We believe in developing
Radical Astrology about Men
Click Here to read about changes to this site made 6th June 2012
Radical Astrology about Men
Click Here to read about changes to this site made 6th June 2012
It is about time an Astrologer took the gloves off and instead of pussy-footing around actually addressed problems with men. On this site and all others linked to from HELP with Men! that time has come. After all, nobody is going to seek out a site like this if all is well in their relationships. The partners of Aquarius men and of other men who go to one of our other sites via HELP with Men! want advice, ideas and the views of others in the same situation as them. These partners don't want the overly romantic gush they get from the pens of popularist Astrologers.
This website brings together previously published articles about Aquarius Men but adds new material written by a group of Astrologers too. None of the articles is a regurgitation of what has been published elsewhere by other Astrologers but are by Astrologers who have no intention of pulling punches. If you expect the sanitized gush you get from popular and mainstream Astrologers then go elsewhere.
Empowering Partners with Astrological Relationship Advice

It is the 21st century and men must be treated as equals and not allowed to lord it above the women or other men they partner with. Getting inside their heads with the use of Astrology is one way to ensure this happens. If your man doesn't improve your life perhaps it is time to let go - we'll help you with that. If your man does not live up to the potential of your partnership we'll help you with that too.
Aquarius Men was the first website in a series of twelve - one each for all of the Zodiac signs - and as such it contains more than the other sites at the moment... but that is actively being rectified by us because we want to paint a picture of each star sign which addresses warts and all - something that just hasn't been done elsewher. For links to the other site visit the new mother site HELP with Men!
Your Comments Improve this Site
Anyone can comment on any or all of the articles and can do so anonymously. We encourage comments and questions and will do my utmost to answer them and (if necessary) investigate and improve the site's content. Use the comment section beneath any of the articles. All comments are viewed before they are published and none which contain abuse or unsuitable content will be published.
Comments have inspired new research and have sent this and the websites in the HELP with Men! series in directions we would not have otherwise taken.