What Do Aquarius Men Like in Bed?

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The Characteristics of Aquarius Men

h The Characteristics of the Aquarius Man’s Personality

Do not mistake the vocal loudness and general nosiness of Aquarius men as a signs they are extrovert.  On closer analysis you will discover that they are introverted.  They entertain secret thoughts and all in all keep information about themselves to themselves.

Learn more about the Characteristics of Aquarius Men.  This article continues beneath this Medieval depiction of the spirit of Aquarius, the water carrier

h Meeting an Aquarius Man for the First Time

Aquarius men are friendly.  People new to his group, community or place of work will feel welcome by him… Of course, this serves his inquisitive nature about people but notice how he asks all the questions and evades giving concrete answers to questions in return.

h The Aquarius Man’s Need for His Own Space

Aquarius men need their own space, time alone or involved in their hobbies.  They resent having to spend this time with people and, for example, would not appreciate a new partner becoming involved in their hobby.  If an Aquarius man is not allowed time alone he will become restless, snappy and even quite nasty.

h Aquarius Man is Nobody’s Fool

Although Aquarius men enjoy acting the fool they do not take kindly to being treated like a fool.  They dislike pedantic explanations and, even if they are ignorant about matters, methods and procedures, they would rather discover their workings for themselves than have them explained.  They can take orders and directions but would prefer not to.  For this reason they strive for and usually attain promotion.

h Aquarius Man the Team Player

In teams, team events and games (playing sports for example) the Aquarius man is a team player.  His satisfaction in and need to win allows him to step back and let those he believes to be better at aspects forward.  For example, he’ll pass the ball when playing football to someone he believes more likely to score and you won’t finding making futile attempts at goals.

h The Intelligence of Aquarius Men

Aquarius men are among the most intelligent people of the Zodiac.  They develop their intelligence in mental challenges.  They enjoy playing chess and solving puzzles.

h The Calm Exterior of Aquarius Men

No matter what personal turmoil an Aquarius man is involved in they will always appear calm.  However, don’t exploit him or you could live to regret it, particularly if he is going through emotional relationship problems.  Provoke Aquarius man and you’ll see his nasty side.  He will not countenance his own exploitation but will also act to stop exploitation of others.

h The Unromantic but Caring Aquarius Men

He’ll forget your birthday and even his own anniversaries... unless there’s a party planned to celebrate them.  Aquarius men won’t ever be overly romantic but they do care.  If you’re his friend he’ll go to lengths to ensure your safety.  If you’re in hospital he’ll ensure he visits.  If your father is unwell he’ll keep in touch to ask you how he is.


Please use the comments section below to offer feedback, agree or disagree with this overview of the characteristics of Aquarius men.  


  1. Completely to the point. That is what I like about this website. Tongue in cheek but some harsh truths. And some of the comments are to die for they are so honest. I like the adverts too always relevant. How do you do that?

  2. lol!well aquarians are stub-born,argont but not idiot.they are very great 8 there words,thought n deeds.

  3. I have noticed strong aquarians to be

    smart, distant, unusual, unpredictable, arrogant, stubborn, unemotional, manipulative, kind, impersonal, social, curious and open minded, genius and original ideas, restless, loves playing with emotions and fooling others, loves a good debate on the world, loves justice, loves helping other people, hates people ignoring them, hates people playing mind games (some of them like it though), hates being told what to do,

    yeah that's pretty much all i can think of.

  4. He will ignore me and make me feel unimportant, until he sees that my tires are bad, and surprise me by getting me new ones. That is the Aquarius Man: practical and unemotional. You have to learn to accept that you might never get roses, but he will show his love in other ways.

  5. Help me out here guys! .... I am a Pisces female 5 years older than my Aquarius man. We started dating a year ago but broke up after a few months. He started dating another girl and I just went on doing me. About three months later, while he was still with his girlfriend he called me and started dropping all of his problems he had with her on me. I gave him my input, we had sex on his lunch break and we went back to doing our own thing. A few weeks later, he calls me and tells me he broke up with her and he needs me to come over and help him with 'something' of course, we started having sex again... But this time ~ he made it clear, he wants no strings, no questions asked, yadda yadda...Now as for me, I am not looking for a relationship, but i wouldnt mind being with someone to spend time with. a friend.....

  6. I have been with an Aquarian Man and all I can say is that for all those Virgos out there, it can take a whole deal of patience, love and persistence to continue with this. We are poles apart, except for the values, everything else differs, the temperaments, the intrests, and it's going to take a lot, and when I say LOT I mean a whole lot, to carry on with this. Try avoiding it, because if you fall in love with this guy, then things can be difficult and breaking up would be painful to think about.

  7. aquariuns are most unpredictable, loyal to those who r loyal to them n nasty to those ho hurts them.

  8. i'm an Aquarian male and all i know about myself is that wheh it comes to any relationship, i forget 99 and remember 1.

  9. Aquarius man: "grrrrrrr...never been turned on as much as I get when talking to you"
    Pisces woman (thinking):"grrrrr"? Is that a good or bad thing?

    There were several of these types of statements over a period of weeks about how much I excite him, I make him forget stuff, I cause him to lose control...

    I wasn't trying to, I was just being myself. But it seems to me by the "grrrrr" he found being excited by me or his desire of me to be disconcerting? The last thing I heard from him was an instant message from two weeks ago, "MIss you babes xxx". That was 2 weeks ago...he has faded away, after chasing me for weeks. I seemed to have scared him away somehow, inspite of giving him his space (with Venus in Aquarius -I like my space too), I didn't mind the late night calls from friends in distress, when we were in our world I was content and satisfied. Besides I knew that I had the best of him...perhaps I shouldn't have told him that?

    Aquarius man: "Sorry that took so long hun, he (one of his friends - interupted us) was very drunk and took an age to do anything. Only just got back home now. Ill see you tomorrow babe xx
    Pisces woman: "Not a problem sweetheart, I can't have you to myself all the time...besides I get the best of you."

    At any rate, as sad as I feel I must move on...back to being me as if it was all just a hiccup, perhaps he really never existed. I do know that for the 1st time in several years I let my guard down and allowed another person a glimpse into my world and now I remember why I built the walls in the first place. A lesson learned, "feel nothing, love (care) for no one".

    1. I know your pain, but trust me you will be ok.

  10. Your scenario sounds so similar to mine. He constantly texted me and at the time, I had no interest in him (aquarius). He slowly captured my interest with his charm. We ended up having sex a month later and several more times within the next month. Out of the blue, his texts were cold and short. I too let my guard down and feel played. He had made me feel alive when I was with him. I too made that decision to not prolong things any further. I still constantly think about him. It hurts but im ok. I vow not to date an aquarius man again.

  11. Pisces woman so caring loving and guarded. Love an aquarious males dating one now. Nonchalant is what I get from him. Nothing moves him. He shows interest but its so blah. He asks alot but keeps alot of secrets very independent. Im not sure if there will be passion I too am a believer space. Today after a great date. No word a like on instagram. Smh He too wore me down bc I was resitant initially. I cant ignore like he can I know aquarious men can out ignore anyone. Its amazing how they feel nothing phases or bothers them. I am a ball full of passion I can live a man like no other if he allows me. But if he hurts me I will be vicious! No man has seen mean or cold like a picses woman hurt. Sigh..... To be continued


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