What Do Aquarius Men Like in Bed?

Read our latest article What Do Aquarius Men Like in Bed? We are asking our readers to comment on this article. Is it right or wrong? Do you agree or disagree? Tell us what you think. CLICK HERE to read What Do Aquarius Men Like in Bed?

Aquarius Men in Love and Help for their Partners PART TWO

CLICK HERE to read PART ONE of Aquarius Men in Love and Help for their Partners in PART ONE we discussed how Aquarius men act when they are in love when they are young and when they are older. In the second part of this article we look at how to handle them...

Resolving “Young Aquarius Men in Love” Problems

CLICK HERE to read about the recent changes to this site.

If you are the partner of a first time in love Aquarius man you must address the questioning and checking up.  You can actually reason with them.  Do this during the honeymoon period when the love is heady and unhindered before they start the third degree.  Make it known that you would not relish being suspected.  Openly criticise men who check up on their partners obsessively.  This might sound a little childish but say things like “I’m glad you are not like that”.

To handle the unconscious moves of the Aquarius man to ruin your relationship you must bring it to his attention – so the moves become conscious.  Ask him in a level headed, reasoned way “Are you doing this to end our relationship?”  If you allow him to treat you badly he will abandon his respect and love for you anyway so you have nothing to lose.

If you are the partner of an Aquarian man who has fallen in love in the past and seems to be falling in love with you, you have the same two options indicated above.  Let me repeat them:  The first is to ruin it for any future attachments he might have, play with his head and exploit the situation out of a sick sense of fun.  The second is to make him realise that you are not the person for him and that his love is wasted on you and you are not the person he thinks you are.

Please comment on this article and offer feedback in the comment section below.  If you have questions relevant to your situation with an Aquarius man in love you may ask them in the comments section.  I will respond to these as soon as possible.

Added 11 December 2011: We would like to thank those readers for the comments they have left beneath this article. When it was published it was risky because it contrasted severely with the accounts of Aquarius man in love given by mainstream and popular Astrologers. However, we stuck by our principles and published this despite these doubts. The comments have proved to us that some people (among them our regular readers) actually want to be told the truth.


  1. I am in a relationship with an aquarian guy..me Gemini..he recently broke up with his ex libra...I found out they were in discussions of getting back together..I sent him a message that I am not going to entertain this love triangle...and I am not to be taken for granted..he must make up his mind what he wants...Im too good for that...I don't know if he replied becos I deleted whatsapp...so I will just wait and see...did I do the rite thing...

    1. I'm very curious to know what happened? I want to delete whatsapp also a gem dealing with an aqua guy.

    2. Hey gurl, you did the right thing. I'm Cancer and been dating my Aquarius for 4 years. Aquarius tends to have second thoughts about everything, and you have to stand up for yourself and show them you're worth more than what they think you are, then you'll keep your guy interested and hooked on you for long :) It is harder if you are insecure, but work within yourself and express your feelings with him in an honest manner, he'll understand and respect you for who you are. Most Aquarius men are very faithful lovers, and once they foudn you a keeper they'll never let go.

    3. I know it has been awhile but I wanted to say that you did the right thing. After everything I read about Aquarius Men, you do not need the headache at all.

  2. I recently met an aquarian guy & I'm a gemini woman. We clicked instantly and became intimate rather quickly. I know that we should have been friends for a little while before becoming intimate but what happened happened. Being the impatient "Gemini" that I am, I told him that I would like for us to have a relationship. He expressed that he was afraid of having a relationship because he was hurt by his ex 3 years ago. However, he also expressed that he would like to be friends and see where things go between us. I really like him and I'm willing to be patient to see where things go between us but I'm just afraid he might try to "string me along" because the same thing happened to me before with another aquarian guy that I dated.:-(

  3. Anonymous Jan 8, 2012: I'm a Gemini female I dated 3 aquarius guys back to back before and one thing I can know about Aquarians is that if they really think your a good catch for them they will straighten out. Now, they may not do it right away because just like us Gemini's Aquarious are thinkers. In fact, they do and will disect and analyze all possible outcomes before making a final decision. If he does straighten out his act and decides to choose you over his ex or other females he will be "very slow" to do it. The key in dealing with Aqaurians is "patience". Just be yourself, show him that you are a strong & independent woman, and watch how he will be sure to follow you wherever you are. It's not easy because Geminis are very impatient but it will be worth it in the end if and when he sees that your the woman he should be with....But if you do decide to move on it may be too late for him!! The thing with Aqaurians is that they can be so determined to do things "their way" in relationships that they tend to move at the last minute when their backs are up agaisnt the wall and their partners finally walk out on them. I hope this helps! :-)

  4. Can someone give me some advice, I am a Gemini female I am married and my husband is a Pisces who is a habitual cheater. Anyway I caught my husband right before thanksgiving and he left, I feel it must have been fate that I met an Aquarian man,it was like he spotted me came over start talking asked me if I wanted to go to breakfast and we talked to wee hours in the morning. The next day I spent the night with him, I guess it was me being vulnerable,but I have to say the attraction was so strong I probably would have any way. However, me and my husband tried to work things out we are still together but I think we both know it's over (to much water under the bridge. I try to see my aqua guy whenever I can I know that he talks to other women but he constantly lies to me and says he doesn't (can someone tell me what that's about). He told me he is fallin for me but I can't get a good read on him. Can any aqua males give me insight on what he is thinking, he calls me, and seems to want to see me regularly but is this just a comfortable situation because he does not have to commit. My husband has became very insecure since he's been caught several times and wants to occupy all my time, so there is only so much time I can give my aqua man. Please give me some insight I am really falling for him.

    1. well first of all, if an aquarian makes a good effort to see you, that definately means something. unless hes just looking for another affair, he's most likely looking for something more serious. also, an aquarian may seem to be flirting with other woman, but thats just us being friendly. we sometimes flirt without realizing it and others take it the wrong way. either that or he just doesnt want to lose his chance with you. so i think the best thing to do would be to keep it at a friendship level especially since your married. and you would have to keep things honest if you want things to progress. this is just from my point of view. i am an aquarius but knowing my friends that are also aquarians, we are still different from eachother in many ways. i hope this helps if you still need it

  5. Im an aquarius women dealing with an aquarius man. He has an ex in the pic. Since our relationship became a little rocky. Stating our situation we work together and happen to be in the same lime of work. Thats how we met. Friend we are,the best of. thats what we established first. Then we fell into the title(girlfriend/boyfriend) we have known eachother 6mths prioe to becoming a couple because of his past which was his ex. He told me she was too clingy and she nagged him too death. I was coming from an unstable relationship were I lost who I was. and while we were in our relationship. He made things diffcult for us to be truly committed. he let it be known we come from two difrent places, we still understand eachother and now to remain friends after we were together for 7mths. I love him. We dicussed our hang ups but we are alike in many ways. Grew up differently. I just dont know what else there is possibly to do. I need help.

  6. Response to Anonymous Jan 13, 2012 08:03 PM: Okay I've dated 4 Aquarian guys so far so I have a little experience on how to deal with them. First, you should really make a decision on whether you are going to stay with your husband (the pisces) "or" try to see where things go with the Aquarian guy. It's really not "fair" to want or expect someone else to be honest with you or commit to you when your not being fully honest or commited to them. Secondly, Aquarian guys are not as complicated as they seem. They just like to do things on their time. One of the main keys in dealing with an Aquarius is patience. Also, show him that you are interested but that you don't need him to function. If you tell him that you want a title and be in a commited relationship but he doesn't take action than you have two options. The first option is just move on with your life and kiss him good bye if you decide not to put anymore time into waiting on him. The second option is just to be patient and show him that you are independent and strong. Also show him that you are interested in him and that you like him but you don't need him to function. If he feels that you are the right woman for him then he will be sure to give you the comitted relationship and the title you want. However, there is a flip side to this. As I stated earlier, Aquarians are sooo slow when it comes to commitment & relationships so you may very well grow tired of waiting for him to commit. If you walk away from him he may come back to you when you least expect it. If this happens you will have to make a final decison on whether to let him back into your life or not. I hope this helps! :-)

    1. so true i dated an aquarian man for over a year, after the first 3-4 months (which were fantastic, he made it seem like i was his gf and wanted me forever, but never said it, just acted it) he just disappeared , got mean to me and pretty much told me where to go. I was really upset, it was like he just woke up one day hating me , so i acted stupid and msgd him, but then one day i just stopped, i was done with it, a few weeks later he msgd me and wanted to see me ( this "break" lasted a month and a half). like a fool in love i saw him he acted like he knew what he did, told me about the issues he was going through ( PETTY ISSUES AT THAT) and wanted to be normal again, ( oh and also told me what i would need to change if i wanted to be with him, but the changes were also small) so excited i went home BUT didnt call or text him. after 3 days, he msgd me just a simple hello whats up, and i knew it was bugging him i wasn't being needy of him , but in a good way. I acted like i was great said hey and went about my day, the next day he was calling me taking me out and acting like my bf again. we also talked and he said he cares about me so much i just need to let him do his thing and that's all he really needs from me. i actually came online to see about aquarian men and everything i read said give them space and they will be yours. so i did, and continued to do it, i'm also an aquarius so it doesn't bother me. now its been over a year and i let him choose when he comes over, i ask him if hes free if he wants to go do something and it works, he rarely turns me down, sees me everyday and hes the one that said i'm his girlfriend before the words even came out my mouth. he still hasn't said i love you, and neither have i but he says i more than like you all the time and i know he does. aquarian men are the nicest, funniest, carefree, fun, men i've met and if you get the right chance to be with one do it, its a challenge but its worth it in the end. one day he might just pack up and leave but i know this time he will give me an excuse and even if its a crappy one ill take it no matter how much it hurts and walk away, he will be back, and if he doesn't its not meant to be

  7. I'm confused here, you say to resolve Aqua man in love problems you have to...

    "The first is to ruin it for any future attachments he might have, play with his head and exploit the situation out of a sick sense of fun. The second is to make him realise that you are not the person for him and that his love is wasted on you and you are not the person he thinks you are." ???

  8. I have been dating and Aqua man for 3 months and omg first he tells me he is crazy about me and loves me. He tells me he is not the jealous type. Well guess what he is. When i have to talk to my x husband about legallties such insurances mortgages etc. he tells me he can't get close to me because of this. i tell him all the time that i'm crazy about him and there is nothing with me and my x. i think he is very possessive. when i'm not with him he wants to know what i'm doing. Is he really in love with me? Sometimes i wonder. He said he never felt this way about his x who he was madly in love with and she left him to go back to her x husband.
    He said they tried to go back but he said it didn't work out. Help me with this jealous Aqua man.

    1. I personaly believe that he's crazy about u why do u consider that to be a bad thing. Do u have any idea how hard it is for an aquarius man to fall in love?

    2. @Anonymous dating an Aqua man for 3 months. You've ONLY been with him three months and could still be in the honeymoon period. Whatever it is one thing for him to question where you've been and where you are but he won't take kindly to the same treatment.

      @Anonymous who offers the advice above. On what grounds do you offer this advice? Are you speaking as an Aquarius man? An Astrologer? Whatever your advice is wrong and dangerous even. We are dealing with an unhealthy relationship here which shouldn't be commended.

      It seems you know very little about the typical relationship pattern of an Aquarius man. You are wrong about it being difficult for them to fall in love too. They actually fall in love easily but resist and break the relationship because of the state of vulnerability it produces in them. Also your view of what constitutes love seems to be confused with jealousy - that's dangerous.

    3. I was with an aquarius man for a year (also bi polar)... He was smitten over me for several months and "fell in love" he was so scared that he tried to run and "persue" another woman and when caught said it was just an old friend and he would never have gone out with her anyhow. This has been a crazy roller coaster relationship for the two of us (I am Leo) and when things were good they were REAL good, but when things got bad...uggh. He was not a communicater, just ran when we had problems.
      He asked my daughter and I to move in with hem in December bc he was in love and this was the "right" one. but when things got hairy again (he decided to stay out all night once or twice a week...and I got fired up) "I" was the one abusive and he just one day did not want it anymore. no explaination but, "I made a mistake". he moved on with no feelings...emotionless pretty much (I look back now and see all the lies and running......running always away)...and I am left here picking up the pieces and trying to get back on my feet. So true this article. I am sure not all are like this, but WOW was I blind sided.

    4. one thing to consider, aquarians and leos often make each other angry and tempers flair with even a friendship between the two. also, it might have seemed like he didnt feel anything, but aquarians just hide it very well. we have a certain pride in that and it is said to make leos feel unappreciated also. that being said, it really depends how you both decide to get along. i know quite a few leos in my life and although we do piss eachother off, we find our ways to let eachother be and just have fun with it, so you are right that were not all like that, but if did say he was in love, he meant it. and he was most likely hurt by what happened but you will probably never see him show it. i think a leo and aquarian relationship will be a hard one to manage in the beginning, but with the right ones, it can be very fulfilling

  9. I KNOW my aqua man loved me, I may have even been his first love. There is no way he could have faked that! But he pushed me so far away. He kept pushing and pushing until he completely ignored me. I showed up at his house and caught him off guard to comfront him. I heard he had found a new girl. But how wouuld he have moved on so quickly? Did he talk himself out of his love for me, Was he just scared. He said he wanted to marry him. He said he couldn't imagine ever kissing another woman or even touching anyone else. Was this just a players game. Was he really in love and just scared? When I comfronted him, I asked if he loved me anymore and he said very smart mouthed "well obviously not" BUt was he making himself say this? I finally asked him are you with someone else? No answer... so I asked him again I told him I would leave if he answered honestly and so he said "Yes".. did he really just forget about me that easily. Was I just a challange? I said terribly mean things to him when I left.. just to get in his head and hopefully make him wonder... but I miss him and I love him dearly!

    1. can anyone give a follow up here? what happened? What good is all this knowledge without something working? i mean how else are people even married to these creatures?

    2. The follow up to this is.. he wasn't with anyone else. He lied. He just ran and kept running and the more I chased and demanded answers the more he ran. I haven't spoken to him since but saw him once and he looked like he was going to cry. I heard he is back with an x-girlfriend, (5 months later) but who knows. I went through hell and back after he left. I just didn't understand how someone could make me feel so amazing and then just vanish. It has almost been 6 months, and I still don't have any answers, which I think is the worst part. No closure.

  10. I don't understand the last part of the article - can someone please explain it to me?? "The first is to ruin it for any future attachments he might have, play with his head and exploit the situation out of a sick sense of fun. The second is to make him realise that you are not the person for him and that his love is wasted on you and you are not the person he thinks you are." I want to keep him, not exploit him or lose him.
    I was friends with my guy for almost 7 months before starting a relationship with them. Before we started a relationship he had already told me he loves my mind and that i am someone so dear to him he is afraid to lose me and hurt me. Anyway everything was great at first but then he started withdrawing more and more but then popping up again. The last time he saw me he told me he loved me - for the first time - but it seemed like after that he wanted to do everything possible to let me know he doesn't love me. He has refused to see me since then - except once asking to see me for something that would basically amount to a booty call. When I told him I was busy - which I was and that he could arrange a date, he said he couldn't that his schedule was too busy. I got upset and asked him when i went from being a 'dear friend' to a 'booty call' and told him to just tell me if he wants to end things with me. He didn't tell me that, he just said "have a nice day". Since then i ignored him a bit and then he contacted me and told me he missed but made no move to try to see me. I am back to ignoring him again as this is too painful for me to handle - I don't know what to do - i would appreciate any advice. Does he really love me or is he just messing with me and trying to hurt me. I feel like he is deliberately trying to humiliate me by treating me like I am nothing. Do I have any hope? I made the mistake of telling him I love him after he told me he loved me - I had been careful not to say if before but assumed it was OK since he said it first - but even when I have said it since then I have linked it with friendship, like "you're my friend and I love you dearly"

    1. It sounds to me like he does care for you, but he's afraid to get too close and let go, because then his freedom will be taken. So, now it's up to you, can you continue to live like this? If so, then stay around and wait.. if not then move one. Completely.

  11. I've been seeing an aquarius for nearly 6 months now ( known him nearly a year).. I don't know what he wants.. Recently he sed we were bf and gf but questioned are we in a relationship as this sounded too formal for him..

    He says he adores me and likes spending time with me yet relationships aren't at the top of his priorities list...

    I'm 32 and he's 33.. He knows I want to settle down and although he's said to me I would make a good wife he isn't willing to show anY commitment...

    Can anyone make any sense of this?

  12. I am a cancer and I can tell you it has been an uphill battle from the beginning being with an aquarius man. He challenges me on every inch of our relationship. He can be hurtful and he turns the table on me all the time. I love this person with all my heart, but have caught him three times with other girls. He swears he loves me and only me and he hates that I don't trust him, haha how can I trust him. Am I so stupid to stick around letting him hurt me time and time again? If you love someone is it so easy to stray and not feel a thing? Just wondering... Forever lost in aquarius.

    1. if he is with other girls but is in a relationship, he will still be faithful. if something happens that he didnt intend to, it will eat him alive and he will feel very guilty for it. it will be noticeable. jealousy isnt a good thing when it comes to aquarians though. he has a lot of friends but if he has a special someone, he will make sure he stays faithful

  13. .... I met an aquarius man 2 days before my move from one city to another. We had sex before I moved which I thought was going to ruin things and I was going to leave him where I found him but we became phone and text inseperable. All the time.. after a while I began to tell him I love him.. he waited but eventually said he loved me to which was compltely unbelievable concidering is emotioneless ways. Long story short, I fell hard, and I kin of think he did too and he just kinda dispappeared on m he lived six hours away so it wasn't hard.. this was six years ago. We still text facebook and talk periodically and he seemed to get a bit jealous when I got into a relationship recently... I ended up breaking up with my bf and this aquarius ad I are back kind of communicating. I love him with every piece of me and have never loved anyone since and I think he loves me too but he flaunts hoes around on his page and keeps around girls who are googy eyed and when I get fed up with being ignored from time to time, he'll get angry at me for threatening to eave him alone.. its like he is stringing me down the road of life, until he has all these women ut of his system and I think he keeps me because I don't melt over his everyword.. I'm a bit older than him so itry to school him in life but my feelings are so heavy for him and I'm wondering if anyone had something similar happend to them and whether the aqua man really did come back....

  14. I'm going to ask the same question asked by Anonymous on Feb. 16th and March 17th. This is a third request by a new poster. Will the Author(s) please respond?

    I, too, do not understand this advice:

    "If you are the partner of an Aquarian man who has fallen in love in the past and seems to be falling in love with you, you have the same two options indicated above. Let me repeat them: The first is to ruin it for any future attachments he might have, play with his head and exploit the situation out of a sick sense of fun. The second is to make him realise that you are not the person for him and that his love is wasted on you and you are not the person he thinks you are."

    First question: where were they mentioned "above?" Second and most important, what do they mean?

    Again, responses to that question by the Author(s).

    I have gleaned immense information and understanding from Part 1 of this article which is why I would like to learn more. After two and a half years of the break-up/get-to-together routine, yes, it has become routine, I am starting to get grasp of the Borderline Personality Disorder-like behavior of my Aquarian friend. My friends ask me why I put up with (which I don't) and I say I could be just as messed up.

    In our individual charts we both have Sun and Rising signs and inherently cause Astrological Schizophrenia in us: I'm Cancer Sun/Sagittarius Rising; he's Aquarius Sun/Scorpio Rising. Add to that all that one encounters growing up on this planet. We're just two funky people looking for love and fun.

    Hello, Author(s)...can't wait to read the clarification. Thank you!

  15. Apparently, the author(s) is(are) not tending to this blog anymore?

    1. You are wrong to assume the authors are not tending this and other sites linked from http://astrologymen.blogspot.com. All comments are handled by a person and are usually published within 24 hours.

      We have plans for more articles but we all have to be in agreement before they are published on the site.

      Thanks to everyone who comments on this and the OTHER MEN sites as these comments enrich the sites and our research.

    2. There was no assumption. It was a question. There are three posts (including mine) asking the the same question as per the beginning of my post. Please read it and comment. You will be answering three posters question.

      And, yes, as I wrote later in my post, there is great information here.

      Thank you.

  16. I have recently started going out with a Aquarius. I'm a cancer age 25. Aquarius Male is 41 haha. (Quiet). He and I have a great connection. He was married for 17 years (no kids, raised her two though). I am a single mother. When we're together I feel so secure and he seems so happy. Everyday he calls me just to see how my day was. Like I said this is very new, about 2 months we've been talking and just last week we were intimate for the first time. AH!!! My question is this... what does an aquarius man look for in a partner. He talks about a future with me, but I just want to know how do I know if he's falling in love with me? There's no way he'll tell me this soon, but any insight would be great. How do I tell if he's falling in love or feeling what I feel? And what do they look for and need in a partner. At the end of the day I will always be me. And hey! That's exactly what he tells me to be! But clue me in! :)

  17. I met an amazing Aquarius guy about two weeks ago. We met over Twitter exchanging hilarious witty banter, he's the funniest person I've ever met. This soon turned flirtatious and he pursued me incessantly over the next few days to meet him. He wasn't pervy or laddish, just mature, wise, had loads of friends and really quirky - we were literally inseparable over whatsapp. We met up, he was smitten from the word Go and so was I (although I never really let on as I'm a typical Scorpio and play my cards close to my chest). It was a completely intense week as we met up almost every day, hung out with his friends and mine, slept together after about the third date and stayed connected over text/whatsapp etc almost every second of the day. Amongst making fun of me in a cute way he paid me the most amazing compliments - most of all that I had a great personality and made him laugh. I was on cloud nine.

    Now he's a musician by trade so leads a fairly bohemian lifestyle. A visiting friend-of-a-friend had kind of been dumped on us last Sunday so this friend was hanging with us before flying home that night. The Aquarius guy and i managed to steal a couple of hours for some alone time in amongst it all, but a couple of hours before the friend had to go, my Aquarian guy sat with him and jammed on their guitars for like 2 hours solid with me just sat there next to him like a mute. All efforts to join in the conversations were ignored and I was getting more and more upset because I felt stupid just sitting there, like my presence made no difference to the vibe in the room.

    He'd asked me to stay at his that night but it was getting late and i had work the next morning and i felt like I was just sat there wasting my time so I left. He tried to persuade me to stay but I politely declined. I thought i was sending out the message that I was assertive. He apologised for it that night and the next day when I had to be the first to contact him (I kind of had a small emotional outburst letting him know how he made me feel, and subsequently, that I care), but things swiftly went downhill from there.

    After a whole day of silence I had a message from him saying he didnt want me to think I was ignoring him but he needed to sort his head out, and that he'd never met anyone as amazing as me and he was trying to figure out how to deal with it, but please not to think he'd gone cold on me. Learning from the mistakes of my emotional outburst of the previous day I reassured him that we'd only known each other a week and not to think too deeply on it. A brief, lighthearted conversation followed and now, nothing for nearly 3 days. How could he go from being SO into me to completely cutting me off? If anyone could shed some light I'd be extremely grateful!!

    1. I would say it was a mistake to give him a hard time about this: him wanting you there while he (a professional musician) made music for a couple of hours with his friend, before the friend left. That's where my warning bells went off FOR him. It just wasn't cool.

    2. 3 days and you're having a fit! Can't you just get on with your life and enjoy yourself? Make art, make contacts, cook, clean, meet new people, do your hair, swim, walk, run - do some good work to benefit people with real problems. That's what a natural partner of an Aquarius man would do. If you mope, cry, go through a list of "if only I'd..." then you really are not cut out for this relationship anyway.

      If you were bored and felt awkward with the jamming thing then you should have found something else to do and not made such an event of it.

  18. I"m a gemini woman and date an Aquarious man since 1 and half years now. We fell in love right away, i inspired him, he tried to follow my speed and we moved in together. We had fights like crazy about me feeling emotionally neglected and him feeling oppressed by my presents. So we separated but got together again. Then we fell in love again! I became pregnant and we really wanted the baby, even gave it a name and started building our nest.
    One day we had a fight about h im being out all the time and letting me alone and neglecting me again. I ran out and left the apartment. He told me that he can't take the drama anymore and said that we should seperate. I went through hell, tried to get him back, tried to keep him, reminded him of our good times, promised him to change to save our relationship and the baby but he stayed cold and told me he can't stay with me. I moved back to my place, he brought all my stuff and was gone. Then i had to find a solution what to do with the baby in me.
    I was at the end of the 2. month and he still didn't wanna work things out. After a time of fear and tears we had an abortion because i was too scared to become a single mom. Then we said goodbye to each other. Some month later we met again and started an Affair with each other but he didn't wanna commit to me. I told him after a few month that i need to be free to have a real relationship and met a nice guy. I didn't call or message him for a week and all of a sudden he wanted to see me again and told me that he was clear now, that he loves me deeply, that i am the one! I can't tell you how confused i am. I don't know if i should him this time, He seems unpredictable. Can i trust him this time? It has been a week since we see each other agin and it is wonderful, both of us changed and we still have that love for each other even after so many challenging sad things in our past. Does this love makes me blind?

    1. You both need to think on yours and his selfishness. You created a life in love but then were too far up your own bum holes to give that life any thought. I'm no bible bashing anti-abortionist but you and he give the choice people a bad name.

      This is life we are experiencing, not some cheap soap opera.

      The love you talk about is not love it is self serving shite. You are both beneath contempt. You have not been made blind but you obviously have no real feelings.

    2. I agree with Katarina.

      I think the women used the baby to manipulate to guy and make him feel guilty, to get him to come back to her. When she so he had made his mind permanently to not come back she killed the baby. If she had AIDS or a schizophrenia (which may be "inherited' by the infant) than yeah I would have understood her choice. But in this case I say no. Why did she keep the baby for 2 months? Why didn't she just get an abortion from the beginning? You don't just keep a baby while there's chance that the father comes back to us (just to constantly remind him) and then when you see he's not going back to you, you decide to kill it cause your scared "of being a single mom". There are millions of single moms in this world who can handle. Why cant you? I'm not judging her for the abortion as I am for her motivation. It's lame and I hope it keeps her up at night. She and the jerk deserve each other. If you think of calling me names as you did with Katarina, don't bother your nickname says it all. You're on the same 'page' as the confused manipulative both above. Maybe you guys should hook up.

  19. I've been dating my Aquarius guy for almost a year now. I was reluctant to even go into the relationship because of all the information I know about the sign. I'm a Taurus, so we're pretty much opposites. Oddly, he is anything but a cheater and is completely and utterly loyal to me. I accuse him and I'm always wary of what he might do but I've honestly had no problems. I don't think I make it easy on him though because I can be insecure (or in my mind extra sensitive). We fight but always get back together because of our deep love for one another. He tells me that he wants to marry me one day and everything seems too good to be true.

    Why is it that I read all of these crazy stories about Aquarius guys but I happen to get the good one of the bunch? I'm waiting for him to cheat on me or for him to push me away.

    I guess the thing about me is that once you push me away, I freak out and run as fast as I can in the other direction. So if you want to be with me you have to man up or get out. I'm also really good with giving him his privacy.

    The funny thing is he says that I act like a Gemini. I'm not even close to a cusp.

    1. You could have Venus in Gemini and thus you love/hate him in a way very acceptable to an Aquarius. If you actually would run away if he turned all Aquarius, and he knows it, that could be what keeps him true.

      Many Taurus women cannot give privacy - they want the 24/7 set up which puts typical Aquarius men in a panic. No wonder he thinks you're Gemini. However, the fact is that Aquarius/Taurus can be a beautiful relationship - fixed earth with fixed air is like a peaceful but productive day...

  20. My comment to August 2 you sound like me I am a cancer and I date a Aquarius man and we live together we get in arguments we break up and right back together he has been good to me I have insecurities but it's nothing he did just hurt from my past know relationship is perfect reguardless of the sign it when two people know what they want and who they are and when you can sit down and communicate with one another he say things out the way at time and I let him know how I feel and he apologies and we okay. I know he loves me but its a challenge because of past hurt in our lives and being patient and waiting. So ladies if u get a good one just work with him know one is perfect.

  21. I just had a relationship experience with a Capricorn man who had most all his other planets in Aquarius. I wished I'd check out this site first! lol! We were going great; after we first met he pursued me in a very flattering way. He's a dentist and cute and generous and fun and wanted to be with me all the time. I was falling hard. He took me on a cruise, we were talking about me moving in. One night when I was tried and had a few drinks, I whispered those three little words, and basically I can track the crash and burn of our cozy little thing from that point on! It's funny now, because I couldn't figure out the EXPLOSIVE temper he suddenly had and how brutally it burned me. I've been in total non communication since that moment, only 3 weeks ago, and I'm still well singed. Having studied astrology, I knew that only one planet deals that type of wound: Uranus, ruler of Aquarius. And of course I knew of Aquarius males infamous tempers (Uranus!) - it's explosive but it clears the air around them. So now I have a lot more insight - this wasn't stern Cappy Saturn stuff (there was that too, but didn't bother me) no, this was crazy Aquarius Uranus stuff. Whatever it is, it's over. Nobody's allowed to treat me that way, no matter how sad it's been to go through that and how much I miss what we had. If you want to be in a relationship with a Uranus ruled man, I recommend getting yourself an asbestos suit! OUCH!!

    1. I agree with your analysis: he's definitely an Aquarius masquerading as a Capricorn. Perhaps he was a premature birth... though I'm not sure that works - maybe (as you point out) it is all those planets in Aquarius.

      Still, I like the way you're not putting up with his shite. You go girl! Though I wouldn't be surprised if he comes back with a brilliant attempt to woo you back. How amusing would that be? Please keep us informed in another comment if it transpires.

  22. I am a leo and I have been in a relationship with an Aquarious guy for about a month now. We started out just talking and he had just ended his relationship with his ex 2 months before. He said she cheated on him and hurt him very bad and I just gave him some simple advice and his whole attitude about life just changed. It is a long distance relationship and we just talked for about a week and the day before I was suppose to leave to go back home he cornered me and said he had the biggest crush on me. Then I got in a fight with some relatives so I ended up staying by his house. Things started heating up after that and we got physical and no relationship started yet. Well I left to go to another relatives house after 3 days and when I left he cried and called my aunt and confessed to me that after spending a week and 3 days with me he was completely in love with me and he missed me so bad and I had only left him for a day. From what this article says he is totally different. I came back home and we have kept in contact through the phone and the webcam as best we can. We even talked about marriage. He brought it up any advice on this.

    1. Sounds to me like a typical Aquarius man has just swept you off your feet. I could be wrong but this situation is normal at the start of a relationship with an Aquarius man. You'll start feeling secure, making plans and counting on him and that's when he'll go missing, stop returning your calls and all the usual stuff.

      You really should read all the articles on this site and then all the comments. Aquarius men don't do cosy and don't like clingy - despite they're aptitude for making their partners hanker after such ideals. Be independent, non-needy, exciting and strong (should be easy for a Leo) if you want to keep him under your control. Go with the flow if you want to become another ex.

      I must say though, he does sound like a piece of work. The marriage talk is extreme Aquarius. Be careful out there!

  23. You know what you did but I'll spell it out for you. You touched a nerve near the part of him which needs the best of everything in front of his friends. The only woman he would take would be better than all his friends partners but he doesn't think you are. He couldn't abide any of his homeys commenting on your greater age. You are not a high flyer - I mean you work to eat.

    You attract Aquarius men because there's something they like about you. You don't keep them because you haven't figured out how to ensnare them.

    Don't try and contact him as he is just like a low-life. He is disloyal and can't stand by his convictions. Despite everything he obviously has feelings for you and you are his loss.

  24. Hi
    I'm an aries woman and met an aquarian man online a few months ago. Initially he would ALWAYS be there and then I found out he was trying to get out of a very bad marriage and he was very honest about the whole thing. SInce then he would always keep me updated and then we started talking about the future. He seems very much earnest in his commitment to be an important part of my future, even discussed the scenario about family objections if any. Previous marriage was a "convenience" of sorts from what he says and I observed and he got cheated on repeatedly by this "wife" . Now its his "messy" divorce. But in the past few weeks he's being non communicative. Just a few words here n there. Just seems he couldnt care less. But then sometimes say things that make me feel quite special to him I even confirmed outright if he means to still go by our "plans" and he says he does just not in the "right frame of mind" BUT I feel ignored although may not be deliberate but I dont want to go wrong. Help!

  25. I don't have a long story of betrayal or anything of the sort, judt a simple questions since it seems that everyone here is Gemini or Cancer or Taurus...

    How do you think an Aquarius man would fair with a Sagittarius woman? I'm Sagittarius and there is an Aquarius man that I may have to deal with pretty soon..

  26. Sagittarius female here . Aqua male was all over me for a few weeks. Calling three times a day and texting as well. We were intimate very early. After he still called but without the intensity. Before we eere intimate he would ask about all of my plans and I would answer. He even asked about activities with my children not so much the content but the time frame. Eventually it all faded.
    two months later he called once a week. This went on for a month. Now for the last week he is calling three times a day. He wants to see me. We get along but he is so flighty and I predict he will fade out again. So is this typical aqua? This sag girl cant fall for it again



  28. I'm a Taurean woman with an Aquarian Man.. and I must say I've never met a person quite like him..good thing but also not so good. Just like the other taurus/aqua relationship I too researched our match from the very beginning. What I found did not stop me from persuing this guy it told me to. Run far far away and that this was the worst zodiac match ever! Lol. But still being in the honey moon stage. I refused to let that stop us. We started off as friends and became closer as time went by.. we talked endlessly day in and day out for months. One day he told me he wanted me to be. His gf I gave him a pretty hard time with that the whole hard to get ordeal and that made him want me even more. He had moved out of town for school but later realized that he owed money to his previous school at the last minute so he could not enroll. During this time he wanted to pursue me but I made it very clear that with us being so young a long distance relationship would not work because there is so much more to a relationship than just conversation I needed to be able to physically feel him out more before. I made that decision. Not meaning sexual. But we did have one encounter before he left..One day he slipped n told me he loved me got quite and quickly changed the subject I didn't let on that I heard him but soon after he moved back he had plannd on staying there regardless of school but he said he didn't want to lose me or miss out on what we could be and we've been together ever since.

    He was so sweet leaving me letters when I got home from work after he'd already left expressing his love to me. He told me I was the girl of his dreams and its funny it says he doesn't. Like cligyness but this guy never wanted to leave my side. It was cool because we were best friends also lovers and I loved every second of it. I've never been so close to my mate before then. We've now been together for two years and we now have a beautiful baby boy..((Things moved pretty fast I know)) but things are completely different. While pregnant I had a few stormy outburst of emotions and anger when ever we'd have a disagreement. And things have been downhill since then. He wasn't very understanding. Barely any real interesting communication with him now he refuses to express himself. He's cheated and has been very cruel with words at times but I've always stood up to him letting him know I won't put up. With his crap. Now he's jealous and possesive wanting to know who I've been with or whom I've talked to while we're apart. When he does this it irkes a nerve and we get into heated arguements because of the fact that he's cheated and has done some foul things and takes a while before he thinks to apologize if he ever does decide to. I've been loyal since day one and. He knows that. So I don't believe that is fair. We've had a break. Up that lasted abt a month while we were pregnant but recently after a crazy argument leading to both our phones being broken and clothes being destroyed we decided to take a break (his doing). But still I love this man with all my heart he still wants to be with me and tries To make an effort to tell me something sweet or talk everyday since. Its been abt a week. I'm not sure I can do this up and down thing with him much longer either he wants me or. He doesn't.. I would love to be married one day but I don't know how to approach the subject without. Scaring him. And I'm not sure if marriage is suitable for an Aquarian male anyhow..Help! I Want what we had back but not sure how to go about obtaining it..

  29. Hi guys. M an aquarian guy and I have a couple of gemini girls as my best friends. But there is this Gemini whom m really attracted to lately. We knew each other through an even. Even though we couldn't meet up, we keep in touch through social networking. I like talking to her a lot and I suppose she feels the same about me, as we have a tendency to keep chatting late into the night...

    However, I dunno, maybe I've started to feel about her lately. I broke up with an ex about a year ago, and since then I flirted around a bit with little headway before meeting this one. Maybe I am being a bit crazy. She's clear that she doesn't want a relationship, but at the same time she flirts and cares for me like anything, which further confuses me. Maybe it's the dualism of a Gemini.

    Guys help me out. What should I make of her confusing signals?

  30. I am a scorpion and ive been knowing my aquarian partner since We were 6or7 We are now 23 and We lost alot of touch after i left the elementary school and recently ran into each other. And at first We spend alot of time on the phone catching up on old childhood times We did that for 2 or 3 months and When We seen each other for the first time We had sex.he would do the famous disappearing act but im a scorpio so ir only bothered me a little....but since jan hes been oozing with Love telling me he loves me he wants to get married and have a family We both have one already. Before he had a run in with the law the last time i saw him he invited me over a family members house where a bunch of guys were drinkin and talking he introduce me to everyone and unexpectedly kissing me it aroused me immediately but he was jus so publicly all over me but in a loving way i went to the bathroom and as i was fixing my Hair and glossing my lips he slipped in and started kissing me and ir got so passionate..... I need some insight on if this Will work out between us does out childhood relationship carry a strong bond or not at all.....

  31. I belief that aquarian men are nothing but soul collecters untill they Settle down with who or which ever soul they have collected through the years ..but ones he chooses that one soul out of his New or old collection ..that will be the winner and that person Will be Lucky ..its like winning the lottory lol. ...my advice is to be your Self ...keep him on a leash .. but keep your mistery don't play hard to get but play hard to figure out ...and stay Friends untill he is ready and shows you that he is ready . Ofcourse not all aqua men are the Same but we all know which type i am talking about . Ya ll don't have to agree but i hope this may help for Some ..if anything stay strong and good luck ..

    From a true gemini ;)

  32. Hey everybody I'm Jenny, it's really interesting to read all ur comments, I'm a pisces girl crazy about an aquarian man, he says he loves me & that Im the one (after many girls he dated & a marriage that failed) the thing is.. he's very inconstant ! one day he loves me & the next day he can stay the whole day without saying hi.. Im always scared that he might change his mind or go away as he's very independant & I do respect it & give him space but I also want the things to be clear as for me in a relationship you're In or you're not and if you're In it means you talk about commitment & marriage & getting engaged.. I still can't make him see my parents till now after 5 months & I don't know how long I have to wait :( thank you

  33. I recently met an Aquarius man whom I immediately clicked with. I really do enjoy his company and want this so desperately to work but I find him so frustrating in so many ways. I am a virgo, so right off the bat there are complications. I receive such mixed signals from him and have no idea what he thinks of me or where this relationship would be headed. Not only is he 10 years older then me but is also at a very transitional moment in his life. Recently graduated graduate school with job offers across the country, the man is in a state of confusion. Not only is all this happening, but to top it off his mother is dying of cancer hence his indecision on a job. I really do like him and could definitely see a future with him I just have no clue how to approach him. He will continuously text me and calls but then disappears and act uninterested for days, I have read that this is normal but it makes me question whether he is actually interested or just is playing game. He is also extremely sexual towards me which makes me wonder if he is in it just for the sex and then I remember that for the next four months I will not be seeing him face to face because I am currently in another state then him so if it was for the sex, why is he still talking to me when he knows he wont get any more months....the sex is AMAZING though. Im just extremely confused and he has me always wondering and thinking and analyzing every move I make or he makes...its exhausting. My biggest freak is spooking the skittish aqua man. HELP!

  34. i am an aries woman and had been going out with an aquarius guy for 8 years now. we had been happy for the first 2 years but after that he had been showing signs of being uncaring taking me for granted at times and caught him lying several times. i know he loves his friends especially meeting new ones always excites him and flirts a lot with girls. i heard a lot about him being a flirt and also caught him two timing me which he admitted and told me it was just a fling. but later he had another affair but he denied it.in short he had been involved with other girls and continued to lie to me about his affairs.i always had to forgive him and continued to be patient hoping he might still change. but as i had been reading about aquarian man many of whom are constant liars and two timers( well maybe not all) i started to believe he is really like that and its his nature already. lately he met a new group of friends and a new girl from this group which i found out he is interested in. my problem is his beng dishonest with me about otger girks so what i did to find out if he is lying is i tracked him with a device but unfortunately he saw it and suddenly ran away from me like never wanting to speak nor see me again. i asked him thru text if we will still meet up to talk it over but just ignored my texts and calls, so do you think he would no longer want to see me? please help because i am left hanging because it has been a week since he hasnt replied to me. i told him i was sorry i did that just to know if he isnt telling me the truth. in the past when we had fights he will just disappear for a week or two but he will still show up make peace with me and tgats how we lasted for 8 years.also he told me he didnt want to tell me that he goes out with friends especially if there were girls because he hate arguments. please tell me what you think. do aquarian men hate being checked up on where they go and is there a chance he will still show up after what i did? i hope an aquarian man can give me an answer. thanks.


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