Actually, this article could have been named How to Annoy Aquarius Men and Women but for reasons of corporate identity we're sticking to annoying Aquarius men only. Apart from anything else, in our book, that's funnier!
Please do your bit to improve this page by reporting any successes you've had with the techniques we share in the comments section below. Please feel at liberty to add any methods you have found to work and thoroughly annoy the Aquarius man in your life - or who was in your life until you annoyed him so much. Thank you.
h How to Annoy Aquarius Men
The study of Astrology leads us to discover many secrets. One of these is how to annoy Aquarius men... (and women). You never know when you might need to annoy them but, please, once you have learnt the secrets contained in this article – HANDLE WITH CARE!
To annoy someone well it is necessary to know them, so let us consider the foundation and basics of the Aquarius personality first - so here is a relevant study of the Aquarius personality:
h A Quick Summary of the Aquarius Personality for the Purpose of Annoyance
Aquarius is weird! These natives are easily bored. Aquarius men are often restless people seek comfort and places offering comfort. After finding them they quickly feel oppressed and abandon them Then they attempt to return after their strange rationalisation process.
h The Obvious and the Most Convoluted Way to Annoy Aquarius Men
Given this, the obvious way to annoy Aquarius is to bore them. Anything bland, repetitive or samey will annoy Aquarius and quite quickly. This applies to food, sex, interior design, holidays and events (including boring football matches). A less than obvious way to annoy Aquarius demands a huge effort: You will have to maintain their interest to capture them in your comfort zone (i.e. make them comfortable and stimulated in your home). Once you have achieved this, no matter how comfortable or stimulated they are in this environment, it will only be a matter of time before Aquarius abandons you and the environment he is enjoying. However, it will only be a matter of time before Aquarius wants to return. To really annoy them don’t let them return and instead, get one of their closest friends to share it with you. This will annoy the typical Aquarian forever and, for some, can be most satisfying.
h Some Simple Ways of Annoying Aquarius Men
Other, simpler ways of annoying Aquarius Men - this works well if you happen to work for an Aquarius too - are:
- to spill liquid
- to behave erratically
- to be cleverer than them
- to tell them they are wrong (even when they are not - in fact, come to think of it, insisting they are wrong when they know they are right is thoroughly annoying to an Aquarius man or woman)
Have you discovered another way of annoying Aquarian men or women? If you have, please share it with us in the comments section below.
I'm an Aquarius man, and you are spot on with this article!
ReplyDeleteAmazing, yet when I read this the first thought that cross my mind is. "So you think you know how to annoy me" Guess the mysterious side of me dislikes reading this, and realize it's true.
Anyhow, great site you have here!:)
it's brave of you and real that you admit the article is true about the Aquarius male. Good for you. It takes guts.
Deleteno way, he's trying to make you think he's reasonable and open-minded to his own crap, he's not. He's now suffering from insomnia wondering how the hell a website got created to blow his game :) hahahahaha
DeleteDo add more to your comment and help the study of Astrology. Of the suggestions about how to annoy an Aquarius, what annoys you most?
ReplyDeleteI'm sure nobody would actually use any of these techniques to annoy Aquarius men - so feel free to add information. If you are an Aquarius man, how have you been annoyed? How have you annoyed an Aquarius man?
i am a capricorn woman (january 9th) and i was behaving erratically,, but even though he was laughing i knew i was bothering him.. he was look at me weirdly. i could tell he was laughing at my idiocy more than my jokes.. sometimes he stresses me out, though.. cuz i think im in love with him until he runs off somewhere else.
ReplyDeleteMy Aquarian is definitely unusual. Not overly sentimental, sometimes aloof, a free thinker. He has unusual friends (both male and female). He is kind, though, steadfast and an amazing good dad. Love him.
ReplyDeleteDon't ignore them. Whatever you do.
ReplyDeleteThey hate that.
I did that. I was testing his reactions and motives.
It reallyyy annoyed him..he was red in the face.
Hes shy (character). He would not confront me (stubborn)
So he manipulated me, making me feel guilty for what i did. It worked. DAMMIT. LOL.
So i apologised. He was distant
and then he comes back all happy and gay again.
i think he really likes me nao. He seems to be nervous in class and stares at me and gives me the cold shoulder (lol) and is around me more. He seems to be more distant than usual. So he must be comin to terms with his feelings.
But he acts like a 15 yr old (hes 18) Eugh. He needs to grow up and get over his stubborn process. It's getting boring!
That is true never ever ever spill water, not even a drop. He will kill you. Also do not ignore him, speak loudly, ask questions or slam doors.
ReplyDeleteOf course it is fine if he does any of the above.
refuse sex
ReplyDeleteI doubt if sex refusal will work. Rather give a lot of sex but lacking in variety
ReplyDeleteplay a game with him... Itll make him hate u. It doesnt matter if ur in a relationship, friendship... just be unpredictable but NEEDY, I would say be as moody as possible and dont give him the freedom, nag on it. I promise he would avoid u as soon as possible :P
ReplyDeleteI am an Aquarian and if someone ignores me they go down on the BAD list for awhile until they redeem themselves.
ReplyDeleteAnd the whole telling an aAquarian they are wrong when you know they are right is a sure fire way to annoy and the being moody or clingy is a massive turn off as well.
so you too agree that if one ignore you,your texts and completely unsee's you at a party...they have annoyed you enough that you wont ever see their face...?!?! but what if the aquarias still texts the person insipite of not having a reply from the person sinces months and all this ignoring too...?!?!
DeleteI know for sure how I annoyed my X-Aqua, my silence really bothered him. I knew I had to be careful with what I said as something innocently stated could send him to the moon! So, sometimes I would have to 'think' about my answer or comment, somehow he just knew I was rationalizing in my head during my silence and it would irritate him to all heck! Then I would defend myself and that bothered him too! Seems most things about me annoyed him, yet he stuck around for 2 years and I'm a cancer! Go figure! My moon is in Aquarius, so I definitely had some things in common and could understand some stuff about him. I tend to be very free spirited, independent, artistic, private and sometimes have the need for my own quiet space and hide from all. I guess now I've committed the mortal no-no with my Aquarius X, since he recently contacted me and although we have talked, I've been ignoring him. I don't understand why he has continued to send me messages. I have to conclude it's the "I want what I can't have" mentality, as I have that tendency as well. Oh, the other thing that annoyed him (since Aquarians like to think they have a higher intellect) if I misused a word, or could not remember a term or let say I forgot the name of a star or the Periodic Table of Elements, he would look at me as if I was a complete idiot! One time he told me to research my error and write him a report with the proper and correct information! I'm a professional women and not dumb, I was very insulted and fully regret my involvement with someone who had to put someone down to feel better about himself, by the way, I think he hated the fact that I could always match him at whatever the challenge. Physically, intellectually or whatever the the task. I could tell he didn't like it, yet I would assume it matched his Aqua needs? Who knows! However he behaved like a spoiled brat at times and I'm glad I don't have to deal with him anymore and I am more cautioned now with any Aqua males!
ReplyDeleteThank you for these insights. It would be interesting to know more about him. Please supply his date of birth.
Deletehaaaa, i know an a**hole just like this, especially obsessed with telling me i am wrong, when i never am, especially about words when i have a medical degree and he has nothing, way too funny actually!
DeleteThe best way to annoy an Aquarius Man is to be out of his league in all ways... and be very humble about it. It drives them nuts because they are looking for a reason to be annoyed with you and they can't. This is coming from an Aries with lots of Aquarius in her chart.
ReplyDeleteYou are soo right lol! I use to date an aqua even though I wasn't trying to annoy him I didn't notice this intill like later but yea wed talk and I rememeber him asking me what was I mixed with I'm hald brazilian hald black so a few days later he comes to tell me yea my mom said we have a bit of spanish in us too. On the inside I laughed but I was like ohh ok that's neat in a geniuwn way, so when he grad and went to grad school in boston (we met in undergrad in atl) he swore we should just be friends this hurt a lot bc I thought at the time he was the total package totally smart(he goes to MIT) he was super nice well liked close with his family we loved each other company and he was fiiiineee whooo! A lot of ppl thought we were a nice looking couple and as many females he had liking him I had same amout of guys(respectful too gave us space) but yea when he moved he started to check in on me and he is so use to me being a house body I normally am I go out every now and then but the times I would would drill me with the questions lol I'm like dude you're 3000 miles away and you asked for only friendship... So yea I moved off campus my soph year by myself and have been so sence then I'm 23 now and when he moved to bost. He made it known he had an apt style dorm and made jokes syainghe was trying to be like me that should be a red flag lol! But yea I also. Joined a samba dance team last year and when he asked wht I was doingone day I told him I'm omw to class and he was like oh ok that's what's up I am learninghow to salsa, again chuckles on the inside it was just weird man it was almost like he was trying to compete with me and I'm real cool and collected about the blessings in my life no need to brag bc their are plenty of ppl with more than me out there but yea he swore we couldn't be together bc long distance but he had a gf here in atl..he asked to b friend but him knowing I loved him he droped the L bomb on me too but after that he says he think we should go a while without contact lol of course this broke me down so bad we never argued or anything I think it was a combination of commitment issues and the fact he prob was on and off with this othere chick prob had history with her before me, so yea my bday was 4 mths after this I'm in love with you but we need NC request and he wished me a happy bday lol well later that night I found out the chick name so I decided to drop it like it was hot on em droped her first and last name on him through text. Bc I wanted to get everything off my chest with no interuption that was jan 2011 I haven't hit him up at all and I loved how I did it it was soo unexpected(I have a merc in aqua ima cap sun though with a pluto in my 1st house that is scorpio lol he was puzzzzled at how I found otu I had him a bit paranoid bc he would try to delete her comments on his fb I peepd it though lmaoo I wanted him to blow his own spot by asking her or someone else but yea its true sometimes weither you are a guy or girl the one you with can't deal with you bc you make them insecure in my case it was all in his head and his shady acts prob made it easier for him to assume I was doing something or something was wrong with me, he had to out do me, to make his cheating ways justifiable its just sad bc I know he knows I didn't do anything wrong. And messed up somthing that could had been great
DeleteWhy would you WANT to annoy the Aquarius male/woman? That's what I'm trying to figure out...
ReplyDeleteSorry, but they are annoying. Annoying because they are unpredictable, unemotional, detached and aloof. Yet they want to prey on opposite women . It seems like they are sadistic to a degree.
ReplyDeleteI'm A Sagittarious...who's been with an Aquarious on and off 1 year!! He's not jealous or possesive which is good!! But OMG....he is so stubborn..we met in a chat line and finally met in person 6 months ago...but put up a shield and started calling me names...like been jealous and stubborn....he would not let me touch him...I noticed he loved me been jealous of him..which i have had a couple incident with him!! I've threatened to leave him and delete my pics i have with him...and he won't let me go....Why?? I love him he knows that! He never tells me what i want to hear....im very very sensitive...he knows that and i can't be with someone like that!! He once new about an ex of mine and he tx him calling him names and sending him really far!! If u know what i mean!! Lmao...But why if they want jealous people? He doesn't give up and won't let me go..that I've noticed...I've begged him to leave me alone and he can't...why?? Is it pride...or they can't accept failure?? He ignores me and tx when he wants..i get upset...because i feel like he doesn't acknowledge me...Someone please tell me..does he care or love me???:( Should i leave and delete my self completely from his life!!! I feel helpless and sad!!!:((
ReplyDeleteI'm a Sag too. I adore my husband Aquarius. I always wanted an Aquarius man in my life and I finally got one. NOw... the pain. The disappearing acts, the "I'm right you listen" (even if hard evidence proves otherwise), the sudden distance(ignoring), my jealously over his whereabouts, etc.
DeleteIts the old if you would of only known... but then with the passion, adoration, lovemaking, its at those times makes it all worth it. I gotta grow up and get busy with my own lane and get out of his especially since he's not even in it himself... lol. I'm so thankful for this site. OMG - because he makes me feel so guilty of what ever it is that its my fault and he has nothing to do with me. Yikes. And when i talk to him i barely get a word in edgewise and if i do he turns the table and it somehow is wrong and hurtful to him. Truth. It has nothing to do with a relationship with these dudes. Although they swear thats what they are all about. :) God - I love aquarius men... help me!
Its Because you Sagi's are crazy.
DeleteI'd say what annoys them is being loud in public, speaking about too much depressing things/being depressive, ignoring them, giving out lacklusture sex, touching them when they are not in the mood/in deep thinking and just being annoying/pestering/nagging in general. Asking how they feel directly when they have clearly been showing it to you can also cause them to retreat.
ReplyDeleteOh course I've done some of those things but the key is to learn not to do it again. Aquarian men have the uncanny ability to inform you of whats going on with them, without really having to tell you directly. Often you can read his mind if you're tuned into him. You know instantly when you've annoyed him...you can gauge how badly by his actions.
All the things I've done he has let slide with me (I'm a sag)...after all we are human, and he's forgiving of these actions. I remember what I did and the way the atmosphere changed in that moment of doing it and don't do it again.
The splling of drinks is especially true, LOL.
From reading all of the comments, i take it that aquarians don't like for people to treat them the way they often treat others.
ReplyDeleteThey love to disappear and ignore others but it clearly bothers them to be treated in that manner. They want to be mysterious and secretive, but expect to be able to know everything about everyone else. And being a cancer (and a needy and emotional cancer at that) i will say that my aqua ex definitely had some suffocating tendencies at times but he did not like it when i would be perfectly honest about just wanting to spend time or needing to talk about things.
My conclusion is that they almost really don't care for themselves and just project their issues onto other's as way to cope. But mostly i just think they are strange as hell.
Im an aqua girl and i get bored and annoyed easily. I like to meet and analyse people aswell as be adventorous and keep myself mentaly stimulated. I speak my mind and prefer like minded people. I like aqua guys, i can be myself 100% around them and i feel they trully understand me as i do them. But they can be idiots.
ReplyDeleteTell him the truth about himself. He'll get furious call you names, use profanity stalk you telepathically read your thoughts use it against you, act like a caveman, yet claim he's a humanitarian, he's a closet psycho, tries to act all wacky and crazy and different the truth is he's anal has OCD, is intolerant, racist, dogmatic, closed minded, and
ReplyDeleteSo true!!!!
Deletetrue that! lmaooo! omg, i just did that to a dude & cant handle it at all!
DeleteI'm 47 and my Aqua man is 50...we've been seeing each other for nearly a month and we've really clicked...I've been patient with him..letting him make the moves...and I have to say..he's all that I want in a man...the only downside is his job...he works almost all nights on the weekends and of course...i'm always off on the weekends..so since New Year's is approaching he was lucky to get a Sunday Monday off as I do...He says he knows what it takes to make a relationship work and will put the time and effort in...we have decided just a few days ago to date exclusively ( I had another guy on the go)So...Sunday is 1/2 over and I haven't even heard from him...Is he playing a game with me...to see if I will be the one to contact him first? I haven't come across as the "needy" type..and don't want to start playing any games now...from the beginning he knows that I'm looking for a "real deal" type of man and he said the same thing about his type of woman....so what the heck gives? So frustrating!
ReplyDeleteSome of these comments are spot on.
ReplyDeleteOthers are biased and based on single instances or encounters.
I can definitely say Cancer+Aquarius cannot and will not work out. Don't waste your time.
Experienced Aquarian
Newly weds me (sag) aquarious man,,,,LOVE HIM TO BITS, actually adore him, me being a sag, soo not into clingy, neeedy , i'm a free spirited girl. He, proposed this person, of laid back, cool, smooth mystical type of guy,,,,which i fell so hard for,,, what do i have?? a posessive and needy clingy man. If i arrange to see my friends i'm being distant and not loving him, if he does, well he does on a weekly basis and if i question it, defenses are up, as he does no wrong. we had some terrible fights, but in hindsight, 'i was always wrong' even though he was hence me getting mad,,,,,,,,,,,,,lied, ofcourse, lied about his first wofe?!!!!!!!!!!!! to that extent!!!!!!but he chased chased cried, boy did he cry,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,he didnt eat for days , but i suffered for months down and upset about why he started behaving like he was a king and me a pauper,,,i had 3 other guys propositon me that week we were apart but i didnt want anyone but him,,,,,,i was am addicted to him however needy and how ever much he lies. Everyone says it wont work as a marrige, i just hope and pray he sees the errors of his ways and loves me like he says, he does, but the posessiveness needs to stop..............plan is, slowly lenthen the leash, cut down his needs, and when he goes out, make my own plans