What Do Aquarius Men Like in Bed?

Read our latest article What Do Aquarius Men Like in Bed? We are asking our readers to comment on this article. Is it right or wrong? Do you agree or disagree? Tell us what you think. CLICK HERE to read What Do Aquarius Men Like in Bed?

How to Keep Aquarius Man Interested | PART ONE

The Best Case Scenario: You Have Just Met Your Aquarius Man

Could be that you've just met an Aquarius man and you've found yourself on this website just out of a mild curiosity. You're thinking that this Aquarius man is pleasant enough but no big deal. You can't see yourself falling in love with him but a few dates, nothing serious, won't do any harm. HOLD THAT THOUGHT and mindset because things are going to change pretty radically and pretty soon.

The Most Likely Scenario: Your Aquarius Man Has Revealed His True Colors

More likely you've been through the stage outlined above, have fallen for your Aquarius man hook, line and sinker and he, who was at first seemingly on the same page, has turned over (started a new chapter or even a new book) and left you devastated. The first thing this group should do is read the comments left by numerous others who have/are experiencing the same with their Aquarius men. At least then you'll see you are not alone. You'll also see that you have nothing to lose and be ready to at least try some of the advice you'll find on this website.

For those of you in the first group, provided you take on board what we tell you and don't think you are somehow better equipped to deal with Aquarius man or more attractive to him than any of the others represented in the comments on this website: this is your lucky day!

A Useful Analysis of the Aquarius Man

Although this analysis is more relevant to the Water signs (Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces) who find themselves in a relationship with an Aquarius man - it is useful to the other signs to as it explains the problems you might face and (as the name of this site claims) offers "help with Aquarius men".

Aquarius Man in a Relationship is Like a Bubble Underwater 

Aquarius man is like a bubble under water . - not because he most likely, if given the opportunity, enjoys scuba-diving but because he is like a sphere containing Air living like a bubble underwater! He is fragile and any poor handling will have him burst and turn into many bubbles or flee upwards and break the surface to escape into the air. In fact, this latter behavior is what he is drawn to. So, how do you (the water in this analogy) keep the bubble in one and content within your body?

Caring for a Bubble Underwater | Caring for an Aquarius Man Relationship

You may not like what you are going to read next but this website like others in the HELP with Men! series does not pussy foot around any issues. CLICK HERE to visit the HELP with Men! website.

Bubbles are fragile so we need to keep them calm and give them space. We do not want to put the slightest bit of pressure on them, make waves or probe them. What we want to do is aim for them to engulf us and keep us safe within their center. It is only once we are in that place that we can have any security with the bubble. The first step towards this place is providing an invisible ceiling. This ceiling needs to adapt to move with the Aquarius man/bubble without him knowing. In a relationship this ceiling is built by understanding what keeps an Aquarius man happy and providing it. Aquarius needs intellectual stimulation, freedom, fun but most of all to know how lucky he is to have found you. He doesn't need a miserable, insecure nagger, a doormat, a bore, a loser or a gushy demonstrative romantic. In PART TWO we'll go into this further! Check back to read PART TWO as soon as it is published (we'll add a link here when it is...)


  1. That sound all well and fine about keeping the bubble (Aquarius) secure and happy in the water which must mean our relationship. I must agree. It make sense by my own experience with an Aquarian. However, here's where I have a problem. How do I secure my own happiness or get what I want from the relationship? What do the bubble do for me? You see, what I'm looking for here is balance. How do I get that? There has to be some give and take in order for a relationship to work and I think the problem that most partners have with their Aquarian is that they feel lost or forgotten. It would help if you can suggest more techniques into how to achieve balance with them.

    1. To the person who is looking for balance.. coming from an aquarius you need to put everything on the table ask him or her to hang out one day and even though we are not good with emotions you need to put it out there. That will tell you if they are worth it or not. We are capable of emotions you just have to pull them out of us.
      & to all the crazy women who are being negative not every aquarius is bad there are good and bad in everyone. Most of you are scornful and will stay that way it only hurts you. I have never cheated, stole $, or any of the crazy stuff. Yes I admit i am bad with communication & go into no mans land time to time but thats me and we all have things we need to work on.

  2. I think the thing with the aqua guy ,is to give them lots of space..let them know you are there for them but at the same time be your own person and dont come running every time they click their fingers ,they will be then more attracted to you.;never be a doormat but at the same time let them think they are a king to you while showing confidence in your worth .

  3. am a leo female with an Aquarius male and he loves me .. his in touch with his feelings from the day I meet him till now .. if anything am the one with communication issues .. I mean I love him to death but at times I don't show it or appreciate him .. maybe its working out because am really busy n so is he but we make time for each other n give each other space

  4. Aquarius men are selfish, rude, mean, - everything is about themselves.

    They give you no respect, use women as a piece of flesh, lie, and basically play with a women's emotions - they love to torture their prey - like a cat tortures the mouse.

    Yes they can be charming and quite sensual, however, who wants this if the rest of the personality is shallow and absolutely nasty and inconsiderate.

    I had the experience of an experience and he would basically just get what he wanted and have no concern for your feelings - or even feeding the person for 48 hours. Very inconsiderate and devastating.

    And I had to bring my own refreshments...... what a mistake!


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