What Do Aquarius Men Like in Bed?

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  1. I have been on and off with an Aquarius man for a little over a year now. At first things were HOTTT! then i guess i started caring too much, although he expressed he loved me... Thngs went downhill and i vanished for 3mnths. Today i txt, and now he's back to caring for me. Might i mention we are a long distance situation! Ladies; you can b ftiends w/them but do not catch feelings!!!!! Good Luck

  2. I really do agree with this post hot n cold there sign should be known for!!!!

  3. Hi, I'm a bit confused here because most of the comments indicate that these guys like to be friends first, physical later on. But I have just connected with someone online and the convo (all texting, no actual speaking yet) got very physical very quickly... 24 hours of messaging, but then nothing for the last day, even though he said he would ring me later. I guess 'later' could mean in a week's time, judging by what others have written! Feedback from an Aquarius man would be useful...

    1. With my aqua man everything was hot and heavy and amazing right from the beginning. I made the mistake of jumping right in and not taking it slow with him. Then at the 6 months point he pulled the plug...He said we should be best friends first. We still have sex but he is no longer affectionate with me anymore. He rarely gives me kisses or hugs or holds me. He says he cares a lot for me and that I'm the best woman he has ever had. He also says he doesn't want any other woman. (but from what I've read so far on here Aquarius lie so who knows...) My advice to you is to take it slower. Aquarius love to chase. Be his friend first

  4. Well to answer my own post (Feb 12), the Aqua man did get back in touch that very afternoon & remained in touch ever since. Raunchy texts all week culminated in him coming over to my house last night and wow!! Best ever first night sex lol. We have agreed a deal to be fwb, but no others to be involved (and we are to tell each other if we want to change this). For me I think it will be the perfect situation as I do not want emotional involvement and commitment with someone, so I am going to enjoy it while it lasts!


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