First Some GOOD NEWS!
Most Astrologers will reckon that Earth signs in a relationship with an Aquarius man are recipes for disaster. However, that sort of Astrologer expects relationships to be hunky-dory from day one – so let’s discount their hocus-pocus and provide our readers with some tips and strategies which (let’s hope) they can put into practice before they embark on a relationship with an Aquarius man or at the beginning. First though we should give them a warning.
WARNING Handle Aquarius Men with Care
You see you’ll think that dating an Aquarius will probably not lead to much. This will allow you to be yourself. You’ll first start feeling relaxed and at home with them but soon you could well realise that you love them. If you tell them that before they tell you (this sounds childish but we’ll run the risk) you will blight the relationship. You’ll make them worried that you’re about to become clingy and that (believe us) is the last thing an Aquarius wants from a partner.
The problem with Earth signs is that they want an all-encompassing – every moment of every day – relationship. This is not want an Aquarius man wants and, if the Earth signs manage to be honest with themselves, the Earth signs don’t want that either. To keep it fresh and exciting the Earth signs should take a leaf out of Aquarius man’s book and develop their own independent lives. Not only is this course of action good for you (allowing you to get on with your career, art, philosophy, cooking, decorating and all sorts of Earthly delights) it is very attractive to an Aquarius man.
That’s how Aquarius men live. They are passionate about their careers and have all sorts of interests and hobbies. In addition they have friends which they care for (sometimes too much but that’s another story) so they are NOT ignoring you and you have go to understand this and stop acting like a spoiled brat - apologies for being harsh but why mince our words?
How to Attract Aquarius Men
You’ll find all sorts of tips on how to attract Aquarius men if you read through some of the articles on this site but here is an example which can be altered to suit your particular Aquarius man.
Imagine you’re a mother of a teenage who has discovered socialising an who just loves being out with its friends. How do you get them home safely? You could keep calling and texting them. In addition you could sit around and worry what they’re up to or you could do this.
Instead just text them and let them know you’re cooking their favourite meal.
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