What Do Aquarius Men Like in Bed?

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Aquarius Man with Aries Astrological Relationship Analysis

It is not too often that we find the Aquarius man in a couple with Aries. This is because, generally speaking (obviously there will be exceptions but in Astrology these actually do prove the rule) Aries is too immature for this relationship to work out. I know, Aquarius can act like children but they do this in their childlike appreciation for things - white knuckle rides and competitions for example - whereas the Aries (particularly the Aries man) needs to be cared for as if s/he were a baby and, quite frankly, Aquarius man has no time for such a palaver (ridiculous carry on).

Not only is Aries the baby of the Zodiac but also Aries is Fire or more accurately Cardinal Fire. When Aries Cardinal Fire meets Aquarius Fixed Air not only does the reaction produce hot air but it is stagnant hot air too. There might be an initial attraction felt between the two but (unless they jump into bed immediately when they'll discover that not all glistens is gold it is actually more like a cheap base metal) the conversation - so important to an Aquarius man - will be cheesey, repetitive and boring on both sided as this is exactly what they bring out in each other.

Even when the Aquarius man finds common ground with an Aries partner it inevitably won't last long. This is because that, when Aquarius starts to act in his Aquarian ways (to need his space, to go off without announcing where or when he'll be back), Aries will find his behavior rude and unpleasant and simply won't put up with it. There is no way a proper Aries would accept the disappearances, find them enigmatic or develop an unfounded jealousy because of them - as other signs might - an Aries would tell the Aquarius man where to go... and it wouldn't be anywhere nice!

Please Help Improve Our Astrological Understanding of Aquarius Man with Aries Relationships

We would appreciate comments from Aries men and women who have been in relationships with Aquarius men or who are currently within such a relationship. Has our Astrologer got it right? Has our Astrologer got it wrong? Is there something our Astrologer should have mentioned which has been overlooked?

This site grows in popularity because of the input of its readers and we hope that this will long continue.

PLEASE NOTE: For Help with other men visit our umbrella site where you will find links to our sites for all the other men of the Zodiac. CLICK HERE to go to HELP with Men!


  1. I've asked around my friends and their friends and as yet have not found an Aquarius man in a relationship with an Aries man or woman. This would seem to make your claim that there are not that many stand.
    Are you going to publish Aquarius Man with Capricorn? If you are when? How long do I have to wait? Could you do it next or will you be going through the sequence from Aries to Pisces?

  2. Hi Anon 3 December - we were going to publish them in sequence from Aries through to Pisces but I'll see if we can bring Capricorn forward.

    Thanks for your feedback on this article.

    HELP with Men Admin

  3. Obviously the exceptions lie in the astrological chart itself. I'm an aries with a Virgo moon and I'm just as aloof as the Aquarius man I'm involved with, needing just as much space as he does. Freedom is extremely important to me, and I'm very secure with or without any man's attention. Also, intellectual stimulation is extremely important to me as well, which is exactly what attracted me to the Aquarius man. We are both also very imaginative and idealistic, so when we are engaged in conversation, its hard for either of us to plant our feet back on the ground, there's really no other way for me to describe it, this is the first time I've been intellectually and spiritually connected to anyone. Based on the deeper aspects of our charts, I feel we are very compatible. The only thing I'm having to work on with this man is patience. Which is managed because I'm easily able to keep myself busy without letting the time apart ignite my imagination or insecurities. So, there's always exceptions and aries and Aquarius can be very compatible. Especially when the aries is capable and very immune to jealousy and doesn't have an appetite for attention.

  4. I'm an Aries female who has been with an Aquarius male for nearly 5 yrs im not sure what to agree on? I was very head strong girl I could do the house wife thing etc. but liked to be away feel sexy/suductive mysterious he chased me,was a very sweet funny caring man, I crumbled let down my guard he then over yrs became quite nasty always right/ knew best/ less committed distant, very judgemental the sexy side I had now in his eyes was inappropriate, my independence confidence everything I knew about myself was gone he controls so much until one day I thought no stuff u!! He likes to be chased but will wait it out and give nothing to go on, yet once he's got there he's content for a day or do, he's a workaholic no friends ( he's so judgemental) money mad unpredictable yet other times sweet loving and caring?????

  5. I'm an Aries and my boyfriend of 2 months is an Aquarius. I have been afraid we will drift apart from the beginning. The truth is I am a very jealous person, but that doesn't mean I show it and usually I am jealous for no reason. :D So I just ignore my dumb thoughts knowing that my bf is a very loyal person and he just gets along with everybody. In the end it is me who he is with at the end of the day, not someone else. It is my hand that he holds and my lips that he kisses. I'm not saying that it is easy. For him it maybe is, he is not very open about feelings. Well I'm not one to go talking about me feelings too. But it is hard for me. I respect his freedom and let him have all the freedom he wants, it's not like we are married. :D But the hard part is that I would want to be with him all the time. And we don't have much to talk about. We can't keep a conversation for more than a few minutes. We say what is needed to say and that is usually it. Okay he can go talking about his games or interests for hours, but I don't have much to add(I tried getting into the game he loves, but my computer doesn't support it, it crashes). And I am afraid that our lack of conversation will be the end of us. I have tried asking him questions making conversation. He answers and adds a few points, but he never asks me anything. He has told me that I should talk more, but when I start talking about something out of the blue he gets confused. I have much to say, but I can't come up with something to say just like that. Why doesn't he ask me anything? Isn't he interested? Otherwise we enjoy eatchothers company alot(That is how it seems to me atleast and I am quite sure he thinks the same).

  6. I am an Aries woman and I was engaged to an Aquarius man. This relationship can work if both parties are evolved. It's like an Architect (Aquarius) and Builder (Aries) dynamic. The Aquarius comes up with the grand schemes and the Aries turns said schemes into reality. If the Aquarius is too flighty or the Aries too bossy then the relationship will not work.

  7. Couldn't disagree more. I consider myself a very mature and independent Aries, although that might be due to me having gone throuh a lot and being a single mom or me being a Pisces-Aries cusp. For the past 5 years I've been involved with a 9 year younger Aquarius....or better yet: a wonderful, fantastic relationship of 14 months (I was never jealous, let him do his own thing), then he dumped me out of the blue and we were FWB for 4 months, then him begging to take me back (which I stupidly did) and after 3 months he cheated on me and left me for this Leo girl (with the typical aqua lies ofcourse). He went into that relationship full speed ahead (trying to forget me??), moving in with her after only 5 months, totally changing his personality to suit her boring one :P
    After 18 months he caught her cheating, dumped her and talked his way back into my bed and life again. Only to do the same thing when his feelings for me became too strong again. He stopped communicating and lied and dumped me for another chick (Cancer), despite him admitting to having feelings for me, being jealous when i mention other guys, me being the only person he fully trusts, the chemistry we have in and out of the bedroom, the like-minded way we think and analyze, the same sense of humour, similar interests, finishing each other's sentences.....Yeah, I know it sounds cheesy, but it was the best relationship I ever had. And the worst break ups as well. And even though I'm pretty sure he'll be back someday (typical Aquarius), I'm ready to tell him where to go....and it won't be anywhere nice (only thing in the article I can agree on).


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