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We are setting out the typical course of dating an Aquarius man for those of you who are yet to embark on your first date with one. Our thinking here is that being forewarned will allow our readers to stay in charge. Yes, stay in charge and not make the same mistakes that many of our readers have made and admit to in the comments left on this site under various of the articles you'll find here. (FOR A FULL LIST OF ARTICLES ABOUT AQUARIUS MEN CLICK HERE).
In theory, if you should see what we say is true, you will then be able to take actions to control the Aquarius man soon to be in your life... and believe us you'll be glad you have read this when this happens. This way, we reckon, you'll have success and you'll be able to take it or leave it and avoid the scenario painted below.
Typical Stage 1 Dating an Aquarius Man
The first stage of dating an Aquarius man is a bit fraught. You have probably agreed to date him because he's not that bad. He seems polite and a little over eager but you decide, against your better judgement, to accept his invitation and you meet for your first date. It is average but nothing to write home about but, according to the way he reacts, he was on a different date. He thought his date with you was fantastic. In fact he thought it was so good that he needs not hold back. He calls and texts you ALL the time. It seems like he is totally smitten with you.
You don't have the heart to tell him to go away or to calm down. Anyway, haven't you always wanted a man to act like he is acting now? You start to feel secure.
Typical Stage 2 Dating an Aquarius Man
Things are going well. He is so interested in all you do and will go to all lengths to support you. You feel special and so lucky. You are on the cusp of falling in love big time. Here's this man (or so you think) who has found what he is looking for and it is just little old you. How wonderful. He keeps calling you. It is getting serious. You have no doubt that you'll be sharing your life together and that you'll really work out. Mutual satisfaction and mutual benefits. Ying, yang and all that jazz. You love him so much you have an ache in your stomach. You never thought love could feel so good.
Typical Stage 3 Dating an Aquarius Man
You feel so lucky. To think, you nearly didn't bother with him, it would have been so easy to avoid being in this heavenly situation. Your Aquarius man is fun, totally into you and - (why not?) - you decide to tell him how you feel. You are sure that he'll appreciate it and things can only get better. Are you right or wrong to feel like this and act upon your instinct?
You are WRONG!
Typical Stage 4 Dating an Aquarius Man
This is where it ends (or should end) because as soon as you start to feel confident enough to share your feelings the Aquarius man will start playing silly buggers. He'll stop calling, stop wanting to be with you and the more you want him to be like he was at the beginning the more he'll act like the men you detest. You'll discover that it was all a game to him and now he's got you loved up and compliant he has won and once he has won he will want to start to play another game - but not with you.
Omg this is so true,,,what happened? I felt loved but I see him flirting with other women and catch him in lies but he always says he is attracted to damaged women.
ReplyDeleteRather than being informative, I found this post to be quite entertaining. Thank you.
ReplyDeleteCurrently reading through some of these blog posts in my spare time, and up until now, have found most of them to share a common flaw in approach.
If and/or when:
(i) I finish reading through the whole blog
(ii) Find it worthwhile to collect, research, analyze, deduce and document
Then, I will post another comment here to detail my findings. It probably will not happen, but it may.
P.S. I commend your approach to the anonymity issue. Kudos.
This was the first site that has been right on about Aquarius men. I fell in love with an Aquarius man and we broke up at least 4 times. Each time I try to initiate a serious talk about taking responsibility and moving the relationship to the next stage he pulls back and says it isn't working. Then by the weekend we are a couple again. I'm struggling to move on.
ReplyDelete@Anonymous (13 June 2012 12:24): Disclaimer: I am not a professional. Anything expressed hereafter are merely opinions based on information provided in different websites. Also, since Aquarians generally strive to be unique and unpredictable, this would probably only be applicable to cases related to a moderate and unevolved Aquarian.
ReplyDeleteIf you are looking for a life partner in the social context, a typical Aquarian will likely not be able to provide that easily. Being a lifelong friend however is an innate character to his nature. So, unless you have a lot of patience and find him as a person worthy of the effort, you would be better served looking elsewhere on the zodiac.
What many have difficulty understanding (or sometimes even comprehending) is that an Aquarian takes any aspects related to her/is psychology very seriously. Commitment requires emotional involvement, which in turn also consumes part of her/is psyche. Since it interprets into a very important matter, in a way it weighs her/im down and in essence restricts freedom. Hence, an Aquarian rather prefers to not define any relationship that progresses beyond the boundaries of friendship.
With that said, in order to partner with this zodiac, one needs to possess certain characteristics. In the simplest sense, this helps to increase compatibility; beyond that, almost everything related to it becomes subjective (similar to the other zodiacs).
If someone is looking for a partnership with an Aquarian that progresses via social convention of typicality, then sadly they have been misguided. They should turn back properly and take any of the other 11 routes.
To be honest, all these are merely attempts to simplify complexity. So, please do proceed with extreme caution.
Well, this seems to be an unfortunate development. The following message is directed as an open letter towards the administrator(s) of this blog. I hope you read it for the sake of everyone involved.
ReplyDeleteDear Administrator(s),
It was my understanding that you appreciated and looked forward to our comments or inputs in order to better serve the audience of this blog. However, I find that recent developments attest to the contrary of this belief.
I posted a fairly long comment two to three days back in reply to one of the above commentators (Anonymous 13 June 2012 12:24) of this blog article. I shared my take on the topic in general, and suggested probable alternatives that might be worth considering. I even went as far as to post a disclaimer at the beginning of the comment to establish that those were my opinions as an ordinary member of society (i.e. as a nonprofessional in that regard).
Since then, a new article has been posted on this blog. That implies the administrators already went through the moderation process of comments and has decided not to approve the aforementioned post. If this is true, then it does question the validity of the people behind the blog and the blog itself. Not because a post has not been approved but because of the probable hypocrisy and unethical conduct that may be harboring behind such actions.
It is disappointing (at least in the user end) that we have no process of knowing or have any idea about events happening behind the scenes. So, even if we were being misguided, we would have no easy way of discovering it.
Please be aware that some of us do come here for guidance, and sometimes when we find similarities between what is described here and our experiences, we do end up inadvertently putting our trust in you (the blog administrator(s)) to guide us through these predicaments.
Moderation in public discussion generally inhibits free sharing of ideas and thoughts. However, at such a medium of free speech (Internet), it sometimes turns out to be a temporary necessity to utilize such techniques to offset the negativity some Internet users bring (i.e. Spam). That being said, I would like to understand your reason(s) behind comment moderation since you already have Spam prevention technological methodology like "CAPTCHA" enabled.
Comment moderation in essence though meant for good, by nature harbors ambiguity, which as expected, is not desirable in any sort of public discussion that aims for the general betterment of society and/or its residents. However, this (to a degree) can be mitigated by being as transparent as possible in conduct and be willing to be responsible for one's actions to the public, among other things.
This letter does not intend to criticize you (the administrator(s)) per se, since I am totally unaware of the sequence of events that occurred. However, if such actions were taken to fulfill your personal agenda (if any), then by any means this letter was to belittle such actions, and by extension - you. In general, it was meant to bring attention to probable concerns that if addressed, could better serve this blog and us (its audience) in the long run.
The sad and situational irony would be if this comment itself got moderated (for aforementioned invalid, personal reasons). Nevertheless, I felt the need to share my two cents regarding this matter. The rest is to let eventuality take its natural course.
I would like to take my leave with a cheesy quote: "With power, comes responsibility."
If you have read it this far, thank you. Take care, and wish you a good day.
P.S. If this comment does not get approval for valid reason(s), please do take time to post a comment here to address the reason(s) behind such action so that we can try to understand it better.
Our apologies but for some unknown and unfathomable reason your comments were automatically placed under spam. We have not experienced this before and it was only down to chance that we discovered them there.
DeleteWe do appreciate feedback, comments for and against what is published on this and other sites in the stable (see http://astrologymen.blogspot.com for other related sites). Your comments are particularly valuable to us. Please accept a belated thank you from us and feel free to leave further comments as we'll be checking the spam filter manually from now on.
Thing with these men is you need to have the right blend of freedom and commitment. In their eyes it makes no sense for an offical relationship to happen so early on when you can be busy exploring things with eachother together. Chilling, eating out and going places, creating memories are important to them and mean much.
ReplyDeleteAqua man thinks out of the box.
"Am I not committed to you in this moment, in what we are doing right now? Why can it not just be in this moment, for now...no-one knows what tomorrow brings."
Enjoy your moments with them, for the time you have with them is wonderful, and be that woman who is confident in your ways to let him go, give him the idea/concept of freedom and let him come back to you with something new to share. Too heavy too much too soon sends shivers up his spine, sick in his throat and a crushing soul.
He wants things to run on some untangiable pace that will almost accidentally cause you to get offical...NATURALLY. If you force it, it's feels restricted and it feels like he's in some contract. Freedom is taken away, and it all becomes a risk to him. And if you nag it makes him retreat further because he feels like he's become a problem to you and he can't convey into words what he's feeling...and he does feel...but he can't fix it how he wants to and in the way you deserve so he disappears.
So you gotta be clever in your approach...serious and almost humourous when wanting to take it to the next level. You need to make him feel secure and comfortable, be easygoing and like-minded...keep the friend vibe going, confident yet seemingly no emotional risk to him.
For Aqua men nothing is more sexy than a confident yet humble woman but with a bit of bite to her. Contradiction, yes.
Dear Administrator(s),
ReplyDeleteWith the above post only getting published, it has been established that your code of conduct are at best questionable (i.e. biased/subjective opinions passed on as guidelines, dishonesty, hypocrisy, misdirection, non-transparency, etc.) some of which I have minutely delved into on my previous comment.
It would be a futile effort in sensibility to try and communicate further to address aforementioned issues in this unbalanced playing field (i.e. a supposedly transparent medium of public communication where use of censorship seems to be prevalent to fulfill personal agenda but is masked to portray otherwise).
Hence, I'd like to thank you for preventing me from taking you seriously and wasting any effort/time here. Sure these are somewhat of an interesting read when you are blissfully ignorant (albeit unintentionally) but then, with things as they are now (evidenced from your actions), this blog along with its siblings are generally nothing more than:
(i) Page 3 fodder for curious and/or astrologically inclined but ignorant people.
(ii) An outlet of misdirection/for frustration, irritation, etc.
(iii) An attempt at trying to fulfill one's personal agenda (at the expense of others).
(iv) Advice/guidelines and/or answers for unfortunate but desperate people.
(v) A minuscule existence in World Wide Web serving the same purpose as infinite others.
That said, some has transpired to be entertaining to read when one is bored (but so has been John Derbyshire's article along with seemingly countless bland contents from publishers on different media platforms). I am assuming that is one of the reasons behind how you apparently manage to retain some of your viewers. Nevertheless, still commendable.
If and/or when there is a possibility (assuming life is supportive), there may be a probability of an attempt to return your favor someday.
Thank you for your time, and wish you all the best in any morally acceptable efforts.
P.S. If you sincerely read through it all, did you managed to notice and/or understand what was just accomplished? If yes, congratulations. If not (and assuming you want to), feel free to try again.
Dear Administrator(s),
DeleteThe following comments were all from me:
- Anonymous 14 June 2012 00:29
- Anonymous 17 June 2012 01:58
- Anonymous 22 June 2012 01:45
In light of the new information at hand, would you please delete the following two comments since they are no longer relevant and are off-topic?
- Anonymous 17 June 2012 01:58
- Anonymous 22 June 2012 01:45
Also, this comment is directed specifically towards you, the administrator(s) to ask for the above request. Like the previous two, it would become irrelevant and off-topic once you read it. So, please feel free to not publish this one as well.
Sincerely yours,
A Random Passerby
P.S. Thank you for the explanation as it helped alleviate the misunderstanding.
Nobody can be held to account for comments made even if they have since changed their mind or have new information or new understandings. Feel free to vent if you take issue with any content on this site or any of the comments that have been left.
DeleteWe can't delete anonymous comments at the behest of anonymous commentators though as this could lead to self appointed censors.
This article is right on... I'm just sad I'm reading it after He broke my heart...instead of before.. Thank you for sharing it. I take comfort in the fact that he most likely won't stay with his next girl either. When he has won the game and she grows major feelings for him...he will move along to the next one...
ReplyDeleteThis article gives me comfort because at least I know it was nothing I did...this is normal procedure for an Aquarius man.
By the way...I am done dating them!
@ Katarina Zodi: It has been a while since I have been to this site. As for your reply to my previous post (Anonymous 30 June 2012 18:54):
ReplyDelete1. The degree of accountability would depend on the type and amount of information website admin(s) possess about their users. If one has sufficient information and resource, accountability is just a matter of time and intention.
2. I think "Anonymous 17 June 2012 01:58" comment does shed light on some interesting topics. Though it still remains an off-topic conversation, there seems to be no place on this website for such viewpoints/opinions to be shared with the community. So, better be seen than none at all in this context, I guess.
3. In hindsight, in light of those "new" information, only part of that comment (Anonymous 17 June 2012 01:58) did I change my mind upon, the rest still holds true and I stand behind them. (That is, if we agree on off-topic conversations being okay.)
4. Alas! I still find "Anonymous 22 June 2012 01:45" comment to be mostly irrelevant after your reply (Katarina Zodi27 June 2012 07:40). So, with the exception of a few sentences, I no longer agree with what I said on that comment.
5. Venting, with the exception of a few, doesn't benefit majority in general. So, that is a futile practice in itself in a communal environment. Arguments, constructive criticism and debates, that is helpful and best if done in an idealistic fair environment, which as I mentioned in "Anonymous 17 June 2012 01:58" comment, this website is not.
6. You do make a valid point. That said, shouldn't you have access to my IP addresses for each of those posts? For a low traffic website such as this, it may be an accepted form of evidence. It is up to the discretion of the admin(s). If we are being an idealist, such action would probably be unacceptable.
Give it a rest.. If you're so concerned about your articles going missing, then best to drop the anonymous and put a real name to yourself. Then maybe you will get some credit. I believe your messages ended up in the spam box, because that's all you're doing here. Spamming up the blog. So now please take your complaints elsewhere and let us read these comment with out the moaning.
Deleteplease.... a new article!!
ReplyDeleteLol I remember my aquarius kept asking me if I missed him when we first started talking. I would hesitate & say um a lot. Finally he told me to just say no. I was lucky. I was interested/involved with another man at the time so I really didn't pay him that much attention. Also my life was getting busy all of a sudden so I couldn't put a lot of focus onto "us". I don't love him but there is just something about him that I adore so much.
ReplyDeleteOh my. Hmm this makes me feel a bit insecure. I'm a Leo and I'm currently with an Aquarius man. We were friends first and now we've been together for 3 months. We have a very loving relationship but my main problem is he is friends with his ex. She was his first relationship, they were together for 3 yrs and I'm the first girl he is dating since they broke up 6 yrs ago. He assures me that he only has friendship feelings for her, and that he finds it nice talking to her because she is doing interesting things with her life. This makes me feel insecure but I don't want to seem controlling and lose him. What can I do? Any advice on how to deal with Aquarius man being friends with ex would be greatly appreciated!!
ReplyDeleteAt first I found THIS to be rude and misguided then I reminded myself of the clear bias the author so elegantly conveys here which may be used for the purpose of healing old wounds; so I laughed... I say this: I apologize for all your hard comings and bad experiences. Also females should learn there is a BIG difference between boys and men...I could go further in depth on this matter, but will not.
ReplyDeleteBe well.
Sounds like dating s child aqua. I'm 32, Aquarius, and I think I may have found the love of my life, a Leo. Real men and women take relationships serious, or are up front about how they feel. The reason I say I think I found her is because I've learned from the past to take things steady, even though I'm swelling with passion for her. I won't go into a lot of detail, but she's smart, funny, independent, mature, and she actually likes the odd things that I like. She's very pretty, but was nervous to let me know she's geeky (which I love). It's really clicking, I tell her all the time what I think, how I appreciate her, how gorgeous she is, and this is the first woman I've seriously considered marrying. She gives me space, no pressure, and I'm a fool for her. She clicks so well with my personality that is devote myself to her and no one else because she is a rare gem, one of a kind, more unique and would outshine a diamond. Typical Aquarius though, I'm trying not to let her know too much too soon, but I respect where this relationship is going....that said I had to learn these things through my own mistakes, broken relationships, and hurt feelings for both parties in the past. Boys grow up, and men take the time to be honest and respectful with women, especially the ones they love. Thanks, hoped it helped