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Astrology Secrets - Aquarius Men
You’ve got your Aquarian man but how do you keep him? The answer is to keep him happy, but how do you do that?
What Keeps Aquarius Men Happy?
Astrology tells us that Aquarius men are happy when they are on a white-knuckle ride, avoiding sharks while scuba-diving or shouting their mouths off at a football match. Aquarius man cannot abide dullness. He doesn’t mind repetition as long as there are large gaps between repetitive events. This is why, for example, more than a few Aquarius men own Football season tickets and attend home games every other Saturday.
Using this Knowledge to Keep Your Aquarian Man Happy
The obvious way to keep a Aquarian man happy is to keep him guessing. If you can’t join him for all his outlandish activities (football, scuba diving and white knuckle riding are proven joys for the Aquarius men) then at least let him get on with them. Aquarius men will avoid some repeats. For instance, that wonderful holiday you went on together to the Seychelles. Your Aquarius man would enjoy to do the same again but not for fifteen years. No matter how wonderful it was. So, if you want another enjoyable holiday with him, remember, when it comes to two week events such as holidays, he'd prefer a new experience and location.
To keep him happy on a daily basis you should understand that he adores and the little treats. Anything new you can add to his daily life, to make it less mundane, will be greatly appreciated. Although he may protest that he doesn't need these treats, he will come to depend on them and any little kind thoughts you can demonstrate in a subtle manner. Indeed, if he comes to depend on you for them, he'll stay with you forever.
Sex and Aquarius Men
More Aquarius men (and Aquarius women for that matter) than any other star sign are gay. Some fluctuate between heterosexuality and homosexuality throughout their lives. Two years on and two years off is not unheard of. In bed they like to be in charge sometimes but dominated at others. In this and other more obvious ways they seem to develop and enjoy a certain rhythm. A bit like that suggested by their ancient glyph (symbol) h
When You Shouldn’t Use the Knowledge to Make Your Aquarian Man Happy
Don’t use any of these tactics if your Aquarian man is not appreciative. Don’t use any of these tactics if you are uncomfortable with them. Don’t use any of these tactics if your Aquarius man doesn’t make you happy.
My husband is a true Aquarius but I think he's too harsh and controling. I am a Leo but more laid back type and don't act outlandishly. Our relationship was great, yet always up and down, dating for 5 years. Since I lost my job, on top of being depressed, I see he's been distant, judgemental, a control freak, and plain mean. I know might come off dramatic when we argue but I always try to respect his feelings. Also he sees me as lazy when I simply need a break from taking care of things he often never think of doing. I try to express to him I need to lick my wounds for a while then I'll be back in shape but he is so uncompromising. Lately, I have been trying to keep him interested in the things we like to share but no luck with him. You say don't use your tactics if he is generally not making you happy but then what next? I give him plenty of space and I'm always waiting for his effort. If nothing changes, I think I'll get too worn out and divorce after two years of marriage! Is there any other way?
ReplyDeleteThis sounds similar to my aqua ex. I think he is resenting you for not working, and possibly, if there are money issues, this attitude is because you are stopping his freedom financially. I gave my aqua lots of space, he could come and go as he pleased, but due to my line of work where cash flow was unpredictable, if he was forced to stay home through lack of funds, he would blame and resent me. This causes him to want out of the whole relationship. Also I'm sure there would be arguing, my ex claimed I always thought I was right, this was a huge issue. Try to compromise on opinions, sometimes this just isn't possible though and it shows some core differences between two peoplele.
DeleteI'm going through the same exact thing with my husband. I realized that if I get a little frustrated or annoyed he becomes distant which in turn causes me to become emotional which causes him to distance himself even further so then we ignore each other for days or weeks until I can't take it anymore and break down that wall. When I finally break that wall down he blames everything on me never taking responsibility for anything. It's exhausting, fustrating. I don't think he will ever be supportive and loving like I need him to be and I don't think he wants too. I am most definitely at my wits end.
DeleteLeo Chica.
ReplyDeleteAstrology suggests that there are ways of attracting and manipulating every native of the zodiac. Aquarians are more difficult but it is not impossible. Before going this route ask: is he worth it?
If you are a typical Leo then it is likely that what attracted him to you was the way other people wanted you - your company, sexually and as a friend. Rekindle this if you want to bring him back but only if you enjoy doing it. Also, giving him his space is one thing but ignoring any positive reference to it (ie a football mania) is not advised. I'm not saying foist yourself into his space but there has to be middle ground.
Fire and air is not a good mix generally but if you can make it work it should be worthwhile. The problem is that fire damages air and air is pretty much useless against fire. Look to the other planets in your natal chart and see how these could work with your husband. He should like earthy delights in the bedroom and air like intellectual exploration - of course Aquarius likes water but NOT sobbing and tears.
Thing is I'm a feminist at heart and put the needs and wants of women ahead of men. This actually works in relationships with most Aquarius men as they are if nothing else modern and not ruled by or respectful male dominant traits and shortcomings.
Let me know if you want any more advice but please handle with care as I don't know you or your husband from Adam...
ReplyDeletehi, i'm an aries girl and just started dating aqua man..he's so kind, romantic and all. but sometimes I feel that I couldn't keep up with him. Just worried that he'll finally get bored. any suggestion? what can I do too keep him interested in me?
ReplyDeletecuz I'm pretty sure that I've found the one :)
Hi I am a Cancer chick that has been talking to the Aqua man for almost a couple of months. In order for you to keep up with him you have to be spontaneous as he is. Remember Aqua men are aloof at times, and they wont always make the moves. They also expect the opposite sex to give the same treatment he gives you, in return. So be unpredictable and be mostly a friend trust me it works out best for the two.
ReplyDeleteI am in love with an Aquarius man. He fits many of the traits you would expect but he also has some quirks. He doesn't make friends well; it seems he doesn't want to. When I tell him how nice he is, he says I see it because he lets me. In other words, he hides it from everyone else. He is a workaholic and prefers being alone. He is not interested in friendship with past relationships. He hates it when I ignore him. I send emails every day and when I stopped for three days, he called and was annoyed with me. He is jealous of other men talking to me. Sex seems not to be so important; when I initiate he allows it. Although I must say he is a fabulous kisser. He has an air of sadness around him but I can often make him smile. He seems most happy when I am happy. This man makes my heart sing beyond measure. Any advice?
ReplyDeleteyou're doing fine.
aquarius like people who are themselves. don't adapt yourself or change yourself for him. understand him but keep doing your own thing.
be independant.
as for hotta49:
don't tell him you need to lick your wounds. do it. take a break, go away, and let him be without for a couple of weeks.
don't talk emotional to him. he's not emotional.
stop talking. start doing.
he'll be happy when you return as he'll have had a chance to miss you.
one knows what one has when one does not have it anymore - be it for a little while.
I am a libra female and can honestly say dont go near this sign. There more interested in their freedom and happiness than making you happy
ReplyDeleteI hear you, I am a Libra woman and have been talking to this Aquarius man for almost a year. we have only seen each other once. he promised to take me to a concert, bought tickets and i did not hear from him for two weeks leading to the event and he did not show up nor call. he has this wanting to be friends, but talks a different game. the more i read about aquarian men, the more it describes him.
DeleteLizzy I wish I seen your comment 7 years ago before I met married mine. Worse mistake ever & now we have a kid. I cry everyday and I'm filing for divorce. He's so emotionally disconnected & conniving. He loves to put blame on others & acts like a 2 year old. No more tears. I already started saving for my divorce. He loves to make me miserable & use me at the same time.
DeleteI feel your pain. I was with one for 5 years and it's over because a month ago he left me. He just started ignoring all of my calls and texts...and i sent plenty of texts. I told him it's been numerous mrn that have wanted to take me away from him over the years. I had just turned down a trip to bira bora. I only told him so he would know that other men do see my worth and treat me nicely. he called me about 1 weeklater and argued with me. told me i've prob been talking to these men all along and go in my trips cause he don't give a F. yelling at me. So he must have felt jealous. Good. Cause he needs to understand that i won't be down for long. And he knew I was going through some sudden health issues. He showed zero concern. at that point i knew i was done. I texted him and told him that even though hr went abt it in a grimy way i'm glad he ended things and idk why i had been upset and idc what he's doing or who he's doing it with. Well we didn't talk for 2 more weeks until Friday. I wanted answers so I texted him and told him that I'm not upset but his behavior was strange and I just wonder sometimes. He said I wasn't upset cause I was out sleeping with someone who I had been wanting to sleep with for GOD knows how long...and then I said he was the one acting strange so I would think he's the one sleeping with people..after that he said I'm one of his best friends and we both know this is for the best cause I haven't been happy for years. And that just set off. Do you just ignore your friends?? I sent more texts and he said that it was BS that he didn't want to hear and I'm self centered and he's turning his phone off and not reading any more of my texts. It continued on until he called me and asked me why I kept texting disrespectful stuff to his phone and told me he had nothing to say to me and hung up on me while I was talking and then texted me and said he was going to block my number from his phone...this is all especially hurtful to me because I have always been there for this jerk. So many times be would go through things and I was the only one that cared. I was good to him and didn't deserve this. He was also disrespectful at times which led to arguments and he put me down. He was full of head games and I always questioned his love for me. He never supported me the way I did him. It was all about him. I always questioned if he was using me. Well everything has become clear to me. He never loved me at all. He kept saying I abandoned the relationship last year. Last year I told him that be needed to step up to the plate and do more for the relationship. I was tired.of being the one putting in most of the effort. Everything was on my shoulders. We had moved out and I was paying all the bills so we were kicked out cause it was too much for me. We were homeless living in hotels for 6 months. Hotels I was paying for until I moved back home. I resented him. Who wouldn't. I gave him so many suggestions on ways to make money and he didn't do any of them. Well I stopped.seeing him as much and instead of him fighting for the relationship I think he decided.that since I wasn't going to let him use me anymore he was going to make plans to leave me...he was never interested in being a man to me. He was in it to get what he could and use me til I was depleted and then move on. His attitude is so cruel towards me like I'm his enemy. It's unreal. And I know how these types are...I know this won't be the last I ever hear from him. But my heart is cold towards him. I will never forget this. At this point I thank GOD for taking him out of my life.
DeleteIts true, aqua's can tend to be very selfish on a very personal level, generally unable to connect with or understand emotions, they need time to filter this stuff and even then they still cant be bothered with having to deal with it. I dont really think they are made for the average kind of relationship, it is probably best to just keep them as a Friend/Lover, Dont move in with them..Dont pin your hopes on them...Dont rely on them or expect them to make you happy..that is your department by the way. They feel safe and secure with people that do not need them, this gives them the freedom they so desire. An aqua will teach you to be independant, be able to detatch and become emotionally stronger because they are not there for you. In the end this can be incredibly liberating when you learn to stand on your own two feet emotionally and mentally. They will still always be your friend.
DeleteI was involved with and had a family with an aqua and separated 13 years ago, recently we stated sharing house as friends and he is a far better housemate than the partner he was all those years ago, I am also currently spending time with another aqua male on a more intimate level and I enjoy his company immensly but i have no romantic illusions about the relationship. Aquarian men are incredibly liberating to be around, you can talk to them like no other, but dont get confused that this is a sign of some amazing compatability and that they feel what you feel...cause they dont. Best to just enjoy the benfits they offer and if you need more security and loving etc etc go find a nice, stable, maybe a little to dull at times, secure man who will do whatever you want cause he is afraid of rocking the boat and losing you and will therefore treat you like a queen. But if thats a tad dull for you and your strong and independant and need somthing interesting then an aqua might just blow your mind.
I am a sagitarius girl and have been dating an Aquarius men for
ReplyDelete8 months. It is a long distance thing. It is always great when we see each other but we are like complete strangers when I go home. He tells me he likes my company to we are dating then to we are sleeping with each other exclusively to he does not want a relationship with me and to he miss me but ignores me. I am torn with mix signals. Bottom line. I want to know if I am getting played.
I am also Sagittarius woman, in a long distance relationship with an aqua.Our love got very serious in our 2.5 years, with marriage firm plans and all, but after our last fight one month ago he decided he sobered and got numbed and completely detached. I don't know if there's more for us in the future, unfortunately I have too little hope, though I'd wish. However, I recognized in your post the feeling I've always had with him ; that once I'm not near him or in immediate focus he disappears completely. That I feel like I'm a TV channel - a preferred one, but that can be switched on/off with a click.
DeleteI actually can relate to that my aqua bf does the same :(
Deletei'm a cancer female and i've fallen hard for one of my aquarius friends...he's very nice when we meet and talk but since we live in different countries we don't socialize except for once a year...
ReplyDeletefrom what i know, aquas are sweet to all their friends, and he hasn't shown any specific interest in me so far. what can i do to attract him, i'm a bit shy and introverted(i know aquas don't like women like that), basically i worry too much about people thinking im crazy or something...the real me would love to dance and laugh loud with friends. but i have a long-time reputation of being serious, how can i break it and be myself with the aquarius? he is so damn hard to figure out...
thanks for any help :)
hi i am a leo girl and my boyfriend is aquarius we dated from last 10 years and also going to marry very soon but still he never support me in any way or in any matter . somtines our understanding level had been very high and sometimes it is very low thats why we are in conditin of break off , nw tell me what to do ? m confused i loved him so much
ReplyDeleteonly one thing to say to you all. "HAVE A LITTLE FAITH" it works when you focus on yourself be positive and things will work out
ReplyDeleteHi..I am an aquarius female in love with an aquarius men..When it all started everything was so rosy n beautiful. But suddenly I feel that he is too unromantic, sometimes unsure of our future. At times, he is the most lovely boyfriend who does things to make me happy...n sometimes his behaviour is like i am not sure if he even loves me. I do not understand him. I love him a lot n I want him to be with me forever. He is never ready for serious talk. He is too immature, kiddish sometimes. What should I do?
ReplyDeleteomg you just described my relationship..other than me being a leo. I totally understand about not feeling like he loves you. my boyfriend will sit home and think of random things i have said or done in our 3 years together and call me (long-distance..perfect for detached aquarius!) and say.." you know i was thinking about this one time you said this" and completely over-analyzes everything i say or do like he is in a constant struggle with himself to allow himself to love me. the more i read, the more i see i am not alone in my opinions!
DeleteI honestly thought i was the only one with issues dealing with an aquarius. He over-analyses everything i say, even what i said a year ago. He says he loves me one day and completely ignores me the next. Sometimes he would get detached and i would Be messa ging hij asking Whats wrong with no reply...only to find out a week later, i said something that upset him. So here i am...constantly walking on eggshells. Anything can set This man off. For the Life of me, i dont know why i stay. The excitement, the pace, the unpredictability, the sex. I am an aries and theres a power struggle but what can i say. Im a sucker for punishment.
Deleteany suggestion for capri gurl and aquarius man
ReplyDeleteI am also a capri girl seeking advice with aquarius man
ReplyDeleteI am an aries woman was in a relationship with an aqua man in the beggining he was sincere mysterious and all that i was looking for in a man.
ReplyDeletethen his mom passed away he wanted me there with him he cried in front of me showed me his feelings even told me now that his mom is gone I'm the most important woman in his life. wow that made me feel like i was on top of the world because i was beginning to fall inlove with him. A couple of weeks pass and his attitude completely changed he acted as if he no longer cared about me stop calling stop skype even unfriend me on facebook. said he need something to his self... i aggreed and he just went along with it. He became more distant and began to become even more distant to the point i did not even go by his house anymore. He kept telling me ill come to you. then when i finally get back in his presence his phone is going off over and over weeee hours in the morning. So i checked it and low an behold it was a female calling him i got upset and contacted the female... he felt as if i invaded his privacy and told me if i was paying for his bill then yeah i could go through his phone if i wanted to. he then became more distant telling he loved me but not calling not answering his phones house/ cell. A couple of weeks ago i asked him if he still loves me and does he still want to be with me he tells me he does not know what he want but he knows he loves me and wants me. Then he tells me he doesnt know what he wants doesnt even know if he want to be with me. How do I deal with him because i do love him and still want to be with him but he is highly confusing. please need advice
im a taurus girl facing a very similar case of urs..plz help us!!
DeleteLadies, sorry for your men's lose but please be patient with your Aquarius. Here are some suggestions I think may help here you both. It's up to you on how your man response to you. They are very private minded people especially when there is a problem and need time to think things through or adjust. Try being very logical and reasonable with them or listen a lot. Do not push them into anything they are not ready to do. Freedom and space are key. And another side to that is they love newness and excitement so try going new places and doing new things or with new people. I also know that with my Aquarius man he loves food. So try some new meals he might enjoy or cook for him. If he can't or don't want you in his space then be there in a different way and communicate by personal letters, cards, books or a text. Short, sweet and to the point. Nothing to belittle them and put him down will go along way. Smile at him a lot too. Tell him to take his time and you will be there for him when he needs you is very comforting in his mind. Hope these ideas are helpful to you. They have always helped me with my man. Good luck and I wish you all the best.
DeleteIm a Scorpio and started dating an Aquarius man. He excites and I am just hooked. Everytime I am with him I am happy. But since scorpios are known to be possesive and jealous I am worried I might be doing this without knowing. I gve him his space a lot. And when we do spend time together I wish it could last forever, but I also know that he needs his space. It is a hassle trying to understand him.
ReplyDeleteHe is now out of town and I really miss him, I wanna send him a message without seeming obsessed pleasesomeone help.. :)
Any advice on a pisces woman and Aquarius man.
ReplyDeletebe patient, after 2 years with my aquarius man i finally considered myself HIS!!! i am for the first time gonna be spending the holidays with him, i still havent got an Iluv u from him, but deep inside i know he does, it was worth the wait for me. i am a sag.
ReplyDeleteI am a Gemini dating an Aquarius male. We understand each other completely. If you are not a Libra, Gem, Aquarius, or maybe Aries you may find it harder to understand an Aquarius. Air signs work well together, but Aries is fire which can make for an roaring relationship as well.
I am a Pisces woman dating an Aquarius man, it does not really feel like we are together, I love him, being with him physically I feel the most comfortable I've felt and he brings out the best in me.... but boy everything that was said here is so true, it is my first and last time dating guy from that sign...... I think they are emotional bullies.....I am trying to get out but I want him to decide it’s over because I’ve broken it off 7 times in the year I’ve known him and each time he comes back…. And because of the way I feel about him and find myself back in his arms…. It was a shock to me since I never came across someone behaving like this…. When he says he loves me I pretend I did here it and he constantly says marry me…. But never return my calls, don’t pick up the phone when I call, never bought me anything, so I see he thinks of me or know me….always laugh or joke when I am trying to have a serious conversation with him How do I get out and just be friends, when I ask him don’t leave he says he has no reason to, when ask let be friends he will say he loves too much … I don’t believe anything he tells me, because I am always able to point out to him where his story don’t really add up
ReplyDeleteThanks for this great post, particularly where you stated when not to use this knowledge:
ReplyDelete- if your Aquarian man is not appreciative
- if your Aquarius man doesn’t make you happy
My acqua was similar to Barbara B's, although she says her man makes her heart sing so I don't see she has any problem. My acqua man was aloof and totally selfish. He did at least tell me he loved me, unlike Anonymous 22 November, don't know how you had the patience girl to wait that long....
I wonder what hope there is for any of us when even an Aquarius girl cant' figure out her Aqua man! (see Anonymous Sept 22)
What I found to be common in so many of these comments asking for advice was the sense that so many of them feel unappreciated or the partner did not make them happy.
As Lizzy says:
"dont go near this sign. There more interested in their freedom and happiness than making you happy "
This pretty much says it all.
I'm aries female. I like this aquarius guy i've been friends with for about almost 4 months. The prhblem is blew my cover and told him i like him, several times. He told me he is not interested in relationship. He has shown interest in some old crush once but that didnt pan out, she was committed. He has been hot and cold, showing interest then running away. He asked me not to talk on account of exams but came back asking me if we could talk that he has never felt so restless. Things have been looking up since then mostly giving me signals, or so i believe and my friends too. Though he is just confusing. I dont wanna make a move again, dont wanna be let down. He tells me i am awesome etc. And i make him sad and happy. He texts me every day. He hardly used to text when with friends but now he does. Says things have changed but no details to that. That its enough for me to know he cares. I became close to him, though he never wanted to care about a woman... I am confused. Does he like me. If anybody needs details ask me. Any help is appreciated. Thanks. -Dee.
ReplyDeleteHey Dee, I am in a very similar situation right now. I became very attracted to an aqua guy and we hit it off right away. After a few months of becoming great friends and spending every weekend together, i got horribly drunk one night and poured my heart out to him. We talked about it when i sobered up and he also told me he was not interested in me like that, completely destroying my ego and heart (since I'm a Leo). I got over it though, and we are still getting along wonderfully and spending a lot of time together. I still feel like he gives me signals all the time, but i am terrified of making a move and blowing it again.
ReplyDeleteWhat helps me get through is just being patient, giving him his freedom and enjoying his friendship. Since aquas are rebels and do not like being pushed, there seems to be nothing for us to do but to enjoy life and hope that one day they'll figure out that silly little heart of theirs.
It is kind of discouraging, however, to see so many negative reviews about the leo-aqua relationship. I see everywhere that we Leos are too possessive, jealous, and dramatic for the aquas, but i respect his individuality and give him a lot freedom. I am also very independent and would never make jealousy scenes or anything like that. So, can anyone tell me if there is a chance for a happy leo-aquarius affair? Or should i just expect to be in the friend-zone forever?
Thanks Anynonymous Leo, 22nd Dec. I understand about being frightened to ask again, I too feel the same way after being shot down several times. But his behaviour doesnt add up to the 'i dont like you' thing. I 've been told by another aquarius to just be patient with him. And if i keep asking i'll pushed away. So i suggest you wait it out as well. Being an Aries i tend to be jealous and neurotic too , i am trying to get it under control :( i hope it works out for you miss Leo. -Dee
ReplyDeleteThey sure know how to put us to the test, it's horribly frustrating! To see the bright side, though, all the ups and downs have helped me become a stronger and more relaxed when it comes to relationships. I've also been using the times when he "needs his space" to work on my own hobbies and hang out with my other friends. It's definitely been a growing experience.
ReplyDeleteI hope that helps! Much much luck, Dee.
-Anonymous Leo
I am a scorpio woman who is so much in deep love not the oogie gooie i love you love with my aquarius man. we met 15 years ago had a fairy tale romance, then after not ever finalizing the relationship in our hearts, we met back up and life had changed for me, i was involved and then we saw each other once again about 10 years ago and the timing wasn't right, now we are seeing or at least talking every day at least 2 or 3 times a day. I have had to control my strong desire to be the first one to call him, when we are together I am the happiest I have ever been. He is a true cowboy gentleman. I give him his space and wait patiently for him to call and bask when he does. I feel like this is the 3rd time we have met back up and when we did this time it was like we never stopped. I know that he has true emotional feelings for me yet I am willing to wait on true love because I don't want to miss out on him this time. we've both been married 2 times and that is not where we are at this moment and if we never marry that would be fine as long as i could be with him and his adventures all the time. I have a deep love for this man and am willing to wait on him, all my friends say I am just glowing because of him and i smile so much my cheeks hurt...
ReplyDeletei think its still up to both of you..no matter what your zodiac signs are,as long as you truly love each other,trust and be faithful to one another..most of all put God in the center of your relationship,then still you will end up happily ever after..
ReplyDeleteI'm a Cancer; he's an Aquarius. At the start of our relationship, we had the most incredible sparks. I've never met someone who made me feel that way. We met for a few times and the last night, we spent hours talking about the most intimate secrets in our life. After that, he didn't return my calls or emails and we didn't meet for 6 months. When we met, it was just sex; no intimacy. A month later we met again and it was the same...it was like he was a different man. Since then, he might answer one email out of 30. The last time he replied to an email was Christmas day. We haven't been together in 2 years and I can't get him out of my mind. Is there anything I can do to win him back? I think he's the real deal and I scared him with how much I cared. He's in my thoughts almost constantly. Last year, I'd posted a personal's ad and he answered it using a different email address. We emailed back and forth for 12 hours before he told me who he was. He called me selfish and self-centered and said he grew tired of me because I always wanted to do the same things.
ReplyDeleteI told him he had to know how much I cared and would he give me a second chance, he said he needed time and it's been over a year since this happened. Any chance of me winning him back? If so, how do I go about doing it?
Thanks for any ideas or help.
ReplyDeleteim a taurus girl. I met my aquaris man almost a year before whom i love him extremely. after a few weeks, he proposed to me and then we started dating. But it didnot work and we broke up. He had an affair with some other girl. I broke up all contact with him, no msg, no phone call no nothing. But he couldnt stay without me and a few days later he proposed to me again and i decided to give him a last chance. How can i make it work this time?
I am Aquarius woman with Aquarius man.
ReplyDeleteIs not easy!!!! My advice? The only way of having an Aqua man is not having him!!! Because an Aqua man is not for having or sharing.He is made for adventures,humor and something called..the truth! If you dare speak the truth to him about him! He is not used to it, but will respect you for that!
Cook nice...helps after his portion of bad behavior.
I apologize for the length of this comment ahead of time.I'm am a cancerian. My aquarian, who is 5 and a half years younger than me found me at work. We went out immediately but I was unsure about him and had other prospects at the time so I ignored him and/or told him I was busy. After about a month of ignoring him I decided to give him another try. We started hanging out just as friends but with benefits. We had so much fun and tons of adventure. We both bounced ideas off of each other and thoroughly enjoyed each others company. This is the first man I've ever been with that I could truly be myself. We briefly discussed a relationship but he said he does not commit until he has been with someone for at least 6 months. I thought this sounded fair as I really was not looking to commit at that time anyways. Also,when I am getting to know a person I am somewhat aloof, not very affectionate, and need lots of space and a lot of time. So about 4 months in we were still hanging out as friends and we went to a club together with some of my other friends. Well, I got a little too intoxicated and walked away from him and my friends and started dancing by myself on the dance floor and a man came up close and starting dancing next to me. Well, Mr. aquarius, made a mad dance around me and whisked me off the dance floor. He became really jealous and confronted me about dancing with some other guy. I said "I'm sorry but we are not officially together. I can dance with whomever I like." This infuriated him more. At this point I couldn't go anywhere with him without him getting jealous. It was so frustrating. I finally sat him down and told him we had to either go our separate ways or be officially together. I was shocked when he said he would commit. I actually wasn't sure I was even ready to commit. At that point I pretty much moved in to his place as it was closer to my work. So everything still continued to go well until about month 6. He then started complaining I was not affectionate enough and also that I should cook for him. what?really? Ok, ok Fair enough. After all he was doing the majority of cooking for us. So I start doing what he wanted and poof he stops being affectionate and stops giving me as much attention. Sex became robotic, routine and less. It went from all the time to if I was lucky once a week. He used to kiss me, rub my back, hold my hand etc. Now he whines if I even try to grab his hand or be affectionate toward him or ask for affection. He says it is not necessary. We are passed that stage.wtf?He then says it's because I took to long to be affectionate towards him. what??? Plus now I do all the cooking and he does none. Also, at Christmas he received a video game console. Now all he does is sit around and play that thing. I receive rarely any attention or affection from him anymore and sex is the same as I mentioned previously. I've expressed to him my concerns and he basically says for me to deal with it or go elsewhere. We recently had a big fight because lately I'll text him or call him and he will not call or text a reply for several hours afterwards. This last time he told me he was a man and he does not need to check in. My phone calls and texts were not queries on his whereabouts nor what he was doing. They were only to discuss plans for the weekend.Everytime we have a fight and I ask to discuss it he immediately asks "are you going to break up with me?" I'm so confused by this question. does he want me to break up with him or is he worried I might break up with him??
ReplyDeleteStart doing your own thing, yoga, joining friends to go shopping, etc. Start having your own life and then go home to your shared life. He doesn't want to respond to your calls or texts, fine, stop doing that. Don't inform him of what you're doing. Make him wonder about you. Be mysterious and you'll start to be happier doing your own thing. He'll start to show you more affection.
ReplyDeleteWell anyways, Now he says maybe the emotional connection and affection will come if I can connect with him on a spiritual level.Huh?He turned everything around and said that I don't respect myself and therefore he can't appreciate or respect me. He feels I need to learn how to love myself and then learn how to connect with him on a spiritual level and then maybe he will be able to connect with me emotionally. ? He then decided we each needed space and so I have since moved out but see him on the weekends. He is still not very affectionate but seems to be trying a little. I am at my wits end and am not sure what to do
ReplyDeleteHi first of all i've been crying for about 5 days now...my aquarius man whom i known 5 years ago was sweet and caring he chased me and convined me that we shud get married..i loved his commitment and care..
As years passed by he started pulling away. we had few fights about it cuz i miss him and want him to care about me like b4 even tho i dont ask him to do somthin impossible..i jus want us to talk twice a day nd feel like he dont favor me over his mates which btw he sometimes dont reply to me cuz he's with them just chillin or driving.
Anyways THE BIG PROBLEM IS...few days ago he suddenly tells me im not good enaff for u so i decided we should split up, dis hapened rite after we had 2 fights after the other about his lack of care nd bad way of tlkn 2 me somtimes. ...I FELT LIKE IM GONA HAVE A HEART ATTACK ABOUT SPLITTING UP CUZ WE NEVER SPLIT UP B4...I cried and cried and told him dont give up on us we cant live without eachother, dont leave me!! cuz i would die without him.
He still push me away..but recently he texted me and said plz dont cry im sorry just give me time and space...
I havent been talking to him now for almost a day...so I wana kno what shud i do? shud i just stop talking and wait for him to approach? or shud i let him go forever? ( Which is gona destroy me 4ever) *tears as i type*
what can i do???? How to keep him? and is der hope?
1 thing he keeps saying im gona hurt u over and over again so leave me..im not marriage material..
I know its not true cuz he loves having kids nd he loves me
Look calm down been down that same road found myself having a nervous break down over this emotionally selfish man. I had been with him seven years even moved out of state to get away from him cause I loved him so much even thou he was cold and wanted space. He had actually brainwashed me that I couldn't do any better. I have since gained waeight and lost my self esteem. I have since set some boundaries and told him just tonight that I agree. I hve a life too and girlfriend dry ur eyes and find the person u were before u met him and set ur boundaries wit him. Don't call him let him call u. He told me he was going to start his ministry wit men and women and he needed space. I said ok but he don't believe me but honey actions speak louder than words. I plan to maintain my friendship but I hve decided that sex will not be an option rite now or me calling him all the time. We have to gt bk to what makes us happy and what makes u feel good not what makes u feel bad including trying to please him. He knws what pleases him be you not what he wants you to be. I learned that if he really love me he will be apart of what makes me happy not what makes me loose my mind. Get you control back and don't loose it. You are a beatiful person just to care so much for one person give some of that love to ones who really need it children elderly and he will see that you are not selfish and can live independantly wit out him. Take care of ur self first. That's what I'm workin on now and it will be hard but find out what you want to do and do it. I totally lost myself trying to please this man in the years past nothing I do is ever right and he blames me for evry thing and belive me I'm a libra I have a big heart and hate confrontation. But lately I found myself being angry bitter and blamming myself too till I. Lost it no more girlfriend. Find you and keep u if he love you he will love you for you.
Deletei'm dating an aquarius man f0r 2 months n0w... read thr0ugh all this stuff ab0ut relati0nship with aqua man is c0nfusing & scares me t0o... i'm a taurus & i'm 28... he's 23, 2 weeks ag0 we had a seri0us blast ab0ut his texted a few girls, i f0und 0ut ab0ut it accidentally while he was sleeping... the great sex we had few h0urs b4 that felt like n0thing when i caught that later that night. i tried t0 keep it t0 myself until the next m0rning when my m0m & sister saw him walk with a lady at the mall, they immediately called my ph0ne... and i was went really mad that i charged him as a bull thr0ugh ph0ne c0nversati0ns, 30 minutes later he came h0me in the middle 0f w0rking h0urs... i slapped his face few times, he grabbed me & had me struggle in his arms 0n 0ur bed... i cried but didn't talk t0 him f0r ab0ut 5 h0urs he still had me hugged in his arms lying 0n the bed. the next day i thr0w away his ph0ne sim card & he b0ught a new number, i t0ok the new sim card 0f him & switch it with my number... he uses my ph0ne number & i uses his up until n0w... yea, i th0ught i had a t0tal c0ntr0l 0f that situati0n just t0 av0id the next same thing fr0m happen again, but deep d0wn inside, i still d0n't trust him... eversinced, i checked thr0ugh his ph0ne, the text, the messages, the picture albums & all that stuff... idk if u say that i'm a c0ntr0l freak but i kn0w i g0tta sh0w him my pride side t0o!!! and i t0ld him... take it 0r just leave it c0z i g0t lists 0f 0ther guys that he had n0 idea h0w many is waiting t0 be a replacement!!! i als0 did n0t c00ked f0r his meal f0r ab0ut 3 days, but i d0n't mind had sex with him still...and yet he n0ticed that i'm being c0ld with him up until n0w... when he kept saying that he d0n't wanna l0se me, i said back... tell me h0w l0ng can u be h0ld still with the c0ldness & harsh way i treats u start fr0m n0w 0n, it's y0ur 0wn ch0ices... i can't tell u t0 step 0ff if u're asking f0r an0ther try, but fr0m h0w u see this... u get n0thing 0ut 0f me anym0re, u talk i hear u... but what i haven't see is the talk u've been talked ab0ut is just like the pile 0f shits u had in ur m0uth.... seri0usly girls, i'm n0t sure h0w g0od this things g0nna w0rk 0ut f0r the b0th 0f me & him...but all i kn0w is that i lead! n0t f0ll0w!!!
ReplyDeleteThis is true, with my aqua as well. I am an Aquarius female newly dating an Aquarius male. We have known each other since winter of 2011. We were really great friends and throughout spring of 2012 we have became extremely close. One of the things we used to do was make up stories. I know it sounds childish but it pulled out the imagination in both of us. Let me just remind you guys of this...Aquarius's are more of a mental sign than physical. (Though this can also depend on their venus, mars and ascendant sign) So if you want to capture an aquarius whether male or female you have to intrigue their mind first. I guess the way i did it was playing this little game of making up stories.Anyways sooo we did this for a 2-3 months. We walked eachother to classes and met up after classes to talk and such. It wasnt until we went to a theme park that he asked me to be his girlfriend. He was very very sweet that whole day, never left my side. At the start it took him a while to warm up to me and the surroundings. I was the one who actually initiated the first "move" (holding his hand). He didn't hesitate to my physical gesture and throughout the rest of the day, i stopped initiating and he took control. After every ride he would come right back to my side and hold my hand. It was amazing and he made the day wonderful. At the end of the day he was being very nice and bought me a little snack. Here is a little tip to the girls who want an aquarius but he wont make the first move: If you are waiting for him to make the first move....trust me you will be waiting a LONG A$$ time. Just go for it. If you know he likes you back just do it. He won't hesitate and he will actually like that you made the first move. From my experience i know he enjoyed my gesture. So that was that, oh and he did kiss me...it was very unexpected but nice. After that nice day he was distant. Though i did not freak or flip out because i have read and i knew he would be. Here is my inference, after a long day of being with the girl he liked, it may have been pretty emotional and scary for him. (Aquarius's are not the emotional type and tend to hide away when they feel like their emotions are taking over) That is exactly what he did. He did not text me for a day which was fine because i was kind of busy and me being an aquarius also was kind of doing the same thing.The next day my friend and i were planning a day at the pool with everyone. He hadnt texted me at all except to tell me that he is coming swimming with us. With this little story i just want to let you girls know that if you are not comfortable with this distant, detached demeanor of an aquarius man --> (not texting you back every time, taking a day or few away from you, last minute with replying to plans...etc) Than the aquarius man is not for you. You will just have to get used to the fact that he is either busy or is taking time away to sort through his emotions. After hardly talking to him for 2 days we went swimming together and it was another amazing time, he never left my side. He initiated to hold my hand first and even initiated a kiss. Though the kiss took a lot longer than expected, but it was still amazing. After a few days away from me its like he wanted me really bad it was a nice feeling. Also, even if he doesn't text or talk to you for a while ounce you guys are together he may say something so appealing and sweet that it will make up for all the detachment made before. I can't say i love him yet, but in the future i do. Though i wouldnt say it until he does because like i said before emotions are a touchy subject and they can again hide away. They are not the average dating guy they are very different. If you can accept their need for space, freedom and little emotion than it could work out fine. Me being an aquarius, i hate short-term relationships. I am not sure if it is the same with aquarius males but i guess we will just see. I hope i helped a little bit!
ReplyDeleteI am an aries female 20 years ago I broke an aquarius males hard and I found him on line again. I was going through a divorce and idea of a serious relationship was very scarry so I ran away from him. He admmitted that it hurt him more than his divorce. Well, now after 20 years later and second divorce that took place 3 years ago for me and a recent one after 2 years of seperation with him, we reconnected. We live different states, we both have some feelings for each other. We only Email each other although he has my number has not called me yet. I have been very open with my thoughts with him and he is more reserve which makes me nervous which I told him that. I asked him if he could communicate a little more with me which would help me calm down and I won't feel as afraid. He was more open but Emails are short and I am not sure where we are going with this. He wanted to come to see me then changed his mind due to family matters, I asked him if it would be OK if I go visit, he did not think that it was good timing. I just stood in my ground and said " You may have few excuses not to see me, but I can give 20 reasons why you should have..." He then said he will come and see me during fall or winter of 2012. I told him there is no conditions from my part, end do not interest me, I just need closure and see where it goes. How can I innitiate better approach?
ReplyDeleteI am on the cusp of Leo/Virgo and everything says that a relationship with an Aqua is "doomed" from the beginning. This is far from the truth. I am extremely attracted to Aqua and they have all been very different. Two only lasted a few months (I broke it off with them) because I felt I deserved better. I was engaged to an Aqua and with him for 5 years but he passed away suddenly. After a long hiatis, I got back into the dating scene and after dating several other men I have landed with a 4th Aquaman. Aqua will treat you like a queen if you show you are intellectual, independent, can take care of yourself and are drama free. Let them do for you. I know it's scary, but let go of him a bit. Go somewhere with friends or don't answer his calls all the time. He will chase you down like a tiger if he's really interested. Rarely call him or answer his calls and it will drive him crazy. Appear busy. Be a bit mysterious and he will come running to you. When he thinks he can't have you, that is when he will want you more. I don't like games, but let's face it....sometimes us ladies tend to give too much. Let them hunt the deer and bring it to your doorstep instead of you hunting it and bringing it to them. That's their job by nature, to swoon you. If they don't then they are not that interested and it's time to move on instead of wasting time on something that's not happening naturally. Go to the gym, visit your friends, go shopping or volunteer for a good cause. Since Aqua thinks they can change the world, they will love you for your humanity. So get out their ladies and have your own life and be a creature like no other! You will get what you want, a man who will love you forever.
ReplyDeleteTo ANONYMOUS 31 JULY 2012 14:27: YOU have been reading THE RULES - I did too....after 8 months my target Aquarian finally asked me for my phone number telling me he wanted to test out his new cell phone. But that was 3 weeks ago. He hasn't called and I am wondering how long my patience will hold out for this man. I know he likes me but still hasn't asked me out. I don't know if he is afraid of me or afraid he could end up in a committed relationship from what I have READ - pretty scary - why did I even get interested - I JUST KNOW my little heart is going to get broken.
DeleteI know I AM a creature like no other! He has never met nor will ever meet someone like me: I am independent, smart and intelligent, creative, fun, loyal kinda cute (he thinks I am beautiful), but still he just looks at me with a blank look and says NOTHING.
What I have to say to all the females who have been hurt by an Aquarius male:
ReplyDeleteSpeaking from personal experience, they seem to value independence. So when you are in the relationship with thee guys and it's not going so well try to compromise and communicate to the best of your ability but always remember to be true to yourself.
These guys are not the end-all-be-all. If it doesn't work out you are just going to have to know when to let go and they will respect you for that.
So far my relation with my Aqua guy has gone oddly well. But I keep in mind to always be on my feet with my fellow. One day it will not be sunshine and rainbows (as many of the commenters have indicated). I will be ready when that day happens.
Also, the article itself seems to hold true. I didn't even know about this article and this is what I've been doing naturally. It's worked. Go figure. :)
Also, I would like to say that I'm super affectionate to my Aquarius. In some respects we are attached to the hip. I'd like to say that I play coy and let his chase me but I don't. I'm pretty straight forward honestly. I guess you just have to figure out what works.
ReplyDeleteLike I've said, things are going oddly well and we've been going out for nearly one year.
You are one of the lucky ones - to be in love with an Aquarian Male, he allows you to be affectionate and you are both together for one year. I have been trying for 7 months to just get a date. He is interested but something is holding him back - scared maybe?
DeleteI'm a Taurius woman with an Aqua man. We've been together for almost 6 yrs. now and it was very hard for the first few yrs. with him...never really knowing if he wanted to be with me or not and it has been a long distance relationship. But this past year has shown so much progress. I am very stubborn by nature and don't give up very easy. I am always myself around him and he likes my dominating personality, he loves my crazy temper and he has become so affectionate. All I can say is if you really love your Aqua, be patient...he's worth it...well mine is :)
DeleteI am a mature older lady .a libran .. and having been seeing an aqua man also mature age, for nearly two years now... we have the most amazing fantastic , and mindblowing sex and its always like the first time.. the thing is we are not going anywhere .. he had a long marriage and does not want a live in relationship or marriage for years to come , but i know he adores and loves me . Thing is we are both in our late 50 s and i feel if i put all my eggs in one basket and just hold out for him i cold be wasting my life on him, also as he is away a lot with his work all he wants to do is sit in his house when he is home and make dinners,which is nice but he does no t want to go out or do anything anymore,, he does all his fun going out stuff when he is away with his work, i have tried to finish with him a couple of times but he always gets upset and the last time he agreed to a break and we did not see each other for two weeks , and i really missed him .. he was really cold with me when we did get back together and its taken him weeks to get back to the normal loving self he was before... he is quite needy and yet wont commit .. and when i suggested that we see other people as well he got angry and upset.. we are addicted to each other and believe me it does not get any easier as you get older .. we cant give each other up.. i am slowly accepting he wont change, i started seeing another guy a gemini and he was nice and he liked going out and doing stuff but my hear was with AQUA MAN..HELP?
ReplyDeleteI'm a pisces and he is an aqua. When we first met, we'd be chatting on a daily basis, from his train ride to work until the train ride after work. He used to tell me things like what he is doing, his interests etc. We went to the same highschool and somehow reconnected a decade later, and somehow we ended hooking up. In ways, I do understand why he's always "disappearing", because he is pretty much a typical Aqua-man, I just feel insecure, because, obviously, I like him a alot and he is a pretty cute/charming guy, of course I wouldn't want him gone. Anyhow, he would not give me his phone number, but the first time meeting him was dropping him off at home...he eventually attached his work signature onto his personal email, I get hints that he is opening up. At first, we did discuss on where things are heading, and he is aware of what I'm looking for and said that it'd take a step at a time...ok, I get it...as pissed as I get, I'd e-mail him to let him know...I've done that 4 times (those 3 page-long emails) and he did read it, I thought that he'd be gone for good...but he kept on finding ways to e-mail me again. I feel that he does like me...and whenever I have problems, he'd step up to either give me feedback, or make me feel better (in his way). Up until...when I asked if I can kiss him, he said no...and when I asked why, his response was, I don't do kissing...not affectionate at all. Well, as much as I understand...or feel, this tells me that he doesn't like me...I know that I've read the characteristics and such...I was hurt. Anyhow, what I did, was, I wrote him an email (another long one), and bluntly expressed everything...at the end, I told him that...knowing that he'd run away and who knows how long he'd be gone for...this time, I choose to run before him
ReplyDeletebecause he knows where to find me when he's ready and I'm just going to continue on with my life because I have a lot on my plate. I've done a few things that everyone above said not to do...I told him that I love him and I'm screwed, but that is a part of me, and I can't fear more..because if things are meant to be, he'd understand, and if he doesn't...then why bother?!
What do you think?!?!
I'm a tAurus girl. I'm 26 and my aquarian is 31. We met on a dating website. It's been over two years. We talk on the phone almost every day. His mind is brilliant and very energetic yet his body language is calm. It makes me want to dance. I've read a lot about aquas. If you watch any sign very carefully for a long time you will understand. They live by the do as I say not as I do. Before you trust yourself to commit to them, let them get all the bad sides out of them first. Mine is religious...catholic. So am I. I wasn't practicing my faith very well and sleeping with men and getting my heart broken. He said, duh!!! Sex is for marriage. It should be a sacred thing that happens when the very important decision of being together forever has been completed. Anyways, I've learned that yes, they are slow at progressing but it's only because they need to test out how other people work so they don't make mistakes in their own life. Let him have girl friends, let him talk to them on the phone. If you are the better example he will eventually get tired of going out with the "easy girls, with no morals" and usually dates them just for laughs...trust me he will date those types for a long time but won't commit. He won't always give a crap about what information you think is right for him, he has to figure that out on his own. Always be sweet, it's ok to give your opinion. Wait a while to make the first kiss but get it in before someone else does with magic up her sleeve...as long as you have the magic first and it's the brightest magic he won't see her.
ReplyDeleteSo... He takes me out to lunch, calls me to say morning prayers, we sleep together...not sex, not cuddle while sleeping but he loooooooves affection. Pat his hair, massage his shoulders, tell him nice stories, sing to him like he's your baby, help him out around the house, be gentle about his point of view and beliefs and he.,..along with many other men will love you forever.
He even moved away twice. Said he loved blondes and Russians...I look like Adrianna Lima. But he always comes back bc the girls always expect him to show off his skills and demand so much. He finds it offensive. Human beings should not expect in love. They should take their time and things as they feel right.
I know and we all ladies should expect the worse because life does not promise anything, but you can keep your eyes open, you just don't have to push the fact in their face because the minute they see you have chosen someone else over them, they think you will do it again and will certainly not let you in...unless they've told you they will never marry you...which mine has said many times....then 2 weeks later talks about what to name the baby. Lol crazy men, they are silly and that's what you have to treat them as, big lovable furry pups... Who will do anything for a belly rub as long as your not grabbing them by the legs and forcing them to sit down. :)
I am a Taurus dating an Aqua. I dated one before and he just pulled away approx 3 years ago. So, I swore off Aquas.
ReplyDeleteNow, I am dating a new Aqua who is just amazing. He is caring and affectionate at times. He does like when I make him wait for "it" for a long period of time so it builds up. He told me this himself. He gives an abundant of compliments. I realize the more I let him be who he is and give him his space, the close he wants to be with me. He tells me that he will call back, I wait...I do not call. Listening to him is key. when he talks listen and show you are listening...not saying too much to cut him off but still showing you are paying attention.
There's this aqua guy who seems interested in me and tells me that but I really don't understand him.I don't understand what he's going through now but I know he's been up to a lot lately. I think he really likes me and seems to be a great guy but he doesn't call or even text, and even when I call he doesn't pick my calls all the time or even aplogise for not picking. I wonder what he wants. Is he just being egocentric and full of himself?
ReplyDeleteI am an Aries dating an aqua man. At the beginning he was so mysterious and serious. I can say that he just keeps his feeling to himself. For the first few weeks he was so totally sweet and caring but after a month or so, our communication started to minimize and I found out that this is because of another girl. Well for me it's okay, being an Aries helps me a lot, I love adventures and excitements. I have my own personal problems in my life than to worry about this Aqua man because I am independent. So I just let him do whatever he want in his life, I gave him space. I don't call/text him unless he calls/texts first, but I am always available when he needs me. I don't complain or get jealous in everything he does even sometimes it hurt me. Sometimes I got revenge when he sees me with my other guy friends and get so totally jealous that his being possessiveness is so over the top. Then again he becomes sweet and caring to me, always calling me every minute, texting me, always want to see me even at school hours. After another 3 months doing that, maybe he got tired and the excitement wears off, and again our communication started to minimize. And again, I don't care, actually I'm happy being free again, I started to hang out with friends, not calling/texting him again until he calls/text first. I gave him more space, and didn't care what he was doing with his own life until again he began to chase me again because maybe he already knows that I can be happy even without him..
ReplyDeleteWell All I could say is Just be PATIENT, BE HAPPY, BE UNDERSTANDING, always give them SPACE and don't ever get JEALOUS or COMPLAIN with an aqua man.. Also they love excitement and chasing.. Don't let them know that you are head over heels to him..
I am a Leo and I have been dating an Aquarius Man for 2.5 years. I can relate to your frustration. He found me. He chased me. He did anything to get my attention. He stole me from a Pisces man, who I only started dating for 4 months and 100 times richer than him.
ReplyDeleteHe did so many wonderful-sweet-kind-surprise-charming things. He even pays half of my mortgage without putting his name on the title of our house. He is the most charming man I have ever dated. He never spent a day without calling or texting me. I thought he is Mr. Right.
Then after 2.5 years of being together (including one year of sharing this house) I asked him what his thoughts about our future, he simply said that he wants to stay boyfriend and girlfriend, but doesn't want to get married. He said that he doesn't want to lost me, but he doesn't want to be tied down.
I looked up his birthday and horoscope explained that his water sign values freedom above everything else. When I turned my back to him, he begged me for attention. When I show my love to him, he is cold and aloof and told me that he doesn’t want me to smother him. When I treat him like a butler, he treats me like a queen. When I treat him like a king, he treats me like a butler!
He is full of contradiction in our relationship and within himself. To him, half cup of water is always half empty. He always wants more than what he got even he is already a multi-millionaire and still works 16 hours a day.
My advice to you is if you love your Aquarius man enough, keep him and prepare a lot of tissues and always ready for emotional roller coaster rides. If not, let him go free and it will save your headache and heartache. I let him go and he keeps coming back. Believe it or not, I have broken up with him over 20 times during the past 2.5 years!
I realized that I need to find someone who gives me emotional stability than being with a part time lover like he is. He is fun, calm, confident, charming, and extremely intelligent, but he drives me crazy with his indecisive and aloof nature. I feel like I am wasting my time with him. Women like us are like flowers. We are only bloom in a short period of time. After a certain age, we are not as attractive anymore and wasted our time on indecisive man. He is the most frustrated man I have ever dated. That’s how most Aquarius Men are, unfortunately.
I can easily find another man, since I am quite successful (I am a millionaire as well), not bad looking, and well educated. So I decided to find a more emotionally stable man to be with. I started dating again and got busy going out and enjoying my life with new guy and gal friends. I got home late and rarely able to pick up or return his calls. He seemed to start worried of losing me and complained that I don’t pick up his calls any more.
On my birthday, he surprised me by taking me to a Mercedes Benz’s dealer and asked me to pick any car I want. He ended up bought me a new convertible Mercedes Benz. For the whole week after my birthday, he has never left my side and was being the most wonderful man on earth again, just like when we first met…
Let’s see what happened in the future, but I learned that he shows his affection when I started planning my future without him. Aquarius men seem to run after you when you walked away. I guess, giving Aquarian man a chance to chase you seems to be the only way to keep their interest, sadly…
Good luck to all Aquarius's daters/lovers/admirers/haters!
I am a cancer woman dating an aqua man, and for some reason, a lot of things I've read about aqua men do not apply to him.
ReplyDeleteFor example, he finds me to be the more spontaneous one, he can hardly keep up! Not that I mind, I love him regardless, but I find it all very odd.
Also, he isn't controlling by any means, and he's absolutely loved and adored me since day one. Which of course, I find odd, considering it says that aqua men typically tend to keep things light and carefree. He cares SO much, too much at times, lol.
He is very intellectual, however, and spiritual and has an intense passion for changing the world. But the relationship rules don't apply for him and I, nine months in I have yet to notice any of these things to be truth.
He did lose his dad two years ago, and I'm sure that that has made him a tad more emotional than most... but I'm only bringing all of this up for fear that maybe everything stated in aqua men articles is true of him, and he just has yet to voice it to me. We are so happy together, and I don't want to lose that. Do you believe that I have anything to fear? How do I keep him happy and interested?
-Concerned Cancer.