What Do Aquarius Men Like in Bed?

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Tips on How to Pull an Aquarius Man | The Rules of Attraction

To pull Aquarius men you have to understand what attracts them.  Our research and observations have uncovered the following... continues below the illustration of a Medieval Aquarius man:

h What Attracts Aquarius Men?

Aquarius is the man who can be ensnared with the guessing game. He avoids dull women – doesn’t even see them – and goes straight for the one who is having most fun. She could talk the legs off a donkey and probably has some hippy girl tendencies.

h How to Attract Aquarius Men

If you’re the woman organizing the mass Conga at the office party, the only one dancing on the table in a club or the only one laughing at an inappropriate time – be prepared to pull an Aquarius. You’ve no hope with him if you blend into the background on these occasions. Whatever you do, never show any signs that you may be even a tad emotional. You rap yourself round his leg, sob and plead with him to stay and he’ll be off.

h Sound Advice Applicable if You Want to Pull a Particular Aquarius Man

If you can’t be bothered to go to the extent described above ask yourself: is he worth it?  Perhaps there is another man who more suits you natural personality.


  1. Haha I deffinately think it's my "hippie girl" tendencies that keep my aqua man interested. I wouldn't think that I'd even be his type but I'm a Sag girl and I can only be myself and I think this is what has kept him wanting me.

  2. I am currently trying to pull an Aquarius, my first time actually meeting one and being attracted to one. Actually, he's a Cap/Aqua cusp. How does this change? I'm interested in knowing more about how to pull an Aquarius :)

    Leo Likes Aquarius

  3. Well i'm a Cancer and every single site i look up says my aquarius man and i won't be able to make it. but by the looks of it we're still going hard and strong.!!

    1. go girl-b urself i 2 r cancer n have a aqua man-against all the odds but he caught me by my outgoing personality-n outrageosnous-b-coz thats wot im like-but never b 2 clingy-n try this-when your in bed n hes turned over on his side n got his bak 2 u try lightly running ur fingers all over his bak, shoulders n head,he calls it tickles n he luvs it

  4. You can't rely on the Sun sighn to come to a conclusion about your and your partners fate, you need to know your rising signs and have birth charts plotted, he very well might be Aqua but with strong influences from other planets, also if he is of the 3rd decan he will be very romantic

  5. i'm a gemini <3 i've read on other websites that gemini x aquarius is the perfect match :)

    1. yeah u r right ..i read it too somewhere ....


    My aqua drives me nuts - i will always love him but i know that it is best to stay away from him. I can not break my spirit and worship him like this sign sugests! May the real God be praised --not an aquaman! He can continue to spill the water all he wants to, but i am going to concentrate contributing to and humanity like God wants me to - maybe one day, this aqua ego will bring him back to what really matters in life and that is real love - not lust and not his selfish foolishness....hey guys prayer changes things - stop worshiping men and pray to the spirit of God who will always love and accept you and reward you with a good man who will appreciate and celebrate you!!

  7. Okay, I swear I just sat up a 3am and read every singe one of these posts. My story is quite similar but with twists. I am a libra/scorpio cusp and I met my aquarius only a few days before my move into a bigger city. He was flashy, flamobyant, and cocky. But with good reason. We only hung around a few days I believe before I slept with him. I did do that very often but he was magnetic. I was so drawnto him but in a cool independant kinda way. I moved a few days after we hit it off and afer thinking we were only gonna text once or twice, we became inseprebl almost. We texted and talked constantly. About everything. I always have been two steps ahead of him but he had the swag of a king. So we blended. He liked the challened. I was wtty and cute, untouchable but faling for him. It was love. Only that one time I experienced that feeling. Then he became long distant. We were already 5 hours away but now that I loved him, he was 5 hours away and moving on... we never had the commitment.. but I was killed and crushed. I yelled and cried cussed him and said forget it. Long story short, were still fb friends.. he comments n my posts and shows some emotion when I recently got into a relationship and changed my staus. He commented on it (withan "is this a joke"..) and I was very surprised. He even replied to one of my texts with ... ur seeing someone now" and if u knew his demeanor, tat was way too persnal for him so I know or think he loves mes He keeps me won't let me go, or maybe its mutual. I confessed to him stupidly I thought one night and said that when I looked at my current bf all I thought of was him and that he needed t tell me not to love him anymore and that I would. He neger responded. This is fb messages btw. Ater that night he texted out the blue while n the road and say "you do me so bad" another unlike him comment.. we've kept contact over 6 years now and he is a playboy to te fullest. Nothin o at least not to much has changed And I mean he doesn't hide it.. I know its silly of me to hold n but something tells me, there's a part of him that loves me still even tho he is obviously an aquarius. Its like surrounds himself with women he knows won't get his heart but leaves and reappeas on someone who oves him dearly and has showed him a lot about life. Okay I'm rambling sorry. comments please. Kindly thank u..

    1. Run from this man! They are very toxic people so happy to read all these post I said goodbye to one of 2 yrs..
      I am an aries but I have no patience left!!!!!!!! I am off the rollercoaster finally~

  8. Run run run... 6 years!!!! and yet he is not ready to discuss any kinda emotional stuff...

    i luckily came across this site when i had just met the aquarian guy. w had grt chem and our first meeting was awsm.. 2 b fair, i had told him aftr one week of meeting him that this cld develop into smthng deeper on my side since we shared a grt chemistry so if hes not into me, he shld let me know rite then and i wld just fade away.

    his answer was lets meeet and sooon.. we kept in tch but any wknd when we had planned in advance abt catching up, come friday and he wld disappear from the radar. it happned once, twice and thrice. initially i wondred wht wrong i did, that he dint even initimate me. u smhow try and qstn ur own movements, actions for making a man act this way. i really speaking just cldnt understnd. glad i came across this site. thngs sudnly got so clear...i had given this thng 2 mnhs time but nothing has changed. so i cut off all contact and moved on.. dani

  9. I'm a Taurus and have been growing with my Aqua man for maybe six months. When we r together everything is peaceful and we are in complete love. Nothing matters else n the world to me. He says I feel a void in him an d he loves to be around me. However, things r gray sometimes. I stress because naturally I want to b smothered in love and he only slightly brushes me with love. It is different and beautiful n over time u appreciate it. But we argue when he goes into his world because I feel uncared for / alone n neglected. I learned u must give Aqua his space and time n he will b back loving u the way he does. Don't talk about about why he left until u get ur emotions n check. He doesnt respond well to emotional things concerning himself. He can be a lil more understanding with ur emotions concerning others. State firmingly n plainly how u feel because of him n leave it. Return to something fun for him. In ways he is still childlike such a pure spirit. He really means no harm n when he apologizes, really let it
    go! He says things he doesn't mean because of excitement but be careful because he is deliberate with his words. That's the tricky part. He is very generous n kind a true sweetheart. Its easy to see Aquarius' flaws because they r apparent because they resist the norm. Focus on the good he does! Touch him softly, speak softly be warm to him. Make him laugh, let him see u smile, love notes etc. All things warm attract aquarius. However, dont bombard him at once when hes taken a break from u...this will further push him away. When my King is angry i offer him warm words like "im here when ur ready" n thats it. When he comes back i flood him with kisses, hugs n sex(never n public). After he may leave but know for sure u r with him n thought. They r very cold n often don't even kno who they r. Show him he is loved for him and don't expect him to change.
    A Taurus Woman

  10. I met Aqua Man In January, halfway thru my dad's 3 month fight with Cancer. We had an instant attraction and connection. It was electric. I'm an Aries. He was at pub for his brothers 41st birthday. There, w/my friend, he bought us drinks, & just stared & smiled at me the whole time. Via his friends & family I found out he was newly separated, by what I thought was a few weeks (recent enough) but later discovered a week. Challenged already. He's displaced from his marital home (9yr sr wife) & me (9 yrs jr),I'd just moved my daughter & I into my parents house to help out, as my dad was immobile.We had an AMAZING 1st date. I waited patiently for a kiss, but gave in and made the first move. On the date we were in a beautiful restaurant, he looked around & said "this would make a good place for our wedding reception".
    We had a 0.5 date later in the week where he just needed to see me to tell me something. He had to tell me that his ex wife wanted him back, & tried seducing him but he walked away. He had also been on another date (with someone else) b4 our 1st date, but wants me and will forsake all others.
    I pulled back. We were to meet on Friday, but I felt it was too much too soon. He insisted, even if it were just hang out as friends.So I agreed. We couldn't keep our hands off each other, but we had to go out for food. While waiting for our order he told me he loved me.I pulled back. In fact I stopped everything. I had way too much going on, & just couldn't add to it.2 weeks later my dad called us all in to say goodbye. I was lost. Knowing that Aquaman had recently gone through the same with his mum, I reached out.He was a fantastic support, thru dads passing & he came to the funeral & lifted me when I wanted to crumble. He met my whole family incl my exhusband.Everyone was smitten with him, & happy for me. He insisted on meeting my 5yo daughter during that time, I was falling for him so I went against my better judgement. I introduced them. She LOVED him!! He invited her to family gatherings, played with her for hours while I pottered around. I was in love. Deeply. Wholly. Solely. Incredibly. Quickly. He won me over.
    We had amazing weekends, filling them with road trips, putt putt, lots of mind blowing sex and lots of fun. He introduced me to his teenage kids who were just delightful. I got hit with a wave of depression from grieving my dad during my bday. During this time, he chose to pull back a bit, which made me worse. I was incredibly insecure,sad. I know I needed time/space, I definitely knew he needed it too, as his ex wife was always present. I used to joke that I felt like a mistress.It felt like a truth. ((She (Taurus) even beat him up with his own phone when she discovered (sneakily) my text msgs when he was picking up some tools)). I ended it. Again.
    2 nights later(Friday night) I had a dream he was back with her. I woke up at 4am and felt compelled to go to his house. He wasn't there. I went to hers. There he was. Broke my heart that he couldn't give me even a weeks grace. I let him know I knew. But he didn't contact me for 2 days, after I demanded he explain.
    He was sorrowful, & hurt himself,remorseful,& touchy feely too. The whole conversation was mixed msgs. He said he needed time/space &maybe in the future will ask me on a date if I'm available. Our only problem through our "relationship" was timing. We were terrible at it. I forgave him. He may not have been there, if not for me, so I'm at fault also.
    After reading all of these posts it's given me great insight, but also things contradict. But so many things are spot on. I haven't been able to sleep, eat or concentrate for over a week, but after reading these posts, I'm thinking to let bygones be bygones, wish him luck & get on with my life. I do hope he finds happiness, as he is an INCREDIBLE guy. I just wish we had better timing.

  11. He is the first Aquarius Man I have ever dated. It has been 2 years and 8 months. I am a Leo. He found me. He chased me. He did anything to get my attention. He stole me from a Pisces man, who I only started dating for 4 months and 100 times richer than him.

    He did so many wonderful-sweet-kind-surprise-charming things. He even pays half of my mortgage without putting his name on the title of our house. He bought me a Convertible Mercedes on my birthday. He is the most charming man I have ever dated. He never spent a day without calling or texting me. We became best friend and business partner. We own a multi-million dollars company. I thought he was Mr. Right.

    Then after 2.5 years of being together (including over a year of sharing a house) I asked him what his thoughts about our future, he simply said that he wants to stay boyfriend and girlfriend, but doesn't want to get married. I would like to get married and have a secured relationship. Since we don’t want the same thing in the future, I broke up with him. We haven’t seen each other for about two months now. Then, I met a kind, caring, and handsome doctor, who’s interested in long term relationship with me.

    Since he knew that I have met someone else, he is now afraid of losing me forever. Three days ago, he told me that he wants to marry me and can’t live without me. Then, yesterday, he said that he is afraid of getting married and needs to go to marriage/relationship counselors to see if they can help him for not being so afraid of getting marriage. Then today, he changed his online profile and looking for love online. When I saw his online profile, I told him that we should stop trying. He said that I should give him more time to think and he needs to figure things out on his own. It seems that he doesn’t want to live WITH me, but he doesn’t want to live WITHOUT me. What a complicated creature!

    I love him more than life itself and couldn’t bear to imagine my life without him. However, I am very insecure to continue to be his part time lover. He travels 50%-75% per month and I am not sure if he has other girls out there while traveling so much. He said he doesn’t have anyone else but me. He got hot and cold just like typical Aquarius. I cried a lot in the past 4 months because our relationship seems to fall apart.

    I learned that he shows his affection when I started planning my future WITHOUT him. Aquarius men seem to run after you when you WALKED AWAY. I guess, giving Aquarius man a chance to chase you seems to be the only way to keep their interest, sadly… That also made me afraid of being his wife, because being his wife would make him lost his interest forever. Being his wife probably is worse than NOT being with him at all.

    I promise, this will be the LAST Aquarius man I ever dated.


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