This Sun following means that Mercury is usually in the same sign as that in which the Sun is positioned. If Mercury is not in the same sign as a native's Sun it must be in the sign before or the sign after the Sun sign. This means there are three kinds of Aquarius thinkers. These are:
1 Capricorn Mercury ~ Aquarius Sun
2 Aquarius Mercury ~ Aquarius Sun
3 Pisces Mercury ~ Aquarius Sun
In the following outlines we attempt to pinpoint the usually subtle differences which this Mercury position causes its Aquarius natives. We have exaggerated the outcomes purposely in the hope of bringing clarity to the issue. Your comments (as ever) will be appreciated.
This Mercury is most common in early born Aquarius (20th January - 19th February). Theirs is a more ordered mind. These Aquarius are capable of methodical thought but they'll still have their Aquarius flourishes and whimsical ways. The sensible Aquarius has this configuration. He is the team player Aquarius; he is dependable as a team member. It is highly desirable to have the ability to control and possibly apply the genius creativity in the Aquarius and in theory this is what Mercury in Capricorn/Aquarius Sun indicates.
2 Aquarius Mercury ~ Aquarius Sun
This is possibly the weirdest Aquarius and perhaps the weirdest person in the Zodiac. This is also most Aquarius men. You'll never be able to fully understand this configuration unless you have the same yourself. Weird, zany, flights of fancy, thoughts born with a flourish. He'll need to be alone to think and will possibly have interests which supply the time on their own activity. Scuba diving springs to mind but also white-knuckle rides spring to mind as hobbies which supply this space to think.
3 Pisces Mercury ~ Aquarius Sun
Mercury is always positioned near your natal sun. It cannot be opposite you’re sun – which is a blessing. This impossible configuration would produce a native with a self-destructive thought process. Fortunately most Mercury positions work for the native and to some extent ensures that their personality and minds work together. There is however one positioning its natives should be cautious with.
When planets are within an orb of 5 degrees they are said to be in conjunction; all planets that is but the Sun and Mercury. They are said to be ‘combust’ in this position. This combustion seems to spark things off. I remember casting Marvin Gaye and his father’s natal horoscopes and discovering that both natives has Mercury combust in Aries. This was after the infanticide of Marvin Gaye.
I'm so glad I discovered this website about Aquarius men. It seems I only date Aquarius men (I'm a Libra) and I always make a mess of it. This time I am better prepared and will be taking lots of advice from here. Thank you. I'll update about how I get on.