This website is almost three years old. Since its foundation readers have left hundreds of comments. Our intention is to remove the comments which have been left up until the end of 2011 and place them on this page under a link to the article the comments were left on. This will free up space for new comments. We will provide a link to this page near to the comments section so they can be easily accessed by our new and returning readers.
The comments are a very important aspect of this site. Our Astrologers have been inspired to carry out research and have agreed that without the suggestions or clues left by our readers they may not have gone in the same direction. We believe that the comments left have assisted us to create a website which is more hard hitting and more accurate than mainstream and popular Astrologers.
In addition HELP with Aquarius Men has led the way by example for the development of the other 11 sites in the same series. To access all the other sites: Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn and Pisces CLICK HERE.