What Do Aquarius Men Like in Bed?

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Can Aquarius Men Commit to a Relationship? PART ONE

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Many men and women (after all, let's not forget that Aquarius men are more likely to be veering towards a fully homosexual sexuality than any other zodiac or star sign) come to this website looking for the answer to this very question: Can Aquarius men commit to a relationship? Readers return time and time again (our statistics show that 30% of visitors are returning) because we tell it as it is whereas other sites mess them around, guild the lily and never just come out and say it as it is.

This article should illustrate that ALL the sites in the HELP with Men! series tell it as it is - even when that is not gushing, over-romanticized nonsense... which is usually isn't!

To show that this site is different, with not even an iota's more pomp, here is the answer to that precise question:
Question: Can Aquarius men commit to a relationship? 

How to Cope with this Problem with Aquarius Men

Do yourself a favor and keep this in mind. Really, you are better off expecting your relationship to finish than to invest everything in it. Apart from anything else, you start investing everything in a relationship with an Aquarius man and he'll find that very stressful. Listen to what his mind is saying during such episodes of his life.  As it is impossible to listen to anyone's mind I have taken the liberty of transcribing the thoughts in a typical Aquarius man's head when he realises that his partner is convinced that their relationship with him is set in concrete:

"No, no, no... how can I continue like this... how can I be myself when someone else is always there, never letting me do my own thing, preventing my evolution, preventing my escapes - no more me time, no more socialising, no more life for me... it's all over... I've got to get out!... I'll just say I'm popping to the shops... then I'll never return..."

Now, sorry to do this but I'm leaving this there. Don't worry though, I'm not an Aquarius man so I'll be publishing part two of this article soon. I'm still working on part two which is probably the most difficult article I've ever written. In part two I'll give you recommendations as to how you can achieve a permanent relatuonship with an Aquarius man. Part two will outline methods of manipulating the Aquarius man you want to be in a solid, long-term relationship with. Can you imagine how difficult this will be for some people? Let me tell you - without beating around the bush - most of you reading this will NOT be able to pull it off.

Check back soon... I'm still working on it!


  1. OMG! Why do the other sites about Aquarius give nothing but the "gushing, over-romanticized" rubbish you talk about? They have nothing but good to say about Aquarius men. This is the first site I've come across that really "tells it as it is" and allows its readers to do the same in their comments.


    1. Other sites think they can fool you and part you from your money by telling you what you want to hear. They operate under the assumption that there's one born every minute. It is a pity but the ones born every minute don't seem to make it to this site. They accept the sugar coated versions pumped out by so called Astrologers on the "gushing, over romanticized" sites and then go away with no help and no means of gaining an upper hand or even an equal hand.

    2. Thannks for the votes of confidence - we do our best.

  2. When will you post part 2?!

  3. My mom and dad are BOTH Aquarius and have been married, mostly happily, for 51 years. I think modern values emphasizing self have been good for some and maybe not so good in maturing the Aquarian in some cases. I'm a first decan Libra (ruled by Venus) and read a passage in the book Sextrology that certainly described my parents. They both had careers and gave me the message of relationships as being of separate but equal strong-willed individualists. My upbringing is probably the reason I've somehow "kept" an Aquarius man for 3 years, because for the last 2 years I haven't given it my all. Saturn's transit through Libra for these past 2 years has helped by growing my self-reliance ...I met my Aquarius at work. I knew he was interested in me but ignored him for the first year because I knew he lived with someone. I didn't want crumbs from the table. Even after he was single, I avoided unnecessary contact with him for 6+ months. Let's face it, Aquarians are odd and I was not physically attracted. In the first year after we got together, I experienced the disappearances, flakiness, lack of accountability, stinginess with personal details, etc off and on. I was completely thrown, and kept trying to communicate the issues. I don't do this anymore! After the first year, I got fed up that he didn't return the last proverbial straw email, and dumped him by text while he was abroad on business. When he returned, I was surprised to see him (at work) trying not to look hurt and uncomfortable. I stuck to my guns and ignored him. I felt his non-feeling modus operandi had made me the holder of feelings. Why was I the only one who felt a desire of relatedness if he was supposedly also a party to the proceedings? Anyhow, after awhile he took to showing up at my office at the end of everyday to walk me to my car for 2-3 months, and we began again. This time I was fully armed. I'm a single parent with a very demanding career, so I made sure this man did not mess with my priorities or my head. The only way for me to do this that feels natural and fulfilling has been to exercise my core values of equality and reciprocity. Re: responsiveness, I say "if you don't write back, you lose a friend." Re: seeing other people openly or not, I told him "What's sauce for the goose is gravy for the gander." In other relationships, I've put the issues on the table but in this one, it seems counterproductive since he can't get the words (and associated feelings) out. I just think it through and say something in passing. And without doing this intentionally, I realize I don't say I love you, I miss you, blah blah because he never does; but my parents never said those things to me either and I always felt their love. ...Overall, I feel this person came to me because my soul wanted to learn autonomy and his soul wanted to learn intimacy. The longer we are together, the more we become like the other. I wouldn't be surprised if he proposed and I said no thanks ;-) Frankly, I would need my own bedroom and general space in addition to a shared bed and a shared life.

    1. You have learnt very well and quite quickly about this, I was in exactly same boat as you,single parent of 2, working full time etc and was very independant and intelligent. We fell in love instantly, and he wanted everything we got engaged he moved in we bought another house to renovate together etc etc, but that was 10 years ago, we parted 2 months ago and he has jumped in a realtionship for fun with a woman 30 years younger than himself. Dont expect it ever to go smoothly, he was besotted with me I truly believe that, but he was a 50 years child craving attention, and wanted me all to himself, not happening when working and have 2 young children, but he has blamed the children for everything, and now at 60 he is behaving like a 20 year old, and im having to watch it as he has not moved out. Trust your judgement, I would say you ave your head scrwed on and are an intelligent person, dont drop your guard ever.

    2. Its interesting you say you would need your own bedroom and space, as that what happened to us, after about 3 years he moved into the spare room said it was his back problem, but never came back, and now has met someone to cuddle and wake up with, and have sex with. He has ignored my complaints for 6 years.

    3. My heartfelt thanks to the contributors who commented on May 12. I don't know if this happens to the two of you, but I feel like I'm the one who figures out the issues and puts them into words while the Aquarius just goes about his inappropriate, alienating business as usal. Therefore, I have to put a lot of faith in what I THINK is true. It's so nice to hear confirmation! At this point, I haven't initiated any contact for 8 months and he finds a reason to come over, to take me to lunch, to give me belated xmas presents (in April), etc. In no way do I allow him to turn it into a booty call. When he comes to my house, he's like that uncle who visits and never leaves. Yet he won't be held accountable for his absences. I feel a real partner is always accountable; that's the deal you make in a partnership. I've told him he's a friend to me now and should never have been more than that. There was a time when I would be wracked with sobs behind my bedroom door while my son was innocently waiting for mom to come out and make dinner, help with homework, be a mom to him. That man will never get to do that to me again.

  4. My husband is an aqua and has every trait posted on this site. He lives for cheating. He is physically there but emotionally and spiritually absent. he lies, not interested in sex with me but spends countless hourswatching porn and sexting wth at least four different women. On the eve of our anniversary, he came up with some urgent excuse to leave one day beore our trip to NY so I had to take a bus to meet him there. Come to find out, he had gone to meet another woman with whom he spent the night. Needless to say, we had not been intimate for about 2 months because he stays tired and I expected some on our anniversary... blah, blah, blah! When I told him he was very disrespectful, his response was, he was used to doing what he wanted, without having to report to anyone. He feels he is in jail, not free, feels suffocated, and very unhappy. I had never restricted him but I see evidences of other women each time he returns from a trip. That's why he thinks I restrict him. I told him when people get married, they stop doing cerain things they did when they were single - like not sexting or actively dating. To cut a long story short, I told him to go ahead and feel free ... file for divorce but he would not agree to divorce. I need my sex life back and can't get a man while still married.... it's immoral!! At least he gets all te sex he want because he has no heart or soul!

  5. My boyfriend is an Aquarius and I have been hurt by him many times. When we started dating I was out of a relationship for a while. I dated but I never ran into guys I was interested. When I met my Aquarius I instantly fell in love with him. He appeared like the type that was ready to settle down. Within 3 weeks of dating he said “I love you”. I wasn’t ready so I didn’t say it back. Our relationship was great and I started to feel very secure about our future together. It appears he told me all the things I wanted to hear. His goal in dating me was to make me his wife one day.

    Fast forward to 3 months down the road, he grew distant not communicating and his morning messages stopped. I confronted him on his behavior. I’m a Gemini and I read on other websites that we would be a perfect match that would last a long time. He apologizes or rather stares at me blankly until I told him how it makes me feel. He promises he will work on it. His efforts last for 2 days.

    He starts distancing himself emotionally and physically. He is less available to me and accused me of wanting to suck up his time. I back off and give him space. At this point he doesn’t want me to sleep over anymore. I don’t know what to do so unless he invites me over I don’t ever ask to sleep over. He ignores my phone calls, text messages and any attempt to communicate with him. Being the Gemini that I am I call him in a rage.

    He breaks it off with me again. I go over to pick up my belongings, we talk and make up. We have an amazing weekend together but he continues to be distant. He attributes it to being stressed out from work and school. I make more of an effort to be supportive and at his side.

    He forgets my birthday and I am a total mess. He apologizes and I asked him to think about where this relationship is headed. I emotionally lashed out at him. He ignores my calls, text messages and then simply asked me to pick up my belongings. I don’t go the day he tells me he is available I go on my own time. He ignores me and refuses to acknowledge my presences.
    I become furious and demanded that he talk to me. He refuses to engage in a real conversation. I told him he was obligated to give me a heart to heart answer. I told him he was wasting my time he gives me a detached blank emotionless look. He agrees he will talk in depth on a given date. I show up on that given date, we don’t have the talk. He avoids the subject and I brush it to the side. Supposedly we are back together but he continues to ignore me.

    It frustrates me because I tell him to be honest with me. I invested time and emotion into this relationship. On the outside he seems like a great guy but I do question if he is cheating on me. He has time to play online games with friends but doesn’t have enough respect to acknowledge my presence. When we are together in person he is great. Lately I feel he has been moody with me. I don’t know how much longer I can take. My friends and family tells me to run because he has no real commitment to me. I've come to accept his selfish ways. I love the man and don't have the strength to move on. When I'm ready to move on he pulls me back.

  6. I think in order to have a sucessful commited relationship with an Aquarian man, you need to have the right balance between freedom and commitment. Sounds strange, but it won't work otherwise. You need to place said aquarian where they know deep down that you are loyal, independent, feisty in morals yet won't crumble when they leave to do something else that dosen't involve you....when they go to enrich other parts of their life, be it with friends or having me time. You must offer them the ultimate freedom, or at least the idea of it, of what they FEEL is freedom, to come and go as they please. On a day-to-day basis they need to feel like nothing's changed, but know that you are a team, will never bail on eachother, and you've both fallen desperately in love with and can't do without eachother. (Remember: FIXED SIGN)

    You'll need to be able to have fun with and without eachother. Aqua will offer stability in staying with you, and will be loyal as long as you are and both work keep to keep eachother happy with lots of freedom to roam and change. No day will be the same. With him having loads of friends, be it female or male this should enrich your social relationship rather than hinder it in his eyes.

    This dosen't mean that you wont have morals. When you are commiting make sure you make clear what you need out of the relationship and vice-versa. Make firm boundaries and assert them. If he bails on you it's usually because it's scary for him and a big emotional investiment. Be understanding to his needs and don't offer ultimations. Allow him time to decide if he's willing to take the risk. Be non-judgemental and a rock to him in making him feel secure, wanted and forgiving in his actions and be understanding in the fact he feels vunerable and this will cause him to withdraw to assess all these emotions he feels strongly yet can't quite convey into words to explain to you...keep track of his actions....and adapt to his sensitive needs, because he is sensitive...deep down he really is...but also be firm in your needs and tolerance with the situation...again, balance.

    Do your relationship contract and then basically let go and live happy.

    Aqua don't do drama all the time. Deep down he wants to live in that bohemian way, he wants to be committed and happy with you. But like in a science lab mixing chemicals, you need to have the right balance. He also needs to know you are secure as a woman and secure in his ways. And you have to be willing to commit to his way of life, and be happy living and thriving in it.

    To mix with others and do other things is piviotal to them and they love when they see you happy doing your thing too, and getting on with things, and coming back to share about your adventures. Now and then you will change it up a bit and do something outrageous which will ignite Aqua and keep you firmly on his mind when he's away from you. And when he comes back to you, you will feel every part of his longing for you. Take the time to keep the spirit of your relationship alive and the cycle continues. He won't go anywhere and you'll have the aqua man for life.

    Because when Aqua sees you thriving, they thrive with you.

  7. Though my aquaman and i never made it to a relationship, i can definitely say that what kept us going was freedom + togetherness (ironic) we would give eachother time to breathe then come back again, have fun, laugh etc then another breather. this is the only way to work with an aquarius. if you cant do it, forget it and leave. they need their freedom fun and independence outside of you, and they dont do it to hurt you or anything, its just a part of their nature. luckily i require freedom and solitude as well, so it worked perfectly fine, however things got deep and i knew i would eventually want a relationship from him, i knew he was not ready at the time and so i left. generally i dont regret it because there is something very emotionally draining about aquarius, they take you from heaven straight to hell and keep you there until they are ready to let you out. No one should ever have to go through hell before they can get to heaven (commitment) with someone. unacceptable.

  8. Anonymous20 June 2012 11:55 +++++ absolutely right!

  9. thank you all for your comment. I do feel better now and no matter how difficult it was to leave, I feel I will not regret it. thanks to you all and please continue to post other things what will help us.

  10. Was wondering if there is a Part Two somewhere accessible?


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