 10: HE ONLY PPL WHO WILL HAVE EVERLASTING LOVE WITH HIM ARE THE ONES WHO HAVE BEYOND EXTREME PATIENCE, UNDERSTANDING, A HEART THATS FORGIVING TO -ANY- THING AQUARIUS MAY DO THAT HURTS U This will NOT give everlasting love. I forgave everything! I mean everything. Prime example was my birthday. He lovingly remembered it, we had a romantic chat on Facebook the night before and then we text on the day to confirm what time to meet - NO REPLY. Stood up on my birthday!! The next morning he texts (not phones) to apologize; he'd taken a nap and slept right through. Alarm anyone? This was the first time I didn't instantly forgive him - being a Leo we have a generous heart - and in fact needed to time to get over it. His response?. He was angry at me for not accepting his apology & I should be grateful as he "doesn't apologize to anyone". The arrogance! He did have good points: the *** was just crazy!! [REMOVED BY ADMIN TOO SPECIFIC]. That is special. And why I was able to accept him flaws & all. And I loved him of course. Fast forward to October, we make love then he tells me he's thinking of moving back to his homeland for good and in the meantime is going away for 2 mths for his best friend's wedding in Nov & will return. I tell him I'm prepared to move countries & his response is that I wouldn't like it there (in hindsight this should have set off an alarm for me). We discuss our future, the possibility of children (as we'd discussed briefly in the past), I ask him point blank if he'd like to have a child with me to which he responds without hesitation that he would but would like to plan them. I tell him that I have fertility issues & he responds supportingly not to worry that it will just take longer to have them. We discuss joint bank accounts, etc. Discussing children is a huge issue for me as this is the first time I've felt this way about a man. So the following week I expect him to send his usual message/phone to say when he's coming over - TOTAL SILENCE. I give him space instead of calling him on it so I don't contact him for a week. When I text him to ask what had happened his reply was that he was having exams and ttyl.. Following week he calls, wanting to see me then changes his mind midway through the conversation!! Hangs up. Here I am, desperately missing him bcos by this point we haven't seen each other for 3 weeks! I'm furious. I call on his cell but of course he doesn't pick up. I send a text asking what is going? He simply replies that he's sleepy, goodnight &ttyl. And that was the last I'd hear from him. As if he's disappeared from the face of the earth. The only reason I know I didn't imagine him or our relationship is because I've had to endure seeing him from a distance at work. Totally ignores me. Walks past and turns away as if I don't exist!! What a stab through the heart. I've since left 3 messages saying that I miss him and don't want us to be angry. ZERO response. So for the past few weeks I've been in shock realizing the relationship is over & that he's left me
ReplyDeleteDear anonymous who posted on 9 Dec, I can imagine how hurt u feel.. This aquarius guy is really terrible.. How can he decide to leave u without telling u?! I think such behaviour is downright irresponsible and immature. From what I read from other posts, seems like Aqua likes to 'disappear' without reason or telling the loved one.. Sigh but how can he walk past and pretend u don't exist? He's really bad! I understand how u feel.. Would u like to seek closure by speaking to him? But I am not sure if that might hurt u in the end.. U mentioned u still need to see him from a distance at work. I think that must be quite hard on u. If u really feel bad, is there any way u can transfer to another dept, or leave ur workplace? However, I do think that if ur career prospects are good u shld not leave cos of him. Good luck and I hope u'll recover from this and meet someone right for u!
ReplyDeleteI have been noticing a general theme on this board that is labeling Aquarius behavior as negative simply because it is complex and not understood by many. I'll attempt to break down the complexity. The #1 thing for Aquarius is friendship. You have to understand this or you will NEVER get anywhere with any of these Aqua men. Talking about joint back accounts, children, titles, all this stuff will send us packing eventually because the more we settle into a relationship with a woman that wants these things, the less she feels like a friend. She begins to feel more like an obligation. We love very deeply, but not in the same ways as other people because we are DIFFERENT. Just programmed that way. It's not that we flirt because we are going to leave. It's not that we will cheat either because we are extremely loyal. But what we are extremely loyal to is friendship! So, if you are our special friend, then you are truly special and the only one to have the title. But even if we do gf/bf things together, we still need to feel like above everything else we are friends. And that is the exact reaason why we are still friends with our exes. The only thing that changes in our minds is that she is no longer the one we consider special. But she will always be considered a friend because that is what she was to us to begin with. Most women can't handle that because of the insecurities telling them that we will leave them for our other friends. But we won't ever because they are JUST friends. You are our SPECIAL friend. And that is truly special to us. A woman that can understand this and speak this language and be confident and secure in the bond that we have together and just let things flow will have our hearts forever. But women who are easily wounded and quick to call us assholes out of jealousy or overly sensitive out of lack of understanding will lose the special place in our hearts and it may break ours because you don't understand what it means to us.
DeleteVery well said. Put's things into a better perspective. Thank you!
DeleteWow. what a perspective. I wish I had read this before he and I got into what HE called: An exclusive relationship! Today makes about 9 days since I've heard from him by the way!
PLEASE HELP!!!!! Is it appropriate to send your ex aquarius a birthday card in the mail???? I still love and care about him, we've been broken up since march but I still love him dearly and I know he will always love me. He has a new girlfriend...perhaps he is with her to only pass the time....anyway the last time I saw him we left on good terms. Would it be appropriate to just tell him happy birthday????PLEASE HELP!!!!
ReplyDeleteTo Anonymous 23 December 2011 03:10
ReplyDeleteIt would be fine to send your ex Aquarius a birthday card but do not make it overly romantic or write in sentiments which could make you look clingy or broken hearted. Be casual, nonchalant and just friendly. We have an article about how to treat your ex Aquarius in the pipeline.
first aquarius that i dated was amazing. he became my best friend. he was amazing in every way. we had a great relationship. very loving and supportive. friendly, loving, all of the above. i thought he was going to get back with his gf and he did. the second one broke my heart, and im still tryna heal from it. it was an emotional roller coaster. it became a very bad relationship. but he was very sweet, caring, loving, all of the above. had some commitment problems. but i gave him space. i thought he was cheating on me and he was. so thats the end of that for me. its over. im sick of playing games. ive been playin em for eight years. jus beware.
ReplyDeleteEverything mentioned above is soooo true. They will say they love you so much and be there, but once they feel like they are losing control and losing freedom, they are ready to run. My aquarius and I just ended after dating for about 4 months, but being friends first. I am a libra and I am very aware of who I am. Like many have said, you will lose your heart to this man and he will leave. However, you have to be willing to leave when you see the first signs of his inconsistent ridiculous actions. Like many others, my ex pursued me for a while when we were just friends and I was the one who was not interested. Eventually, we did start dating and everything was great until one day, he just decided he did not want a serious relationship. We talked about and he admitted that he wanted me in his life. Long story short, this continued every week until one day out of the blue after not speaking to me at all for a day or so, he calls me like everything ok just to say he does not want a relationship. When I accept it, he then wants to be with me that very moment. He sees me and then chooses to ignore everything he just said. It happened twice more. The second time, we spoke again, he worked everything out in his head. The most recent time, I let it go, which ultimately forced him to let it go. I have spoken with him after the final decision to get "closure", but honestly that is pointless because they will do what they have been doing, which is confuse you. Women, you deserve better! Just move on, as hard as it may be and do not look back! They have to learn that the same opportunities will not be presented to them when they are ready! Above all, love yourself.
ReplyDeleteI've been dating an aquarian man for about 10 months and I have to say it's going really well! I haven't had the detachment from him that others have experienced - I feel I'm more independent and detach more than he does (I'm a Sag) but we compliment eachother really well. He's a true gentleman to me and when together takes care of me like no other. He's shy with his emotions sometimes but the key is to simply let the relationship devolop naturally....enjoy the ride and time you have with him. Evolve with him. And if you want out, get out, because 'we' (I have an Aqua moon) don't change unless we want to. We've never argued, we just get on with eachother and share our time and it's really nice. I enjoy his company and our chemistry...there's honestly nothing bad I can say about my experience with him so far. We just fit together :)
ReplyDeleteHe asked me the other day 'How comes I get on with you no problems...with all my other mates (female) they always give me drama?!' Hehehehe :)
They do value friendship a lot so be a loyal friend to him first and foremost. We started slow at first and because all my other relationships developed fast, I wasn't used to the slow pace with him. But it hit me with sudden clarity: a relationship is meant to take its time. 10 months in and we're talking every day, he's saying I'm his best friend (good sign?) and we're more romantic towards eachother. He indrectly told me I'm his woman when we went out to eat and has started opening up about his ex saying he's no longer speaking to her....all subtle hints imo....the sex is explosive, kinky and very passionate...but until he commits to me properly we just continue as we are and I leave it up to him to make his move. I don't chase, or ask anything of him (apart from his time/friendship) and I think that's important for Aquarians.
I live for the days when he'd stroke my back while cuddling, giggling together about something silly...having a deep convo which jumps from subject to subject (keeping up with that Aqua mind)...our moments in bed. The way he'd hold my hand when going out, the kisses he gives me... *sigh* I love him :)
I think this was the most beautifully written post on this board so far. Not because you actually had something positive to say about Aquarius, but because from what you wrote, you actually GET US! Unlike all these other people who don't understand what it means to leave the emotional drama and demands at the door and just enjoy the good time. And because they don't understand, we are viewed in such a negative light. I have read so many posts that said my Aqua man was caring, sweet, thoughtful, but he didn't cave into my demands or he didn't give me enough attention and when I demanded it and asked for more, he ran away. I mean just think about it for a second! How are we so sweet and thoughtful and yet we're the bad ones when we disappear? The problem with a lot of other signs is the lack of self reflection and total selfishness. We truly think of others always and the women we involve ourselves with only think of themselves, playing games to manipulate us into doing what they want from us, and when we disappear, we are the monsters. Almost laughable! I love Sags. They get us without effort! :) Keep doing exactly what you're doing. You are wife material for us.
DeleteHi Mr. Aquarius giving everyone advice!
DeleteI understand Aqua men do not want to be pressured into commitment but since you are enjoying each others time and they are basically committed to your friendship, what happens when as a woman you possibly find someone else but want to continue your friendship with them? In other words if our relationship is a strong friendship, then there shouldn't be hurt feelings or feelings of betrayal if I find someone that wants more than a friendship? Especially if in this friendship there hasn't been anything said about being committed to one another. I know that Aqua men are more of the if it looks like a duck smells like a duck and walks like a duck...But I do feel that communication is Key in any relationship. So if we are great friends enjoying each others company and bodies and life together I would still be open to meeting someone else...As an Aqua man how would you handle that?
It is very unlikely that Mr Aquarius will answer this particular question so, as one of the main contributing Astrologers on this site, allow me.
DeleteIf you do as you suggest and find someone who wants more than friendship with extras the Aquarius man will be devastated... esecially if he hasn't already done something similar to you. This is how they cope with marriage (yes, some do get married early in their lives) breakdowns. Not good (for them). They will probably hit the bottle big time and be beyond consolation. Saying that, they'll recover far quicker than - after seeing them in their desolation - you might think possible.
What will they do upon recovery? The treatment they received will act like a priming for a multi exploding relationship bomb. Other partners will pay.
PLEASE NOTE: Aquarius men can/are lovely but not everyone's cup of tea. If you don't put yourself first - don't expect him to treat you ar an equal or care about you. This is not him being malicious - just the essence of an Aquarius man in relationships.
I've been in love with an Aqua Man a for a few years, and I've always thought I'm the expert on Aqua Man lolol. I took a step back and from the frontline of my Aqua Man's life for the past year because we are friends and we have friends in common I felt confident that I can take this step back and we'll come back around again. So here we are starting to get closer again so I decided to get some as much information as I can on how to work with him. I feel I know him better than anyone else in his life, or any woman that has come after me (or in between my time with him) since we are off and on lolol. These comments are soooo discouraging, and soo opposite to what I've always thought of Aqua Men based off him. He is very difficult to understand, it’s not that they are weird they are just different. However contrary to what most women are saying here he IS the most honest guy I've ever dealt with, he's the only guy I really trust (which is a main reason why I love him). I am VERRRRRRY patient mainly because I’m confident in the connection we have. It’s is very difficult at times and it’s not for everyone. I know when he meets someone else he dates them for a few months and then it's over, but mainly because he's not really ready for commitment. But they can’t be pushed or pressured. I’ve made MANY mistakes like demands or showing jealousy, he does fulfill some demands, but I know he like most Aqua men is stubborn and sometimes spiteful just because you are demanding they won’t do it lolol. I feel I have a good understanding but help is ALWAYS wanted. Would love to speak to one of the astrologers one on one.
DeleteThank you,
Anonymous Feb 13, 2012 03:25 PM
I have been friends with an aqua man , 50 hrs old. I am 46 and a Leo. We met online and got hot and heavy quickly. We live in different cities and decided to meet. We were physical together and had a good time. After he went sort of silent for a week. We work together in complimentary fields and have continued to talk and have a professional relationship. We also talk about his kids and joke around about sex and there is innuendo. He went on a trip and saw his daughter. When he goy back he sent me a pic of him and his daughter without me asking anything. I have not asked him for a relationship. Just a friendship that may or may not involve sex. I have asked to spend some time with him and get to know him better. No commitment, no exclusivity. We have rarely gone
ReplyDeletemore that 48 hours without talking to each other unless one of us ins traveling. We have really similar backgrounds, lots of common hobbies and interests.
I have after 9 months gotten to a point where I have decided that I deserve more and that if he wants to be with me he will need to at least spend some time with me and let me decide if I want to have a relationship with him. My understanding is that he has been dating you beer women ( he never tells me about his dating - his assistant tells me). I told him that when he is ready for someone who gets him and accepts him for who he is he should call me. I am not mad or upset but this isn't comfortable for me anymore so I need to back off. I thought he would say ok, but he argued with me or got angry because I called him on his dating tendencies and thence tried to justify to me who he dates. I didn't address it and just reiterated that I like him and our friendship but cant do it anymore. I have not heard from him in a few days. Do you think this is over? Any comments? He has ben married twice and I get that he is probably afraid. Me too same deal but I would like to date him. Is this a run away from something that is perfect?
Not to be harsh, but you seeing yourself as perfect is part of your problem. You totally contradicted yourself. You want him to call you when he is ready for someone who gets him. But that call is not going to be to you because you are showing that you clearly don't get him. If you truly got him, not only would you not be demanding more, but you would not be in agony and trying to sever the ties. You are only proving to him more that you are not the one. Here's a helpful tip: Whenever I am dating more than one woman (because I believe dating is about getting to know people to see if they are compatible with us, NOT a relationship)..I usually end up interested in or drawn to the woman that never gives me a headache about any other woman I'm dating or makes me feel like I have to explain myself. I'm drawn to her because we are future thinkers and ALWAYS thinking, "can she truly be my eternal friend and lover? The woman I'm unafraid to tell EVERYTHING to and will she understand and never feel insecure because she knows I will always be faithfully by her side no matter how friendly I am with others?" Your actions are giving him the indication of "NO!" So please reassess your own demanding nature and consider that you really do not accept him and maybe you should start trying to by being his friend, enjoying the great moments together, and seeing where it goes without demanding more from him. Just live your life without the expectations because that is what causes disappointment in the end. And if you truly prove to not be as dramatic as you're showing, maybe he will come around.
DeleteWow... this really has been an education!
ReplyDeleteI used to work with my Aquarian man many years ago, we started to get friendly back then, but he was married. After a little while I realised I was being used and walked away not looking back and not leaving any contact details.
We met back up again a few years ago - he was single, I was single and as soon as we met it was like we hadn't ever been apart. We were both older (and wiser) of course, but the chemistry - that amazingly overwhelming chemistry a woman sometimes gets with an Aquarian male - was instantly there again. We were in touch for a couple of years on and off. At times we were intense, perhaps a little too intense and both eventually ended up running away from one another!
I knew this merry go round wasn't healthy but it was SOOOOOO hard to cut off from him. All the things mentioned above - the hand holding, the affection, the way he makes you feel, the intellectual stimulation, the touches... that look... I had to be so strong. I told him he had blown his chance with me and not to get in touch with me again, ever.
Breakaways/distancing before this lasted a matter of weeks anywhere between 2 and 12, but this time we didn't speak for 12 months. Then, out of the blue he text messaged over and over -I ignored him. He telephoned from an unknown number and the conversation began again. That was 3 years ago.
The good thing is that since then we have remained friends. We have times where we both think it isn't a good idea, but there's no doubt about the fact that we have a connection. BUT, I don't sleep with him. We get a bit carried away sometimes, and some of the texts between us in the evenings when we have nothing better to do are hotter than hot, but when we're together I draw the line.
No doubt I think a great deal of him, but I know he has the power to break my heart and I can't let that happen.
Does he love me? No. He openly says that we don't love each other, that we're not attracted to each other and even jokes at times that we don't even like each other and yet he fills my heart and lifts my soul like no-one Ive ever known...
Am I sure it can't turn into something more? Unfortunately yes... he's found someone else x
Im a Aquarian man, never been good with words,
ReplyDeleteI think that maybe a Aquarian man can be tricky sometimes and Im one of them. If things get tough the time out time out time out works. Intense feelings sometime`s can mishape a and confuse relationship`s and so I find that having time to do things that you both enjoyed before you met, can help you`re partner and youre self. If there`s something that you love thats not partner music,art,family,friends,nature,infinite etc....
then dont forget about those to because I think an Aquarian man loves to see people love the things they love. Just remeber the part in the Best Case Scenario, ( Best thing though he’ll want you to get on and will be your greatest supporter, fan and champion).
im a 21 year old taurus and my man is a 44 year old aquarius. when we met we were both got out of a bad relationship. we became good friends and eventually he asked me to be his girlfriend. I said yes. 3 months later i got pregnant. I noticed he started chaning and during my pregnancy i went throught alot. After i gave birth i was ready to put my foot down. I have the bad taurus temper ! one time i caught him texting a girl he used to mess with but he told me it was nothing so i called the girl myself and asked her and she also said they were just friends. After awhile he changed for the better. he stopped talking to her. and he put more effort into the relationship. we had alot of ups and downs. at one point he even came to me almost in tears and wanted to work things out. it been 2 1/2 tears i been with this guy. I can say he doesnt pull the disappearing act on me. hes with me all the time except fridays because thats his me time. i feel like he tries but me being the taurus i am wants more. However he is very unemotional and cold sometimes. when we break up he will act as if nothing happen while im hurt. i ask him all the time if he loves me he says yes alot. should i believe him? because i dont feel it. in the beginning he was very emotional and passionate idk what happened. everytime we break up we end up back together. i love him and i know he loves me but he puts his friends before me. and sometimes the way he talks to me makes me feel like shit. We just got into a big fight because of something he said that i didnt like. and of course my taurus temper came out. so i told him i needed some space. recently we spoke and he said that its over because thats what i wanted but i never said that i just said i needed time to think and he was like whatever its over but thats not fair when he asks for his space and time i gave it to him but why is he making it a big deal because i asked for it? we speak of course because we do have a child. he came to pick up his stuff from my house as he did that many times before. buut everytime i see him i just want to cry but i dont. when he comes to my house he spends time with the baby and we talk like nothing. when he texts me and i tell him im not home he starts saying im always in the streets. which is not true. im with my son all day everyday. sometimes ill taje a break and do my hair and nails and goes shopping but thats about it. i do everything for this guy and he knows i love him so why is he doing this to me? he gave me an engagment ring at one point but i gave it back because i didnt feel he was ready and he has gave it back to me before but again i gave it back. he told he loves me first and he tells me everyday. when he gets upset he goes overboard!!!!!! oh and about jealousy he doesnt show it much but he doesnt like me wearing certain things like in the summer he doesnt like when i wear shorts and stuff. and i know he looks at my facebook because he has brought up guys writing to me when we argue, and he has read text messages on my phone. please someone help me. i dont get it if he loves me why does he act like he dont care/ i miss him dearly and to him it seems like he doesnt miss me one bit !!!!!!!!! please email me at martinezjosie769@yahoo.com and explain PLEASEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE I BEG. What is going to happen from here?????????????
ReplyDeleteoh and he he was just like that with his ex. did the whole cheating and disappearing acts and did whatever he wanted when he wanted but he k nows i dont take that.
ReplyDeleteLife can be quite difficult as an Aquarian male in regard to the emotions we are capable of feeling -- all at the same time. Believe me when I say we would rather stay away from certain situations which cause this to happen. Believe me also that we have the capacity to like and love very deeply. So deeply, in fact, that we get rather tongue-tied when it comes to putting what we're feeling into words. Words are so puny when compared to what we really want to say in other ways. For me, thoughts simply don't come one at a time, and it is more than a little difficult at times to arrange them in their proper order. Hope this explanation helps:-)
ReplyDeleteHmmm, I think you are correct, the aquarian that I was involved with was very shy but when he expressed his "love" for me it was more than words. I think at one moment he loved me deeply, so deeply that he was intimidated and he didn't like to feel "boxed" althought; I wasn't clingy and gave him space for his music, work and friends...In conclussion, I think he was totally confussed and one fine day he just disappeared...it was very difficult for me to deal with the pain because I loved him too...Now,I feel better but it took me a while to understand that it was not my fault...I really hope he is doing well.
DeleteThe Aquarian male is something else. Much of the comments seem try to their nature. However, once they end of divorced they are so hurt....what can I say how's it feel. It one doesn't learn from the experience and ends up 50 something, Mr. Intellect is not so smart is he. Okay they are thinkers...amidst common sense...if one keeps failing in the same area whether technical or relational, one might surmise that one doesn't know everything. And being one of the human race, might find that the flaw of connecting, that ended in failed marriage, might surmise somewhere in his head that the most intelligent thing to do, called "wisdom" is get a counselor. Second, in bed....forget that...have not the wherewithal to know that women climax before men. But getting a woman there...that's a miss too. How intelligent is that. Then by the time they are 50ish and can't...well...what can you say...what do you want to say...when a man of such nature stays Immature, self-centered and self consumed. If I want to be mean, I could say, yes this is about you. But in the big picture at large....you're one fish that I can throw back....isn't that what they do...and hate confrontation...even constructive...who died and made you GOD...I agree with the comment above...they are a headache. Full of themselves…get yourself out of your own way…and maybe you can see….by the time they get around 40ish…they have diminishing health which results in health issues that follow them, then they need someone to take care of them…the hell with that…when this male is inconsiderate, and disregards and disengages in ways that are all about him…well his health issues are all about him too, he can take of himself for the rest of his life….women I know are of the mind in this day and age…when a man can no longer….they dump him. It seems that what goes around comes around or the old adage “you reap back what you sowed in selfishness all those years. So, what’s so wonderful…once you know….not!
Thes guys are bipolar ass wholes they lie to everyone including themselves at times they can be sweet then they flop when you ignore their ass they CALL you in like 6 days acting brand new and when you fuss with them they tell u to leave or you take it upon your self to do it anyway they chase you and if you really piss them off they bite you in the ass 10× harder they are fake Leo women stay away no matter how hard it can be siigh the best thing I got out this relationship was my daughter they are cold cold men that like to toy with your emotions sigh lord help me :(
ReplyDeleteConsider that you are too demanding!
DeleteMet an aquarian recently while on vacation. We live in different states. Great conversations and lots of laughter. I notice that he seems shocked when he shares personal stuff with me and I won't hear from him for days and days. I'm taurus with an aires ascendant...so I can be emotional but I am super independent, don't like to be restricted and need my space. Just wondering if this will lead to something more than friendship?!
DeleteI think if you are asking that question then you are already on the right track for disaster! You just met and already wondering about caging him in. No, it's not going to lead to anymore in that case. Sorry. The only way it will is if you accept him for who he is and not make demands on his emotional expression and time. It takes time to open up. Not because we are detached like everyone thinks. Because we are hyper sensitive and complex. Sharing emotions is a HUGE deal and one that needs to be taken in a reflected upon so we can assess if we have chosen to open up to the right person who won't bruise us with their demanding nature and complaints. So what we are doing when we disappear is testing you! And it looks like soooo many women on this board fail! If you don't test reactions, how can you avoid emotional disaster? What we are hoping for is someone who is unaffected, as a friend would be, by not hearing from us for days at a time. Hoping someone won't demand to know where we've been and making us feel obligated to them to share. And if that person doesn't demand these things, we will happily share it all. Allow us to open up slowly. Allow us to come to you. Don't complain, nag, demand, or show your insecurities, and what you will find is someone that you can trust with your heart forever.
Deletei am a high school girl (freshman) and am totally head over heels in love with an aquarius guy (junior). i got to know him because he was my host family for a week over thanksgiving. we barely talked, except over dinner or during car rides w/ his family. but he had me on first sight.
ReplyDeletein school now when we see each other, i am too shy to say hi and idk what hes thinking. ooh btw, almost forgot, im a gemini.
ppl say that gemini& aquarius are a great match.
i really really like him, he seems so different from other guys, too.
any advice on how to ask him out? or how to re-connect w/ him? since i never talk to him anymore?
its really difficult to since he and i have totally different classes.
please help, ive never liked a guy this much before. & im willing to sacrafice my own time to be w/ him..if i can that is :P
I'm a Genini woman, my man is aquarius. This guy came from nowhere n pursued me hard, I actually found him scary n kept him at arms length because he just frightened me lol he was so fast, we went out on 15 dates in the space of a month before he started to get anywhere with me, sex followed 1months later after he asked me to be his gf as I never made my feelings really known, he said I was hard to read lol.
ReplyDeleteIts a year next month for us, and yes he got alot of female friends but I have mostly male friends. He annoyingly is too good of a friend to people that don't mean him well, especially his best guy friend (I loathe him but never show it). He always invites me along to his friends gatherings, just make jokes n keep smiling and laugh with them (I can't stand majority of them lol only a few I really like) He treats me like a princess, supports my career drive and we spend a lot of time together BUT yes ladies he is reluctant to take things to the next level. However im so past caring now lol I don't care if we marry, I don't care if we live together, I find the less I care the more he tries. I think when it comes to these men less is more. I would marry him if he asked me though.I'm just enjoying what we have. I give him his freedom n its suits me as I get my me time too. Don't expect much with these guys. Just ignore them. I never hit him up in the morning cos I'm too busy, he'll say good morning, hit me up in the afternoon, ask how my day is. I'm sweet as pie to him, he has made a few of my dreams come true. I LOVE him, really do but I find you can't let them know how much. He tried to pull a stunt a few months back to draw rank on me but I told him he'll lose me there on the spot (he didn't cheat, just tried to make a life changing decision without care for my feelings) in the end he chose me. He tells me he loves me all the time but I honestly don't know cos he says it so much looool anyways ladies, show you care, but don't be all about them, take some time for yourself n keep busy.
Oh and to the lady that got duped into having a baby, my man tried all of that but I reminded him of his shopping list of stuff he said he needed before he had kids, he has not one of them so I won't have his kid, he soon realised I don't swing from side to side just cos he says so lol I was right to ignore him cos he is on some new ventures now. These men are crazy, believe nothing until u see it or get it!
So I'm a Taurus Woman (30) and I just got dumped by an Aqua man (30). My story is hilariously similar to almost every post here. We dated for 3 months. He pursued me hard and laid it on THICK in the beginning. I was playing it cool and he rapidly introducing me to his parents, talking about moving to his city, planning trips and vacations, right down to what religion our children would be. Because of how hard he pursued me for 6 weeks, I allowed myself to get caught up in it and actually thought he and I might go the distance. Then he starts acting strange... less texts, less calls, stopped planning the next time we would hang, he even stopped saying goodnight. One wknd he even forgot I was supposed to come visit him that wknd!! Like, how do you "forget" something like that!!! Really?!? Then BOOM... dumps me 2 hours before I'm supposed to leave to spend the wknd with him. Funny thing is it was after a night out with friends. He was easily manipulated by friends. He especially held their opinions in high regard. Too bad most of his friends were WOMEN that did NOT have his best interest at heart. He too was friends with his exes and hung around a lot of girls. I have honestly, in my 30 years of living, NEVER dated a person who made me feel so insecure, so judged, and made me question everything about myself (what I said, how I looked, etc.). I will never date another aqua again!
ReplyDeleteI recently was in a relatioship w an aquarius guy everything moved very fast and after about a week he started saying things like I heart you and called and txted me nonstop like literally I would say I needed to go and my phone would still blow up every 2 minutes. a few days later it was I love you and everyday was about planning our future although I felt like I was the only one taking concrete steps to build our life together. then one night about 2 and half weeks into the relationship he psycho analized me and although some of what he said was correct I felt it was not his place and told him this he appologized and I let it go. the next evening he posted we were in a relationship on fb and then I got contact by a girl who was talking to all the way up until an hr before we offically started dating and I got mad he said he didnt understand why I was mad and was taken back at how mad I was. I felt as though are relationship was as quickly falling as it had begun and decided to break free. its been 2 days now and I tried to txt him and he said to me I told you when I met that once its over its over no matter who breaks up with who. so this is my question how can a man go from being in love with you to wanting to get married to being so cold. that isnt love Im not sure wtf it is but would love if someone could explain this to me. I do love him and want to be w him but I needed time to process everything that was happening at the moment which was hard to do with someone calling texting and skyping you every 5 seconds. will he calm down and come back or whats the deal and how can someone go from being so loving to so cold on a dime like that? we were mentally compatible that wasnt an issue for us we could talk about anything and for hours and hours so Im lost with all this. help pleassssssse
ReplyDeleteit seems crazy cuz most of us are actually aware of the fact that we are communicating with another human being. aquas, in fact think they are the only person in the universe... and they still think that. and they will always think that...until the day they die... and then as Jesus stands beside them they shall witness every slight, every hurt, every neglect, every unanswered text or call or wish... and they shall feel it a thousand fold just as we did... and then they will realize how stupid they were..and it will be too late for them to change it. and they shall wallow in self pity forevermore.
DeleteMy Aquarius guy was an odd case - he claimed he seriously was looking for a meaningful relationship but his actions proved otherwise.
ReplyDeleteProfesses all his feelings of love to me, says all the things every girl longs to hear.
But then - we have a lunch date - then he disapears for a week. Only calls once a fortnight. After a lenghthy disappearing act, I decide to start dating other guys. He finds out and then has the nerve to be upset at me.
I tried to give him space, and im not needy or clingy. But I solidly believe Aquarian guys cant be in relationships. They enjoy their freedom too much or cant commit.
I'm an Aquarius myself and met another Aquarius guy by accident. It has been 6 months I knew him. Everything was great at first. We talked to each other almost everyday (sharing ideas, daily life routines & perspective of life kind of topics) and suddenly at one point in time he stopped contacting me.
ReplyDeleteThis Aquarius man really love to fool around with my mind. He never talks to me directly, always using other sources to get close to me. So I played a lot of push and pull game with him. Eventually I fell into his trap.
He is extremely charming - the most charming man I ever met in my life. And his eyes are mesmerizing. I've been spellbound by him. Odd enough he was the only man I've given my contact number less than 5 minutes.
I just got to know him on the surface as I would never get the chance to know this guy better. He kept a distance away from me after he found out I got married after a month and a half knowing him. I struggled a lot to forget about him.
He was cold for a moment. So I ignored him. Eventually he came back again and to some extend he stalked me once. Although it was a one-time encounter, he didn't do anything to me but just wanted me to notice his appearance. So I felt scared. I feel so much for him and I wrote him an email to cut off our friendship. Plus I heard a lot of rumors that he is a big flirt and not serious with any girls that he met. He just wants to make you feel that he likes you so you will like him back but actually he does not have that kind of intention to be with you.
When I cut off our friendship, he pretended he never read the email and play that mind games with me again. He just kept on talking to me non-stop and keep on changing his sets of questions just to get me respond to him. And finally I did give it in. And once I've replied to him he smiled foolishly.
He is indeed a weirdo. You would never know what they really want in their life. But when he acted strangely, I find him interesting and it's my curiosity that kills me. It's always mind-challenging to date an Aquarius man.
I told him I like him a lot and asked him what is going on between us. He just ignored me completely. I asked him to meet me - he didn't show up at all. I told him don't be a coward and own up to his feelings but he totally shut me down.
He messed up my mind and captured my heart. I'm trying to move on. Worst part is I'm married. I should not be doing this to my husband.
Think twice before you get involved with an Aquarius man. If he seems to be perfect for you, don't fall for it. No one is perfect.
DeleteHELP..... I get what you guys are all saying, about giving the aquarius guy space and all that, and I have never been the type to restrict a man in anyway, even tho i am emotional and sometimes a little bit demanding. So this guy who is aquarius (im leo) were friends for about 2 years and dated for about 4 months and it was great, we live different cities, couple hours drive away, i went to see him and we had a great time but the next night i got mad at him called and told him about it and hung up on him, he got really pissed at me and since that we hadnt spoken in about almost 2 weeks then i messaged and he answered, but now he is really cold towards me and basically ignores me. What do I do? just move on?
ReplyDeleteOh wow, When i read all this it sounds exactly like my boy i have known since i was 16 am now 22 and its been a ridiculous roller coaster ever since. He is the most beautiful boy in the world, but has had a very hard life. He detaches himself all the time, whenever i think its going somewhere he will do something like stop contacting me for 2 months and then randomly i will see him & then the texting begins, dinners and hanging out etc.
ReplyDeleteHe is 24 and i feel as though he has a deep love for me but he just is not ready. I have told him a million times how i feel 'i love you' 'more than anyone ever' etc... he knows all of this and he still has never made it exclusive just him & i. Will that ever happen ?? I am a pisces and i feel as though i am too emotional for him but he has told me that he always 'feels like himself' when hes with me and just recently told me fter not seeing him for a while 'it takes me a long time to warm up (to me) but when it begins he feels very strongly'....
can anyone give me any advice? I am so so super in love & everyone knows.. literally every single person we know , knows i have a deep love for him. thankyou x
you know what girls, I've got totally interested with all of your experiences. Now, I have an Aquarian male friend. He came to me and flirted. I entertained him but now that I am on the verge of thinking whether entertain him more or forget about him. I am also an Aquarian woman, but I do'n like to play so I told him We Will Be Just Friends. After I told him that, I've noticed that he was challenged. Then, he again became interested on me telling me that I am sexy, hot and bla bla. So, I did entertained him again. But all of a sudden, he became too unreachable. He became so busy. So being an Aquarius woman, I could not take it anymore. So I dumped him before he can hurt me again. Do you think what I did was just right? Will he ever come back to me again?
ReplyDeletei just chanced upon this blog. am i glad.
ReplyDeletei met an aqua male abt a month back online. Let me clarify that we met on a matrimonial site, its basically a site where u try and contact suitors with a view to serious relationship/marriage.
i dint bother much initially and was pretty cold, indifferent and rude. btw am a leo woman. he got intrigued and we somehow ended up chatting quite a bit. he stays abt 3 hours drive from where i stay. we stay in touch over blackberry messenger or yahoo insant messenger.
v met up soon and our first meeting was awsm. we ended up spending 6 hours toegther just chatting. and we both felt a strong attraction to each other. though we kissed and it was awsm, i made it very clear i wasnt loking for casual sex. Infact we both dicussed and agreed that we would like to explore whether this cld lead to smthng serious and did not want to get into casual stuff or simple dating.
he is a workaholic, successful and alwys wrks till late in the nite. and he alwys has these regular business dinrs and travels reg. its beeen a mnth since our 1st meeting. i am working too and am doing just fine professionaly though ofcrse he is much much much more sucessful. V hv kept in touch thru this entire mnth via bbm or yahoo instant msngr. while i hv tried to be open and communicative, he remains closed, nvr volunteering any information unless asked. i told him he needs to open up or else this will nevr wrk. he assured me he will try and that he likes me. but i dnt really seee any effort on his part.
when i dont contact him, he reverts wid where i hv been and how i have been. his behaviour just dsnt make any sense to me. his reponses are limited to monosylabels. so i thot maybe hes not really interested in me. so i hv given him the option of cutting this short and v just being frnds. but he dsnt agree.
i really m quite fedup of pandering to his convenience and one sided conversation where i keep ramblig away like a dimwit. and funny thng is there is just no arguing wid this man. he just dsnt believ in arguing. he is remote, distant, elusive and comes across as pretty cold. u alwys feel as if hes nt quite there wid u. since our 1st meetin was sooo awsm i thot i shld stick arnd and try to know this man. but there is simply no way that i can figure which will help me know him betr.
His behaviour is baffling. he keeps in tch but its only hellos and how r u. he expects me to ask qstns, get to know him betr. and he dsnt even promptly respond. and whn my qstns get too probing, he dsnt answer. whn i dont bother he gets in touch..when i talk of cutting this off, he revrts wid a no..seriously guys what do u make of such a guy????
Last friday, he told me he will come dwn and meet me over the wknd since its been soo long but true to his form till friday evening, i dint hear from him. while i am fine wid ppl having to cancel plans, what i am not fine wid is not infoming others abt such cancellation. being elusive, reclusive is fine but this is sheer dis respect for other peoples time, their honest approach. i cant stand cat and mouse games atleast not beyond a certain point. initially its fun. but as time progresses u want substance.
i decided m nt gona stand for such impolite behaviour. I deleted him from my bb messenger list on fri nite. He must hv realised that I have deleted him whn he must have found my name missing. but so far and its tuesday today, he hasnt bothered to get in touch with me again. what a let down. not one word..
I have decded perhaps its in my best interest to not get in touch with hm again. if he thnks m worth it, he will make the next move. if he doesnt, then i gues i nyways did the rite thing by deleting him from my bbm list.
any advice guys?? or shld i just let this one go??
I stated a one stand relation with this Aquarius which I thought will be perfect because I am not in to commitment at this point in my life, but what a rack, he is the most confusing man i ever go out with, he keeps appearing and disappearing like a game and the worst was just this weekend when we agreed to see each other on Friday night and I had to change our date to Saturday and he agreed. Then on Thursday he started texting and getting me very excited about our date on Saturday night, and the he asked me if he could see me Saturday and he wanted to see me on Friday even if it was for a couple of hours because he could not wait until saturday he wanted me so bad!! ( I could not accommodate the request) and then he keep making me very excited about our date for Saturday asking if he could stay all weekend even Sunday because he needed me so bad!!! finally I get a text on Friday night canceling our date because he was going out of town!! and that was it no more text no answer to my texts! NOTHING! not a pip! Wow the most confusing and frustrating thing I have ever had with a guy! specially when I thought he knew I did not wanted any commitment! but it was a real shock I had to admit! Thanks for helping me understand what happened here!
ReplyDeletehey i had posted msg here on March 6, m dani. this is exactly what happened wid me too.. lolol.. so much texting and msging and get u all excited and happy.. and sudnly when the d day arrives they just disappear for days wid no apologies no explanation. i did go crazy for a while there trying to analyse and over analyse.. whn ur wid them they treat u as if u r the only woman for them, mke u feel grt and special. and other times they just act compltely indifferent. so tuned out, unconcernd. so basically u get all confused not knowing just what to thnk or believe. is he the attentive, charming, intelligent date when hes wid u? or the remote, unemotional uncaring indifferent guy? its basically a conflict, u dnt know..whether he is considerably patient or totally indifferent..
ReplyDeleteThat day i come acros this "life alwys gives u a second chance and its called 2rw". it made sense to me so i decided to give my aquarian guy a 2nd chance. m single and nt dating any1. btw m in my thirties so i know feeling this way is nt so common. i hence sent an add request to add him back on my bbm and he accptd my request. after some prodding, he apologised for not being able to meet last time. he said he dint thnk he had confirmed 100% abt the last meeting so he dint realy inform whn he got tied up in smthng else. he did not bother to ask y i deleted him in the first place from bbm and just tld me he has beeen extensivly travelling so he dint even realize. how is that possible? we chatted albeit briefly but we chattted everyday for almost a month!! and if i just disappear for 10 days widout a word, wldnt most wonder??? thats normal behaviour. so y wld he pretend otherwise i hv no clue.
he told me lets meet on fri nite. this time i told him i will confirm only on thurs. lets see whether he intends to keep his word or he plans to disappear widout a word. since i v anywys decided to give this a 2nd chance, i wll wait and wtch wht happens this wknd. if he behaves like a remote ar*&$ again, i will cut him out of my life and not luk back..
Isn't the pretense of not noticing nerve racking? I irritates me, but I guess for them it's like a band-aid, their way of covering up their wounded feelings. Cowards, can't stand them!
DeleteI myself am conufused and feeling hurt. We met online and because we live really close decided to give it a try. I'm 32(I work from hom) and he's 22(he's a student) by the way. I'm a Gemini Woman and he's an Aquarius. My bday is 6/20 his is 1/25.
ReplyDeleteWhat I don't understand is how we go from being FINE to suddenly me feeling like he doesn't want to have nothing to do with me. I've sent him a long heartfelt email requesting an answer so to speak. Asking him to explain to me what's up so that I can move on. I sound desperate to some of my friends. Even stalkerish as my Brother said. I just want answers.
How is it that he can ignore me after so many good times? I mean it hasn't even been 2 Months. And another thing: a couple of my friends suggested he may have lost his cell? That was our only means of communication. I feel very ignored and don't deserve to be treated like that. I'm hurt. Just hurt!
I told him and asked him in the beginning: So are we boyfriend and Girlfriend. He answered: Yes I thought we established that. Fast forward about 4 weeks. WHERE IS HE? I mean my first LOVE was Aquarius and we spoke almost every day for 2.5 years. This guy? It seems maybe he's found a new love and doesn't have the heart to let me know?
I mean men do that whole: sparing of their woman's/gf's feelings by not telling us. But what they need to understand is that the NOT KNOWING actually does more harm. We're left wondering and guessing, imagining even what we could have done wrong. I know what most have said. To move on or give him time. But time for what? Maybe he can't handle the maturity that I exude. I mean maybe he's still mentally a 15 yo kid! Any advice/suggestions??????
Ok, I'm soooo through with Aquarius men...how do I make them all just not attracted to me?!!! Is there like some kind of Aquarius man repellent spray I can buy? I posted this about three weeks ago:
ReplyDelete"Aquarius man: "grrrrrrr...never been turned on as much as I get when talking to you"
Pisces woman (thinking):"grrrrr"? Is that a good or bad thing?
There were several of these types of statements over a period of weeks about how much I excite him, I make him forget stuff, I cause him to lose control...
I wasn't trying to, I was just being myself. But it seems to me by the "grrrrr" he found being excited by me or his desire of me to be disconcerting? The last thing I heard from him was an instant message from two weeks ago, "MIss you babes xxx". That was 2 weeks ago...he has faded away, after chasing me for weeks. I seemed to have scared him away somehow, inspite of giving him his space (with Venus in Aquarius -I like my space too)..."
In the meanwhile I meet another really nice guy, not my type but friendly when we aren't having major debates
(arguments)about school, life, politics, and the meaning of life. Come to find out he's an Aquarius and he is getting on my last nerve! I like being his friend but sometimes he drops subtle hints that he wants it to be more then just as quickly changes topics, mummbles under his breath as if I didn't hear what he said the 1st time or blatantly tells me I didn't hear him correctly. What is with the obvious jealousy (which he won't confess to) or the umpteenth degree questioning sessions? I'm not even his girl...a few days ago he calls while I'm at school I answer and tell him I just got out of a class and that I will call him back, he says, "Tell the teacher I said hi." I pause, he says, "Tell them now so I can hear you" I'm thinking WTF?! I of course shut him down with a simple, "Like I said I'm at school and will call you back."
Make them go away! I don't want them to want me!
I'm the one who posted on Mar 16, 2012 06:39 AM
ReplyDeleteI'm almost depressed because the NOT KNOWING is eating up inside! If I had any idea I would go through this with him... I would not have continued. I find myself crying a lot because I almost feel punished. I thought we were ok. So what if I'm emotional! And? Communication, emotions and expressing yourself is part of the relationship. I warned him before we hooked up how I was. He said he was ok, that he could deal. God was he full of it! I so want to try to call and hope that he'll answer but, I've even had relatives and friends trying to call(people he never heard of) to see if he'd answer. Still nothing. Can someone, anyone shed some light? Is it that he's over it and moved on with someone new or is he so in Love he doesn't know what to do with me? Maybe the last experience with my Grandmother put him off? But I wouldn't know because he doesn't return any calls. We just spoke this past Tuesday Night. What happened since then? It's March 18th Sunday late afternoon.
I know what half my relatives and friends have said:Move on, he's no good you can do better. I even re joined the site where he and I met. I feel no one compares though. What we had in the past 6 weeks! It doesn't seem to matter how Handsome, charming, rich or smart another is. I need and want to hear from my aqua Man! I'm so worried half the time that he's hurt or in dire straits. Of course the worse case scenarios have popped in my head. I feel like a tortured soul. Without him I suddenly feel incomplete. I'm crying and tired of it. All's I want is for him to communicate to me. Anything so I know that he's ok.
But if he's being like this to show that he doesn't care how am I supposed to know? I mean I had one RED FLAG with him before we met up. But he assured me he wasn't meeting up with others. That he just likes talking to others. Yes I understand aqua men are friendly.
Did he suddenly realize that he's not interested? Will he not eventually feel that: I owe it to her to tell her. After all, I went back to all our old conversations from that site and we were fun and flirty in the beginning.
I can understand if my seeming a bit needy of him, wanting to see him could put him off. Heck he may have realized that he's not ready to be serious. Shoot, I didn't ask to be married. But I did tell him I'm very emotional.
So aquarius experts. Are Aqua Men known for lying to keep the peace?
This isn't good! I don't accept that. I believe he has a soft spot for me..so to speak.
So what could be his reason for not responding? His phone rings maybe 6 times before it goes to voice mail. This is his cell I never got his home phone. I now realize I should have.
I could easily go to his house bc I'm not 100 percent sure but I have a pretty good idea where he lives, to leave a note under his door. If he were ok and truly cared would he not do the same for me?
Or has he just completely forgotten about me?
My goodness I sound desperate don't I? I'm just tired of crying because it basically kills me to NOT KNOW what has happened. To not know why the communication has suddenly Halted. Wondering if he's lost his phone etc.
I need peace of mind like I said.
My aqua man better get back to me soon otherwise I'm going to have to HUNT him down to demand an explanation! lol
I was almost inclined to call hospitals for patient information to see if he was a patient. Should I? Is that taking it to far?
lol omg Why me??????
hey ANM.. this is dani again.. na your not going out of ur mind. its just that we are normal straight forward emotional people and do not play many mind games.
ReplyDeleteAfter i chatted wid my guy on sun nite, my guy ignored my msg on tues so i thot he wld b busy. he did the same on wed too.. based on my reading on aquarian men, i feel maybe he was avoidng me since he had promised to meet on fri nite. obviously aftr he dint respnd on wed nite also, i dint bother agn to ask abt our proposed meeting on friday. and neither did he bother.
I duno either what to make of things. but u cant let urself get into a frenzy, turn into a nervous wreck all bec of sm1 who doesnt wana bothr.
all i can say is that m sure he knows ur anxious and trying to get in touch. but he is still not ready to break silence. it wld be great if we could peek into their minds and get the answer. whether yes no maybe or whatever. but thats def not happening here. lol..
i have no idea why aquarian men behave like this. what is the answr to all this? maybe there are reasons for how they behave but i wish they wld b more considerate of others' feelings. i do feel a litl low at times and wonder hw it wld hv beeen had he not got silent. but how can v force sm1 to acknowedge things, situations or feelings? i have moved on and given up all hopes.
i wish he wld hv simply said that hes nt that keen or dsnt want to meet or he thnks we shld just b frnds. bt he just tuk the cowardly way out and chose to remain silent.
This is ANM again
ReplyDeleteSo my assumption that something's wrong with the relation, him or me is wrong? Is that what you're saying?
So he's not just ignoring me to hurt me or to say that he's no longer interested?
Yes I'm aware life existed before me. Same for me. I existed fine before he came in but then I met him and things seemed better lol
I still don't understand the need for space. And the ignoring me part is especially hurtful as I can dissect so many reasons as to why he's doing it.
It's the NOT KNOWING that gets to me most.
I will in the mean time concentrate on my health with exercise, meditation etc. Since I'm very spiritual.
But if he doesn't respond to me within a set time frame I will be forced to move on.
I've done the waiting game for as long as almost a year and it was to no avail and only to find out that he was never coming back to me. (he was a Taurus and in the Navy, many years ago)
I will update maybe every day as I feel that expressing my sentiment towards my aqua mans behavior will help keep me Sane.
Thanks for the insight Dani.
Much appreciated
ANM again
ReplyDeletein regards to you saying he's Normal and straightforward and emotional. He doesn't seem any of that. Besides the times we spend together which I know he enjoys. He doesn't express his feelings to me much it would seem. When we do talk and I've said something funny he does that little, what sounds like a nervous laugh.
I know that the day we first met he was soooooo nervous that when I went to hug him I felt him shaking. lol
I'm completely confused as I said.
One thing I can say that is different with him is: When he embraces me it is so comfortable and feels so natural. I almost thought I jinxed it when I fantasized about marriage with him...sighs.
Oh and is the fact that he's so quiet around strangers when he's with me indication of more that I don't see? Why do I feel like he's almost embarassed? Well I don't really think he would have walked outside with me now that I think about it. Maybe I'm selfish to want all his attention lol
Thanks (so glad I found this site!)
No i meant ur straight forward and open in the way u feel and express ur feelings. i am the same. so it is a litl difficult to comprehend the way aquarian men behave. and bec u duno y he is behaving so distant sudnly, u keep wondering abt it and it just keeps playing on ur mind.. till u feeel sick bec u duno just wht happened or why..u cant forget nor can u move on since its not a closed chapter..
ReplyDeletei am nt saying he is out to deliberately hurt u.. maybe he is not and is just thnking abt himself. i m not sure. Aquarian men have this tendency to get very close one day and then sudnly disappear. And reappear as if nothings wrong. thts wht many hv discussed above. And thts how it was in my case tooo..
You have to be patient. just give ur self a mental cutoff date. if he gets in touch within that time period grt, if he dsnt u hv to move on. i wanted to see how my guy would behave. so gave anthr chance to him, us. when he behaved in exactly the same fashion again, i decided to not give this thing too much priority and focus on other thngs..its not easy i admit but its not sooo difficult either..:-)
he alrdy knows i contacted him and tried to talk yet he chose to stay silent. its prob the same for u too..at some point, u need to get strong emotionally and think rationally. not sure whts exactly happening in ur case but: 1. he is very yng and 2. an aquarian guy. double whammy..
As i said we cant force these thngs. even if they give in bec we keep hounding them, they may resent us in future. u hv to let him revert now without any contct or coercion from ur side. i really thnk v hv made it clear we like them and wana stay in touch.. v cant do more than that.. lets give them space and lets get on wid our life.
if he reverts, grt.. i will be happy for u..
It may seem funny that I explain the situation like this. Like I said it hasn't even been 2 Months since we met but....
ReplyDeleteI feel like I was a drug addict, given a new drug(him)
Then suddenly the drug was snatched away from me.
And now I'm craving this drug so badly.
I don't know how else to explain it.
Thank goodness I haven't cried once today. I think that as long as I believe that he'll eventually get in touch that I'll be fine. Because if I assume he won't then it literally stresses me out!
Girl I fill that same way about my Aquarius man they ackt like they do
Deleten't kno wat they want
well its been 2 months for me too.. lol..yeah u described it rite..its almost like an addiction and now ur going thru cold turkey. can understand..
ReplyDeletethough i hv to say its not so bad for me. :p the aquarian guy m talking abt is very successful and to be honest i wondered if it cld b possible btwn us. pretty woman situations dnt hapn in real life. so well i kept trying to thwart him and he said lets get to know each other betr and see if we cld hv a future. so u can imagine my anger, my confusion, when one fine day he just stoppd responding?? i mean its not like i was chasing him or smthng..
i was pissed but if the man dsnt want to answr u wht can u do?? u hv to disconnect mentally or go mad wondering.. i cant tie him up nor force myself dwn his throat..lol..thats a funny thot. if i evr talk to him again, i wld like to have annswers/explnation as to the reason behind his behavior. not sure if i wld get one and well tht kinda seals thngs for me. bec i am just not ready to keep feeling this way over and over again..
u hv to remind yrself tht u did all u cld. now let it be. take each day as it comes. first few days may be diff but thereaftr thngs wont be so bad. immerse urself in new stuff..cultivate interest in movies, pen ur feelings thots, music, wrkouts etc..
ReplyDeleteMy name is Goldy
Iv been darting this Aquarius guy for 1mounth hes well we just kick it sometimes talk everyday on the phone facebook and text but he has a Jellouse issue I guess because his firstlove hurt him really bad mentally and now he fills like he can't ever trusta women even tho he says he really likes me alot and he thinks im the special Queen sent from heaven I believe it and yes iv been hurt in the past too but im still learning to trust him because ilike him alot but I just wanna know is why is he pushing me away i dont get that. :(
Well I'm glad you're not so stuck on him! lol
ReplyDeleteAgain another relative said: maybe his Mother doesn't approve. I do have a Daughter after all. I know he said to me once that his Mother was incredibly religious.
I know you can't decide for a person. I know he makes up his own mind.
Maybe he got bored with me. Maybe it was all in my head. So many what if's and maybe's.
The connection I thought we had. Maybe he was just testing waters. But who really knows? Not me!
All I know is I'm over the crying. I need to learn to love me. I started my sugar detox and am feeling great!
Whether he comes back to me or not I have to put me first. I need to cry for myself. Crave myself. Put myself first!
For lack of having a Father figure (like a friend said) I've looked for love and acceptance in the wrong places.
I have this feeling deep inside that he has a soft spot for me. But whatever this reason that is coming between us is just too great for him to break. Whatever this barrier is. I cannot focus on it any more. I will not contact him any more.
Today is Tuesday March 19th early evening. It makes approximately one week since he last communicated with me.
I will share what I said to him. I was being sort of cute and poetic. In text
Quoting a song I said to him: I only think of you, on 2 occasions!
He responded with: What 2 occasions?
LOL. My response was: That's Day and Night :* :)
His response back to me was :) :* <THIS happened to be the last thing I've heard from him since last week today.
After that I've said other cutesy flirty things. The next day. Which I've always done. After not hearing from him the next day. I was starting to worry.
But does he suddenly feel put off?
Anyway enough with the questions. I will try to erase him from my mind and as I said again focus on me.
I need to get the DRUG OF CHOICE out of my system!
Is it to challenge us? To see if we like this game of Cat and mouse where they run and we chase after you? To see if we could keep up! But I freaking LOVE it. I love a challenge! Trying to peak into his mind. I was intrigued at first because he was so quiet and I even told him I found his quietness sexy!
lol I know I said I'll stop but there's so much I want to know now. So when/if I finally see him I need to remember to ask him all these questions. Instead of diving into physicality!
One thing I know he loves is Video Games, hanging with his friends and sleeping.
His profile said he likes to travel. Really? Where to?
Sorry to all the readers if my Chatter bores you. I'm just learning a new lesson in life. That's something I think we all have in common no? An aquarius Man!
ANM 3/20/2012 6:42PM
Still nothing. I'm having a bad night. It's like he left a stamp in me and I can't erase it. Where is he? Is he ok? I just want to know that much. That's all :(
Appearing as desperate as this will not work with any man but even less with an Aquarius. You've totally blown it. Best advice would be to ignore him for a year or two or three and then, if you haven't moved on, perhaps send a card. Big up your achievements and tempt him. Never give an Aquarius man the upper hand.
Deleteo my god...y r u still torturing urself like this.. my guy dint get in tch and neither did i.. u say u like challenges but its not really a game for u.. ur happiness smiles ur spirits get affected on a single word from him.. and if u dnt hear frm him, u get dejected and down and sad..
ReplyDeletei thnk u need to snap out of this..please understand..he knows u are arnd and interested..but he is choosing to stay silent..there is nthing else u can do short of literally begging him to let u enter ur life..
y r u downgrading urself like this?? ur a strong independent woman, pls take a hold of urself emotionally and mentally and try to live with dignity.. life dsnt begin nor end with that guy.
all da best, dani
dnt this to urself.
Oh I know but. What urks me like I said is that like in past. I feel like he's yet another GUY that has come in then out of my life without a reason/explanation. I showed nothing but the utmost respect and care to him. The least he could have done was said: Ok Not feeling this any more Ok? do you understand? I mean it would have hurt but at least I would have known. Whatever though. I'm entering my 8th day of sugar detox and feeling good.
DeleteAs long as I keep busy I think I will keep my sanity as well lol
I have one word for him though...am I allowed to put that here????? lol
ur still talking abt him? dnt give ppl so much importance whn they dnt even respond.. let go and move on...u want him to spell thngs out clearly.. well thts not happening is it? and it dsnt even luk likely to happen.. thts the whole point of this whole conversation. u cant make sm1 do wht he just isnt inclined to do..give up and get sm peace of mind..
ReplyDeleteget a grip on yrself and start refocusing on ur life, ur work and ur kid and making new frnds...
I just realized this yesterday. After reading yet another BLOG with other Ladies in similar situations. They don't like when you show any kind of emotion and they like to play cat and mouse. Had I known this from the start I would have just said: I'll pass but we can be friends!
DeleteI'm doing pretty good matter of fact! ;p
check the advice given on this site..
ReplyDelete"Meanwhile, my advice to any woman caught up in the worst case scenario with an Aquarius is to cut your losses - dump him!"
simple.. get out..
Yes as I said above your post to the other person. I know now that the person was just playing a game, I was part of it and had no idea til Yesterday. Unfortunately, even if he tries to I won't get back with him. Because for me communication is a big thing in relationships.(OMG HOW DARE I TRY TO COMMUNICATE MY FEELINGS! <SARCASM YES) If you can't handle it then it's your loss. I'm sure he's bouncing from one to another chick but I hope he doesn't get sick in the process. I won't ever be more than friends with him ever again. I have no time for games.
DeleteCase closed
Sad to read ur post.. but its ok.. U may hurt for few days but u wl be back on ur feet in no time, no time at all..:-)..
ReplyDeleteIn the meanwhile, i wld like to add that the aquarian guy i was talking abt suddnly has started responding to me. he has always beeen on my fcbk, yahoo msngr and my blckberry msngr list. I am addictd to my black berry and keep sending funny forwards to ppl on my bbm list. so i used to send forwards to him also. i behaved just like i wld behave wid any other frnd who is on my ist. but yeah, i dint try talking to him even once. i decided 2 give up on him as a potential partner and that was tht.
He nvr responded to any of the forwards that he got. that ws fine by me. not all do. but he has sudnly started responding to my forwards with smileys and ystrdy tried to initiate a convo based on a forward.. maybe he was just bored or on a loose end and hence he tried to talk. i duno. but i dint really tried to build on it and didnt initiate a convo. I gues he wld not bother again but thts alrite.
i have to say i was very enthu when i met him. i was so excited. he was smart, courteous and we shared a grt chem. i was so luking forward to exploring thngs wid him. but he let me dwn badly wid his bad behaviour.
From wht i have seen and read on this site, I have decided not to pursue this. he is a nice guy prob and may be gud to have as a frnd but i am no longer interested in geting involved with him. relationships are meant to give us happiness and not to mind f*#k us. I dnt want to keep wondering y and wht.. we wld hv been so gud 2gether but he lost me for ever..
Ok so how long had it been since he last communicated to you? For me it's been 16 days LOL. Why do I keep count? Because I thought I might have meant something to him. Obviously I said something to upset him, or maybe not. But again how would I know? It would seem they just love to sit back and watch the person whom they captured just squirm but, The last time I messaged him(a few days back) I told him a final goodbye.
DeleteTold him that I No longer felt the need to contact him, that it was a good time we had and that if all he wanted was Friendship he should have just said so. I added how we had our cake and ate it too. Yes we were physical in the time we were together but. I didn't even get a chance to really get to know him. Same goes for him. Not that it should even matter. I'm not as patient as I thought I was I guess. Whatever his reason. I'm just hoping he's ok. I do.
But am moving forward. I could easily go to where he lives and slip a note under his door but not sure he would like that. I'm not going to make a fool of myself for his attention any more.
Their game is cold and brute. I'm not sure if they're aware what a complete Mind fu** it truly is to give the silent treatment. But if the person being ignored were completely mentally unstable I'd have to assume they'd drive themselves to near suicide lol. Not funny but some pple don't know how to handle emotional situations.
I do because I tell it how it is.
If you don't like it...TOUGH!
That's just me. And I'm not a robot!
PLEASE Don't go round and slip a note under his door! That could be seen as stalking. If it wasn't seen as stalking it would be seen as desperate...
DeleteIf you really want him back (and he does sound like a prize Aquarius and **** head) get on with your life and become rich and successful or richer and more successful. He'll want you back then but... here's the mad thing... you probably won't want that loser.
Take care out there all you partners, prospective partners and exes of Aquarius men.
Well I'm ready to just close this chapter in my life. His number may or may not still be active but I'm not about to find out. The next time I post here which may be never, would be if I hear from him again. Good Luck everyone :)
hey anm.. this is dani.. i stopped counting days ages back. he just tried that once 3/4 days back to talk but after that he dint really bother. and to be frank well that was also more in response to one of the forwards which i had sent. infct i wrote a few lines on sat on bbm but he dint respond. just wntd his opinion on smthng. thnk hes travelling out of the country. but who knows?
ReplyDeleteIt cld be a simple case of him nt being that into u. or he thnking u nt rite for him. In my case, the guy is a business tycoon and has his fingers in quite a few pies. when he gets busy with work, he forgets abt everythng. he is v focused abt this work. i gues thats y he is a millionaire wid his fleet of fancy cars.
Bottomline u cant do much. i hv shifted him to my frnds list. just like i keep in tch wid my others frnds thru occasional hi and hello, will do the same wid him too.. since i have given up trying, m emotionally and mentally fine. I have started meeting other men, going out on dates. :-).
u/we did ur best, nthing else u/we can do..
cheers, dani
Hey Dani..this is ANM lol
DeleteWell I have also stopped counting days(coughs lies, 3 weeks) but. When me and the aqua guy met another guy(Taurus) was trying and I completely ignored him. When I first realized I couldn't get in touch with the aqua guy the Taurus guy asked me to give him a chance and I told him no. That I didn't want to. And I was completely put off by his words. Anyway I'm giving him a shot because he truly seems interested and though he thinks he will have his way with me. He has another thing coming. I'd hate to get emotionally involved with the Taurus guy only to have the aqua Man pop back in to say there was a legit reason for his disappearance.
But in the mean time I will keep the Taurus guy as a friend to start. I've heard that Gemini Women(ME) and Taurus Men don't mesh but we'll see.
I wish my aqua guy/bf/friend the best but will not put my life on hold forever for him!
Will update soon :)
hey ANM.. i thnk one thng u need to really remember and work on is not to give ultimatums. those nvr work.. well almost never. if the man is not sure and taking his time, by issuing ultimatums u simply give him an excuse to "not do anythng". unless u been dating the guy for ages and he is still not ready for the next upper level. in that case setting deadlines and giving ultimatums based on those deadlines make total sense.
ReplyDeletethats one of my drawbacks too..isssuing ultimatums in the heat of the moment and regretting the same just as soon as i hv had the chance to cool down. so i try to stay away when pissed and then revisit the issue when i hv coooled dwn. m nt alwys successful but atleast i have identified my problem. so evn if i manage to control my basic urge 4 times out of 10, i consider that as a victory, albeit a small one. but its a start for me. i am a hot headed leo wid infinite impatience.
Dont count anyone out and dont cut off permanently wid people. unless he/she has betrayed u in some major way. thts wht i try to follow.
Now tht i have started talking to him again, i realise that thou he likes me, its not like "do or die" situation for him. if m there, thats gud..if m nt there, thats gud too. he has tooo many thngs going on in his life, primarily and secondarily, his business. he puts in like 15 hours of wrk everyday and works on many wknds too. he doesnt hv any time to mope around or miss me. thats the plain truth, harsh as it sounds.
if u thnk rationally, our expectations are too high and from a person who hasnt really promised much. we liked the way we felt when we were with them, and so we started expecting more and demanding more, much more than they promised. i do like him and love the way he can make me feel. he likes me but he hasnt yet really started thnking abt me nor missing me much.
i really dont know wht i cld do in such a sutuation. so i consciousy put a curb on my expectations and decided not to invest too much of my emotions nor energy on him or making this work. also as i said, i have opened up my mind to let others in. no point putting all my eggs in one basket..
I haven't given him an ultimatum. I asked and he was the one who said: Yes we are exclusive. Stupid me for reading too much into his words. I know my best friend of 25 years said: Stop reading so much into words it's more about actions. Well my biggest thing is that I'm very communicative. I told him this before we met. He knew this while we were together. Whatever's happening to him like I said, I hope he's simply ok. I won't put my life on hold for him but am tired of trying to make him realize how good of a Woman I am! No I don't need him. I was existing just fine before him and will exist just fine after him.
DeleteIt's just baffling when someone does a 360 on me without reason. Reminds me of my Daughter's father.
Soon as I told him that we were expecting that's exactly what he did. He did a Dr.Jekyl Mr.Hyde bid where he could no longer have time for me. So cold and mean.
Anyway. I Just had a death in my Family on Friday 5 days ago. The wake was Monday so I have to say this was a pretty 5hi77y Month for me. But have kept sane thank goodness!
Still talking to the Taurus guy. Seems he's interested but we are taking it SLOW like I said. ;o)
ANM, i gues u shld not block ppl out. if u and the taurus guy hit it off well then dnt hold urslf back. dnt get too carried away but dnt hold urself back either. let thngs flow naturally. be watchful thou, u dnt wana get involvd wid anthr idiot simply on the rebound.
ReplyDeletednt thnk abt the aquarian guy coming back. if he ever does, worry abt it then.. :-).. and if he does get in touch, behave very casually and dnt show ur hurt. atlst not initially.
Btw my guy did respond aftr a cpla days, saying he was so tied up and dint see my msg. hey guys whoever reading this correct me if u thnk i hv got it wrng. bt my obsrvations based on the past 2 mnths are as follows:
(i) i realise that by behaving emotionaly when he is still not sure abt wht he feels or wants, dsnt wrk;
(ii) it just pressurises him and makes him take a step back. it simply scares him away;
(iii) worst is geting emotional and demanding thngs and acting desperate and sending all hurt messages, we end up luking like lunatics n losers. and thats a total put off. strict no no..
(iv) i think i can show i like him but thats by making bold gestures, taking charge.
(v) if i act like the lovestruck victim, all sweet and self sacrificig and nice, it dsnt do anythng for him. showing tears and how hurt u feel, how much u waited, etc. etc. really doesnt work.
(vi) but if i act like a drama queen and throw orders, he likes, he njys.
He keeps sending me smileys, hugs, kissses, hearts, love stuck.. but now i know thts just to communicate that he likes me, nthing more and nthng less. so not interpreting it any other way this time, unlike the past. And if he cant keep up wid his wknd appointments, i gues i wld just pick up the fone and ask like i wld wid any other friend wid whom i have made plans..
Bottomline, i plan to meet the aqua guy if the opportunity arises but will meet other guys as well.
cheers to all, dani
Thats stupid.. y do ppl talk abt exclusivity when they just nt ready for it.. just dsnt make sense. .. i keep posting updates to let all know how aquarian men behave.
ReplyDeleteEven ystrdy. All the responses were like yes honey, no baby, kisses and smileys. if i flirt wid him, he responds. but the min u ask anythng personal, there is absolute silence. for eg. i simply asked him last nite, u work sooo hard the whole day but when u get back home late nite all alone and in those few moments before u fall sleep, dont u miss having some1 wid u? comeon thats such a non threatening generic qstn, but he chose nt to reply..
Its like all his emotions have been put under lock and key, on hold. so uptight.. as if all the questions u put forth are put under a scanner and processed. and if answering the qstn could reveal even the tiniest hint of his emotions, a red light gets activated and the qstn gets automatically disregarded.
i know the above sounds funny. but i swear thats how it is wid this guy. In the morning aftr i finishd my wrkout, i simply told him ur soooo guarded. y dnt u open up a bit and let ppl see the real u, he just dint reply.
i mean what stops these ppl addressing anythng which smells even a litl bit of emotions? m not talking about romantic emotions, even general stuff.. what stops them from expressing normal emotions? hv never seen any anger, irritation, frustration, nthing...
Hey everyone, this is dani.. m here to just put an update. i was in reg tch wid my aquarian guy over the past few days but this time i just wanted to see whether he wld continue to behave like he alwys has. more of an experiment rather than any real desire.
ReplyDeleteHe spoke normally throughout the week mostly in monosyllables thou and agreed that he wld make time for me this wknd. and gues what? no surprises there. on fri he stopped responding to my msgs.. this has happened for the 3rd time. he is sooo predictable..
if u ask me i still have no idea why he cant simply say no this wknd not possible since hes busy this wknd or that he has some other social commitments or for that matter simply say he likes me but he is not interested in pursuing a reationship wid me. Wierd thing is he agrees wid all that I say but when the time comes to ome true on what he has agreed to, he just backs out. and tht too widout really informing the other peson like any normal person wld. he just disappears and/or goes silent on u. u can do ur best at such times to get in tch wid him, but he stays hidden and silent.
Its a pattern wid these guys. they hold all their cards close to their chest and not let ppl know whts really going on in their minds. there is really nothing any of us can do unless these guys themselves decide to stop acting cagey and behave in a straightforward manner.
now that i have satisfied myslf that there is simply no way u can reach these ppl or get them to act normally, i am bowing out from this race. it simply not possible to hv any kinda normal elationship wid them.
hes still there of my net wrking site and on my instant msging list, but m nt going to bother talking to him anymore and nor will i delete him. his presence doesnt make a difference anymore.
so geting back to the advice given on this site wrt worst case scenario wid an aquarius guy, is to cut your losses - dump him!!
Hi Dani..it's Me ANM
DeleteI can't say the same.
it's been nearly a Month since I've heard from him. And I tried only once this whole week. NO answer. It rings 6 times and goes to voice mail. I won't bother leaving a message because I've said everything that needs to be said in recent voice messages and emails.
If he's truly not interested then there is nothing that I can do. I am giving the Taurus guy a try and we may be having a date soon.
I say that even with all the reading that I've done on aqua Men that I still have no idea why but I need to stop caring on the same note. If it's in their nature to not be faithful...it's not our fault. So we can only move on and hope for better.
Dani the fact that you had plans and he backed out without a word shows he's a chicken. For his lack of respect even after saying so cut him loose. Yeah following my own advice finally. Not that I'm desperate to move on but..when you hit it off with someone, and you're not psychic you just go with the flow right?
hey ANM. u rite ofcrse.
ReplyDeletei had anywys mentally distanced myslf long before last wknd. his recurring non challant disprespectful attitude just put the final nail in the coffin. life has its own problems widout me trying to add to them by geting involved wid sm1 like my aquarian guy.
i had given myslf 2 mnths time and thot i wld do my best to try and give this a shot and see if he wld get any betr. that dint happen. so its over..
In my case i dint get overly emotional, hound him or get too demanding. i really still fail to see why aftr such a grt start, he wld start acting cagey.. shrug. he was making an effort despite his reserved nature to communicate initially, then he just stoppd making the effort. i hv no idea why. why cant he simply say no he is not interested in pursuing a reationship wid me is beynd me.
ANM i been putting my comments here to share my experience wid all the other ladies who are involved wid those aquarian guys who fall into the "worst case scenario" situation. if these guys exhibit wierd, cagey, reticient, blow hot blow cold behaviour, disappear suddnly, then its a clear signal to get out and not really bother.
i hvnt pinged him msgd him nor tried to call him. m done here.
What? No updates? Well it's been well over a Month and still haven't heard a word. Nor a peep or a hey or hi. IF that's not making it clear that he's no longer interested then I don't know what is. But as Dani is doing, I'm also moving forward. Yet.
ReplyDeleteThere's a new aqua guy trying to enter my life. ^_^ I can't seem to escape them all of a sudden LOL
We only started talking yesterday and he already seems eager to meet. But it's not happening. We will be talking at least 3 Months before we meet. If he can't hang that long. Not my problem!
Help me please. How can I get my Aquarius man back?
ReplyDeleteIt's been almost one year since we started to talk. I live in Slovakia and he lives in US. We communicate on the Internet like fb and skype. We knew each other very short time when we fell in love together. Everything was great and we had amazing conversations.
Later, about half a year ago, he became a little distant from me. I didn't know what was going on, then I read some articles about Aquarius and found out they need freedom most. Of course I try to give him freedom, even on the Internet, but I think the problem is that I am Pisces and Pisces are too emotional compared to Aquarius. ... So even after he became distant from me, we were still chatting and talking on skype. Everything was fine as usual.
He even sent me a present for birthday. And almost one month after that he became completely distant. Seems as if he was bored of our converstaions now. I don't know how to talk to him. He said he needs Real Love. We planned to meet this year, either in Slovakia, or US, or anywhere else, therefore I don't understand why he changed his mind this much.
I can't feel his love anymore and we hardly talk. How can I get him back? Help me please. I read many articles and learned they need someone who they can have really great conversations, someone who understands them, their freedom. I want to understand, but he doesn't give me a chance to know him now.
Where did I go wrong? How that we can't chat as freely as we used to? We couldn't stop talking and chatting before.
After one disappeared on me(recently after just 1 Month of dating) and 3 others tried going out with me. I learned that they are too hot/cold. Meaning...they say one thing but mean another. So just cause they feel one way about you doesn't mean their feelings don't change. I recommend NOT expecting more than friendship because when a Man Loves a Woman....Nothing will stop him from being with her.Doesn't matter his sign! They(aqua men) Can change from hot to cold in a mili-second.
DeleteIf you can't feel his love any more, then that means that his feelings have shifted. (whether he's just not liking you as much or he found someone else...doesn't matter)Trust your instincts. As Women our instincts are incredibly strong. Mine are too but I have a tendency to ignore them. If he has found someone new, I wouldn't expect him to tell you. They like to do that whole sparing of feelings thing by not telling you. From my personal experience. I say: Move on!
You didn't go wrong. His feelings have changed. He has thought and thought and thought til he realized something and it clicked to where he either felt he couldn't handle it or he realized his feelings for you aren't the same. Sad but true.
HEY this is Dani.. m posting after long.. Aquarian men are not tht easy to understand.. when they are in their normal mood, they are very straight forward, easy to understnd, charming and interesting...
ReplyDeletebut when they get in their reticient mood, god help the ppl they involved wid. problem is they r not vocal abt the issues that upset them, that bother them. they obviously hve some concerns which make them go underground or withdraw or silent..they dnt confront u wid them..
In my case, i deleted the aquarian guy frm my list on the site where v met. but i dint delete him frm my fcbk, bbm, ym.. one day after days of silence, we just started chatting general stuff and I asked hm y did he retreat. told him he shld hv just told me that this was nt wrking for him, and we cld hv saved us both all the trble. he said he nvr felt tht it ws not wrking for him. he withdrew bec he felt i wntd his undivided attention even while he was busy wrking. tht tht was the only reason for his withdrawal and he had no other issues wid me..
but comeon i told him whenevr i tried speaking to him, ny time of the day, he was alwys wrking so alwys distracted.. he apologised for his behaviour and said last 2 mths hv beeen super busy for him..
but still that dsnt explain y he wld stay silent and not tel me tht he wont be able to meet me ovr thr wknd if he got caught up wid wrk. his answer bec i wld get too pissed.
we are v different. he is cold calm unemotional and v patient. m a hot headed leo babe, emotional and full of drama.. he wrks long hours and is alws wrking.. its like a deadlock..
as of now, we are frnds..
Hi Dani it's me ANM
I DON"T REALLY KNOW ABOUT CHARtS AND 8th house in venUs stuff etc etc.
But something an expert has told me is THaT PaSS RElATIoNsHips WIlL RESURFACE. ACCORDING TO MY CHARTS SO IT SAYS> AND AN AQUARIUS MALE FRIEND HAS SHOWED UP SUDDENLY A COUpLE DAYS AGO he emailed me> WE MET about 5 years ago online and he's done that too common disappearing act. Then acting like he never left and never forgot. So we've been talking a lot for the past few days and we talk, flirt but I do it jokingly. Not seriously but now all of a sudden he's telling me he Loves me? And that I'm his Soul mate? I never thought of him this way. Mean while I'm still missing Wilson on most days. Sheesh......
OMG THE OTHER 4...1 had a gf, another turned cold after about 2 days and the other I'm still friends with but the last one was demanding that I give him my number. He recently messaged me to say he missed me. I'm so confused bc I know we have this type of spiritual/mental/physical connection beyond any thing else. but....I've recently started talking to a Gemini Man. Whom I was told was better suited to me bc he is 34 after all. And close to my age.
I don't know. And it's not that I'm desperate but I seem to be a magnet suddenly. The 1 person that I want back doesn't seem to be interested. But I know I will hear from him one of these days.
So basically it's Pandemonium all of a sudden!
And yes I've been busy with work!
hahahahaha..whts going on? ANM dont bother to even give that online guy who resurfaced after 5 years a single thot.. njy interacting wid all the different ppl u r meeting. the guy who is closer to ur age grp, tht sounds promising.
ReplyDeleteon a personal note, i was once involved wid a guy many years yngr. thou we had fab chemistry but really it was a toxic relationship. insecurities rfrom both sides. so nw i stay away frm age gap relationsips.
I have spent over an hour reading every single post (I had trouble with the text posts.) I fell in love with an Aquaman in college. He chased me and I fell hard. (I am an emotional Cancer.) Aquaman was my First Time (incredible!) We would both say that it was the right person, right place, right time, but we were too young (not ready) for marriage. This was before emails and cellphones. Our first breakup was all tears -and sobbing tears. When I came back once to visit him in Law School, we had an incredible One Night which ended in him forcing me to exit thru a window when his new girlfriend knocked at his apartment door! I can laugh about the abrupt breakup now, but was devastated beyond belief back then. Everytime he tracked me down (as is apparently an Aqua trait in his no doubt effort to befiriend me) all I could see and feel was my window exit. Twenty+ years later we are both married (he reportedly happily-me not) This time in the age of technology, I was ready to process the window breakup and forgive him. He spent an entire year doing a post mortum on our Summer of Love so long ago. He has done this with respect to his wife as he refuses to meet me in person (to avoid old temptations/chemistry) and he doesn't talk about his wife except to remind me that he is happily married. He is working really hard at establishing a friendship with me. I have noticed all the patterns written by others: fun, fun, fun, laughter, laughter, laughter (no sex in my situation) time out, time out, time out. The cycling exits are confusing and hurtful, but we both had a piece of the others heart and it feels so good to be whoke hearted again. After 2+ years of this "reunion" I can feel (like all Cancers can feel) that he is pulling back and I am frustrated like so many others in this site, but letting go completely feels like the original heart break....so I pull back too and just when I'm sure the reunion is over ... he turns up the heat just enough to remind me that he is reading my emails/forwards and as he once so eloquently wrote (in his incredibly Aquaman charm) "You are like a classic car, I'd like to admire from afar." And so I am learning to love from afar as well, and accept the disappearing acts as just another appealing Aquaman quirk. When he does surface, this crab is going to enjoy the ride! When you truly put them in the friendship lane, it's easier to accept their curtain calls. I am forever grateful for the long awaited healing!
ReplyDelete~Cancer Girl 8N
I don't know. something about Venus and neptune....I'm suddenly a magnet for Men... I kinda like it but then again I don't. It's driving me Nuts arrrrrrr lol
it is crazy.. u just dnt know whts happening wid aquarian men. for instance just 3 days back while talking gen to the aquarian guy, i told him tht we are non starter as a coupl n betr off as jst frnds. he wanted to know y wld i thnk so bec he thnks we have a grt chem. and when i said i dnt wana get invlved as i dnt wana be one of his f**k and forget conquests, he said y shld i thnk tht i wld be so easily forgetable. he says all the rite stuff when he feels m moving away but so far he is not doing anythng to deepen thngs btwn us, get to know me better, make special efforts for some "us" time .
ReplyDeleteThat was ovr the wknd and this week again as usual he has beeen busy wid wrk. he wrks 6 days a week startig frm mrning till way past midnite. but i hv to say that thou we dnt hv long convos he does make it a point to respond whnevr i initiate conversatn.
but m not geting carried away this time and doing my own stuff and treating him more like a frnd than a woman in love who is craving his attention. lets see where it goes??
anm - just njy all the attntn ..play time for u..:)
Nope no more attention for me. It's crazy for me to say but, I think I may have found a true blue aqua guy! LOL
I'm the Pisces girl who wanted the Aquarius man repellent. I had some but it didn't work LOL! This Aqua man who I was very close to until 2009 contacted me again, he's still in love. And although a part of me feels that I should be happy that he still loves me, I find myself all pooped out on enthusiasm. Does he honestly think things can just pick up where they left off?! My feelings are soooo conflicted I don't want to I want to. Rekindled relationships are always trouble, don't know what to do.
ReplyDeleteHi there. It just makes NO SENSE to be in love with someone...but keep away from them for 3 years?? How do you do that? I know I couldn't!
DeleteANM here<....
and Oops I have a LONGER message describing maybe 7 recent encounters and think I forgot to put my ANM Initials.
if he is stl n love, y did he wait for 3 years? thats the rational qstn which almost most wld ask. and if u ask him, he wld nt have a satisfactory answer. they nvr have. i see no harm in remeeting him. u see how u feel first and then make up ur mind.
ReplyDeletelol.. they are a weird confusing lot. not sure if thats how they r intrinsically built or they just njy playing mind games. in my case, aftr the long conversation we had ovr d past wknd, he again went back into the quiet mode. i mean i dint bother to say hello sice mid week and neither has he. i do send him reg forwards but hvnt tried talking to him. if u thnk u r interested, y r u not making any srious attempts to meet me?? it really dsnt mk sense
They just seem to popping up out of nowhere right?My case being one. I was NOT speaking to all of them at the same time.It just seemed that when one was gone a new one appeared lol
ReplyDelete1.My friend Scott(2/2)who I met about 5 years ago(hadn't heard from him in maybe half a year or more)recently came in to the picture or tried to.Tried professing his love for me and said he thougt we were soulmates.I said:I don't think of you this way.He has backed off ever since lol.
2.My friend Sathz f(1/27) from India who I met about 2 to 3 years ago. I was crushing on him early this year. Told him but he didnt' seem interested in anything other than friendship. Then I met Wilson(early Feb 2012), and backed off on Sathz. When I met Wilson, Sathz began having feelings for me. He didn't have to say it. I was communicating less so he started communicating more. The fact that he was communicating with me more was all the clue I needed. I recently told him I only thought of him as a friend for now. He DELETED me from fb. I asked him about that but he's playing dumb.I guess he senses I'm not interested. Plus I told him about my ex bf WIlson. I guess that friendship is GONE.
3.Wilson my ex bf.(1/25) We Met early Feb, went out with him for a Month b4 he did the disappearing act on me. Still have not heard nothing from him. He always seemed so shy, in person and on the phone. And of all of them he is the ONLY ONE I've met in person.
4.Richard. a guy I only spoke to for maybe 4 days before he did the hot to cold move. The day we began speaking he seemed TOO eager to meet me! That didn't work out. Yes another Aquarius.
5.Dave...another aqua guy I remain friends with. And he and I had a flirt thing going before he told me he had a gf.....so that ended it there. I prefer just friendship with him. Nothing more and he knows this!
6.Amire(2/6) An Arabic Aquarius. We kind of started flirthing heavy for a couple days there but, he confessed that he met up with a female friend and that they rocked eachother's world for a couple hours. I asked him: why don't you keep seeing her? His response: No, not interested.
Well even though he said all that I asked him to lose my number!
7.Fast forward....lol I have been speaking to another Aqua Guy 1/28th At first seemed so serious. But in just the few days that we've been speaking he cracks me up!(But yes we're taking it SLOW) And I am into him. We speak daily. So far so good and I have not had any Red Flags about him. We plan on going on a movie date soon. He works and is going to be graduating College in about 1.5 years. He's all set with his career path. Wish I could say the same about myslelf. He knows my situation and is very accepting. He doesn't care about aesthetic things or materialistic things(neither do I) We're like 2 peas of a pod. I really really like him. And as we speak more and more, we learn more of eachother.
What have I learned from all of them?
They can be friendly from the start. They can make up their minds as fast as a light switch. Big show offs! They can be very open and honest about their feelings(but not always) some have their guards up for whatever reason. They can also go from HOT to COLD in a second. So if they seem to pull back it's because they've realized that something may not be workin in their favor. They love to do and say funny things to make you laugh. And can say things to make you think they want to take care of you. Even if it means they really never give it to you. If only to please themselves first. But they can be selfless too. Not all are the bad types. You just have to have an open mind and heart to deal with them. Don't feel pressure. Be honest always.Try to be considerate of their feelings(yes they can be sensitive)And they like to feel needed&wanted but let them breathe. I'm not sure.
thats a tall list of "dos" and "do nots"........:-)..i hvnt really met any1 interesting in the past few mnths.
ReplyDeleteWid the aqua guy, dnt thnk thts wrking out. not for lack of efforts on my part. whenevr i ping him, hes wrking. n well i dnt thnk hes lying. its been almost 4 mnths now tht i met him last.
his brief response puts me off completely. his unwillingness to open his innr door and let me in. maybe thats bec he dsnt thnk m rite for him deeep dwn despite the grt chem we share. he does say he is attrcted to me and its nt just physical. but then agn he has said i need his undivided attntion and he is not sure if he can give me tht. so he did disappearin act earlier on. i did ask thn y then did he reappear bec i wld stil want and demand his atention. he dint reply to tht.
4 mnths almost but we hv just met once. i gues the writings on the wall but m not willing to read whts plainly written. and when we do talk, i just end up arguing pushing and sounding needy. i feel unsure and frustrated and it brings out not the best in me. i have to admit. i gues it wld be for the best if i just give up and move on.. but smthg just tells me not to gve up and thts been my dwnfall...